Dear Lord...

  • Its worse then I thought. So this whole time I haven't weighed myself thinking I was still at least 185 because I don't look much bigger so I thought. So I went to walmart and finally bought a cheap scale and came home.

    185? HA! try 20 pounds more! I Can't believe i'm 205 pounds! Now I really want to cry! lol.

    So my question is has there been times before you started to loose weight and you thought you were a certain weight but when you weighed yourself you were shocked at the results?
  • Yes - that's exactly what really lit a spark under me for what I am now doing. I thought I was "too big" at 194...stepped on the scale and saw 215!! Can't change the past, though...just work hard towards a new and fabulous you. You can do this! Don't cry. I think it's happened to a lot of us. I can tell you that I identified with your post IMMENSELY. You are not alone.
  • Yup! I thought I weighed about 155, surely no more than 160, a few years ago.... And when I went to the doctor and didn't turn my head fast enough, I saw that I was 190lbs. Major. Sad. Face. But that shock was enough to get me to lose the weight. Accept the weight, accept what's happened, and then get to work. Don't dwell on it too much!! =)
  • It happens. It's terrible but it happens and you just gotta get with the program and lose the weight! I thought I weighed about 135-140, because last time I weighed myself that WAS what I weighed. I was completely shocked when I saw 158 on the scale. I just sat down and cried, but it made me even more determined to lose the weight!

    On the brightside, at least now you did it and can move on instead of being scared to step on the scale
    this is what spurred me into major action mode last year. I thought i was 160 lb. Stepped on the scale and was 174 lb! I cried. but then I got on with it. it totally devastated and then motivated me.

  • I'm not really dwelling on it, it was more of a shocker but I guess now I'll feel more accomplished when I loose 65 pounds instead of 40. I know i'm weird! But thanks guys i'm glad i'm not the only one who thought they were a certain weight then bam smack oh crap! lol. Don't worry it's not really even a set back it's more of a okay now it's time to get SERIOUS!

  • About this time last year I went to the doctor for a swollen ankle and lower back pain. i was working on a home remodeling show (which the crew did most of the work for) and thought the extra strains at work were what was causing all the commotion. I hadn't weighted myself in years but when I got on the scale and it said 244 the moment was surreal. It was even more unbelievable when the doctor said I needed to lose 100 pounds. Just like that "you need to lose 100 pounds" as if it was as easy as taking off my hat. I couldn't believe it. I never pegged myself as being 100 pounds overweight but I guess I am...well, 75 now...
  • Absolutely - I cried for days when I saw 223 on the scale. For years I assumed I was 190, which while not good, was more acceptable to me.
  • Ahhh yes, those scale shocks! I went to the doctor last July thinking that I was probably around 190, I knew I had put on a little weight. I almost broke down in tears when it popped up at 213, then the doctor mentioned that I had put on about 40 lbs since my last visit a year prior. It was definitely a wake up call.