Weekly Weigh-In 08-11

  • This week, the scale & I are friends...I've lost another pound!! After weeks of staying the same, sure felt great to step on that scale and see a new number.....Yeah!!!!

    Still having trouble getting back into the exercise groove...I think I'll try working out in the morning instead of the evening...that is definately out of my comfort zone..I'm not a morning person!

    Goal for the week: drink more water, work out 20 minutes each
    day, end the week 5 points under.

    'till the next time...
    have a great "losing" week!

  • so far so good.....
    Hi Geminisue. Congratulations on the loss!! I'm hanging in there although was sorely tempted at Ben and Jerry's today. Willpower won, and I had a low fat frozen yogurt for only 4 pts. It was delish and definitely worth it!!! It could have been alot worse thats for sure.....next time I'll have my pt book (just to be safe as I took a guess on the fr. yogurt) My weighin is on Monday so we'll see.......have a good weekend.
  • Hi Angel Eyes..

    You did great! I admire your willpower and I think you did okay on the points..low-fat has 2 pts per scoop. (I have avoided ice cream shops, etc.. forgetting that most now have low-fat versions to enjoy).

    Did my weigh-in this morning and have dropped yet another pound...slow, but, steady. At least it is going in the right direction.

    Have a great week!