I WILL proudly say I lost 100 lbs!

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  • I just had the oddest thought pop into my head. For half a moment I wished I had 200 lbs to lose so I can one day say, "Oh yeah, I lost 200 lbs." So I thought I'd share that with all of you. No matter how much you have to lose or have lost, it's quite an amazing accomplishment to have lost such a large amount.

    I then thought that so many of us are focused on the fact that we shouldn't have been that overweight to begin with. But I say it doesn't matter. In the end, that's quite a number to be really, really proud of.

    Stand proud 100+ clubbers!
  • Sometimes it IS embarrassing to say that I have lost 165 pounds and I have 65 more to go! BUT I'd rather say that they say I have 227 lbs STILL to lose Focus on the positive right?
  • I shovved my goal weight down by a pound to make it even out into a nice round 100lb to lose!
  • Oh man, I think I'm gonna tell everybody when I reach goal weight! It's not like no one knew I was fat. I'm damn proud of the weight I've lost and the weight I WILL lose!
  • WTG -- congrats!!
  • Quote: Sometimes it IS embarrassing to say that I have lost 165 pounds and I have 65 more to go! BUT I'd rather say that they say I have 227 lbs STILL to lose Focus on the positive right?
    So true. I find it kinda weird to say I've lost 100 lbs but I've got 65 to go. I'm so freakin' proud of my loss, but I usually just tell people (other than close friends/family) that I'm 2/3 of the way to my goal. Once I reach my goal I'll probably take out a billboard to announce to the world all that I've accomplished in exact detail, lol.
  • People whom I've met recently don't believe I've lost 161 lbs unless I pull out the pics to prove it...it's weird. Then they **really** don't believe me when I tell them I've got about another 50 lbs to go. I guess I look pretty normal/average in clothes but undressed you can totally tell I need to lose another 50.

    I can't believe I ever weighed nearly 400 lbs, I can't believe I don't still weigh that much, I can't believe I've lost over 160 lbs, I can't believe I'm going to eventually lose 200 lbs...none of it is believable. But there it is.
  • Congrats! It is an awesome accomplishment I hope one day to say I've lost 200 lbs and I will say it proudly as well.
  • Losing that amount of weight really is an amazing accomplishment. You're right. We can all be proud of the changes we've made and our determination to continue to our goals. Yea!! to all us "fat chicks".
  • I am so proud of everyone On here & all there loss!
    I am 5.1 pounds more or less from losing 100 Pounds.
    I am so dang excited to that fact.
    I Am only 15 pounds overweight now!! CAN Y'all Believe that?
    I was 109 Pounds overweight! Now just 15! I am so dang AMAZED WITH WHAT WE ALL ARE DOING & WHAT WE HAVE DONE & WILL CONTINUE TO DO.
    I Have thought many times to possibly go to 130 To say I am half Of what I use to weigh...But have decided once I am happy to call it goal and maintain....Other than 150 IS a must for me! That was my original main goal to have a healthy BMI.
    Sorry for blabbing on & on!LOL

  • I struggle with the embarrassment of "The Number" - both what I've lost and what I have left to lose and the combination of the two. I mean, really, how, how, HOW did I let myself get almost 200 pounds overweight?! 200! That's like I had a full grown man hanging around my waist! That said, I'm awfully proud of myself. Maybe one day I can say it loud and proud. So far, you all and my therapist are all I've told. And I admit, it feels good to share with people who understand!
  • When people hear how much I've lost, not even the exact number, just people that have seen me BEFORE and after (now), many of them speak of what a feat that is, that I deserve a lot of credit... since I still have a hard time taking a compliment, I always say something like, "it was a long time in coming. It needed to be done."

    But I guess when you stop to think about it, it is pretty amazing that I've actually DONE it. But then again, now that I HAVE done it, it really doesn't seem all THAT big a deal. It surely did BEFORE I did it, but now it's like, well this is what I should have been doing (eating/exercising) all along!!!

    I'm very wishy washy sometimes.

    EDITED TO ADD: Still having a hard time writing this out and I'm not sure why - it really is something pretty spectacular, isn't it?
  • cant wait until i can finally say that..im 34lbs away from the 100lbs mark
  • I did finally reach my 100 lbs loss over Christmas time. It is a great feeling knowing that I am finally doing something positive to help my body. I still have over 80 lbs to go before I reach my goal but I know that it will come off as what I am doing has not become a habit rather then a struggle.
  • this is the only place where I've been able to admit that I need to lose 100 lbs. Other people know I'm aiming for 50, with more after that but not how much more.

    I think once I'm down 100 lbs, I will be able to say that's how much I've lost and take pride in that. But for now, I still have a tough time admitting to most people that I have that much to lose (or did - down 21.5 so far, so only 78.5 to go - woohoo!)