It's a new dawn, a new day, a new life: Treating ourselves royally in 2010

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  • anagram-kudos on recent success in social life arena!

    sorry bil's cancer is back. sending good thoughts for you and your family.

    hope you had fun with ds in town.

    arabebella- i'm with you---"onward" is where i am headed too. also trying to add some new tools to my weight loss tool kit.

    when you said we could be toe triplets on the pedicure scene, i was thinking how fun it would be to actually all be meeting and visiting in person. the thought put a big smile on my face.

    hi eydie!

    hello wildfire!

    and greetings to all our marvelous royals!

    eating dainty portions once again is definitely feeling much better. i hope i remember this the next time i start to stray. amazing to me how easy it is to gain some weight back, and how hard it is, and how much longer it takes, to get said weight back off again. note to self---please don't forget this no-brainer again. well, another gorgeous day, and have lots of errands to accomplish so must away. hope a good afternoon is had by all.

  • Ughs
    We've come down with an odd bug here. At 1 a.m. Saturday, DH woke up nauseous and feverish and then I repeated that at 1 a.m. Monday. Spent yesterday trailing listlessly from bed to couch to bathroom. I'm not quite as incapacitated today but still not back to normal. Maybe tomorrow.

    Food is a non-issue, for sure. So rarely happens that I get sick and lose my appetite but this is one of those rare times. Now to just keep the lack of interest in food (beyond what's needed, anyway) going after I'm better again.

    WSW, yes, if only we could remember those things at the moments when we're tempted to stray. I've heard of people gaining twenty pounds or more in a week -- I think when carbs are severely restricted and then they binge on them. Ugh.

    Eydie, always nice to see you pop in!

    Hope all goes well in all corners of the palace.

  • sorry to hear you are sick, arabella! i hope you feel better a.s.a.p!

    yet another gorgeous day here today. what a marvelous treat this weather has been.

    definitely felt challenging today hanging on to dainty portions, but was able to, and glad about that. well, a good evening to all.
  • Beautiful here today, too, bright and I'm considering this bout of the flu as a little boost to food/portion control and making sure I don't eat more than I need. Your portion control is such a simple and effective focus for this battle. I know it's illogical but I rarely think in terms of amounts -- like one bowl of soup may be 250 calories, so if I eat two it's 500. Duh.

    Aiming to only eat to satisfy hunger. I rarely eat to the point of feeling stuffed any more but I bet I could cut 1/3 off my portions (other than veggies) and not suffer for it.

    Feeling a bit better today. I packed up to come into the office, thinking a change of scene would do me good. Getting DGS this afternoon for a shleepover. We'll have leftovers for dinner and watch a movie so I don't have to exert too much energy.

    Have a good one, Queenies!
  • Arabella, hope you and DS are feeling well and that DGS did not come down with same bug while with you.

    Hi, Eydie. So glad to hear from you. Wish it were only ten lbs for me - but truly I'd be so thrilled w/ten lbs. I did lose in those early years but I'm at 200.6 again this morning (and grateful to be there). I have floated around this weight on and off for years now. Getting into Onederland ever so slightly and then right back over. Mostly I've been only going up to 204 (as vs. 210) or so before coming back but when I think where I could be........

    Dear Sis has lost some wt w/whatever stomach problem she's had on and off since Christmas but I'd prefer the healthy way. Wakeup this a.m. - hip pain (slight). Hoping to get wt. down so that doesn't develop into a hip replacement. I was told years ago when I had knee replacements that I'd likely eventually need hips done as well.

    Ooh, the mango sounds luscious. Was looking at something in that line before I found the blue/purple. Actually going in for next one Tuesday (will be the last of the "cheapies" as I didn't bid on any last time around).

    And the thought of all (or some) of us in the pedicure mode at the same place and time just blew my mind! They'd probably be calling security

    Nice here today as well. Likely a nice walk - AFTER I finish rearranging my closet. Have some bread going in my new bread machine - having guests for lunch Monday so thought I'd use it again. (DS gave it to me for birthday.) Yes, I did enjoy DS last week - and the chores he did while he was here.

    Bro coming in next mo from CA - Anxious to see him. Yes, social life has improved, lots of things gone from garage again. Now if I could just get down five pounds. Maybe before my doctor appt. Wednesday

    Cheers &
  • Sunday
    Just getting light here and, so far We'll be out for a Sunday walk soon. I feel mostly better today but have to remember not to try to do everything, which is always the danger. So I'll keep it low-key -- putter, practice, visit my mom, maybe go for another little tootle around to leaf-peep. That'll do it. I've got turkey dinner leftovers in the freezer so that'll be easy.

    Had a lovely visit with DGS -- a two-nighter because when I was driving him to school he said he'd kind-of like to stay at my place again that night.

    All goes well on the diet front. I'm tracking food again and am down 3 pounds from the first time I braved the scale since the last hiatus. I know I've said it before, but I say it again -- I will NOT stop weighing myself again. Nuh-uh. That's how the 25 pounds sneaked on since last summer, a few at a time, when I wasn't looking. Cannot turn one's back on scale.

    Anagram, so happy to hear that your brother's going to visit! Will he be staying with you?

    You're right -- if we were all together for pedicures, we might start a riot. But it would be worth it! Maybe someday...

    K, I've got the bedding to hang on the line and then off for Sunday walk around the harbour. Let's make this a good one!

  • hello, lovely royals! have been thinking about you. had pneumonia and so was feeling crummy, but feeling much better now. actually stayed op, which i was pleased about. well, pretty tired right now, but will be back again soon, to catch up on posts. take care, all.
  • Stopping the madness
    I let my mojo slip away for a few days. Leftover Halloween chocolate is all I'll say. Bah. Today, the madness ends. Coincidentally, leftover chocolate is also gone. Anyway, back to doing what I know works. And I'm going to build in a bit more control, yet -- not just journalling my food but also LIMITING it. Such a crazy idea, I know. Might just work. I mean, I was controlling it a bit but not enough to really shift the weight the way I'd like to. Committing NOW.

    WSW, how miserable to have pneumonia! But my hat's off to you for staying OP. You rock!

    K, I'm going to finish this and get out for a run. Love to all, wherever you are... Let's make this a good one!
  • wsw, how miserable to have pneumonia and how wonderful you were able to stay op. I always need to reward me when I'm sick and "reward" always translates as "not good for me" stuff.

    Yes, Arabella, bro will be w/me for some/most of his visit. At least as of now. SIL and niece from Arkansas will also be in the area most of the same time so there should be a good get together or two.

    Sorry about that Halloween stuff. I had not had much until after Halloween and still it's only been a few snack size stuff. All in all, pretty good for me but I'm realizaing how large my "portiona" usually are and how grazing, even on good stuff, must be limited.

    Been somewhat under the weather myself lately - all bloodwork good. Seeing dr. today. It's probably just me....but I had a chance to see DGDs this weekend and don't feel up to going so that's an indication I'm not up to par.

    I wish I could get my notifications from 3FC going again. They work a time or two and then quit and I forget that I haven't been in for a while.

    Rainy today which is okay. Sugar maple in backyard still looks scrumptious on a gray day.

    Hope Thanksgiving was good, A & W.

    Off to a little luncheon meeting.

  • Oh, 200.2 this a.m. I'm so sick of this hovering and it's all my own fault!!!!!!!
  • Friday!
    here too but abated for the moment. Windy, warm -- I'm planning to get out for a walk around the harbour.

    The choir's Remembrance Day concert is next week. I have been practicing but I need to step it up a bit. The music is glorious - Arcadelt's Ave Maria, Brahms' How Lovely is thy Dwelling Place, Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna. I'm learning a lot and finding I'm picking stuff up more quickly than I had been. I guess this is four or five years in with the choir now. I'm sometimes reluctant to get out but always think, five minutes in, how much fun it is.

    Anagram, hope you feel up to snuff soon. The fall just seems to be a good time for vague or precise ailments. Glad to hear about bloodwork!

    Re: portions and "healthy" grazing -- me too.


    Gotta scoot -- I get timed out soon. Let's make it a good one!
  • arabella- music for your choir's rememberence day concert sounds like it will be lovely. glad you are enjoying concert preps. understand about call of the chocolate recently. if any food type calls me hither, it is most especially and usually, chocolate.

    anagram-sounds like it will be nice having bro in town next month, along with sil and niece get-togethers. sorry you are not feeling up to snuff physically. sure hope you are feeling in the pink a.s.a.p! glad bloodwork is good. sure understand about that number hovering on the scale. the number hovering on my scale is not thrilling me at this point. it seems like with all this hard work, scales should cooperate a lot more.

    going to a memorial service this afternoon for my friend's father. i know it is important to her that i be there, so will see if i can get a little rest before i need to get ready to go. (still pretty dragged out, but so grateful to be feeling better!)

    well, greetings to all our dear royals, near and far. take care, all, and a pleasant remainder of your weekend.
  • One more practice
    Tonight we practice in the church where the performance is to be. There'll be a TV crew there -- just remembered -- so I guess I want to make sure to spiff up a bit before-hand. The concert is Thursday night and after that we'll be preparing for The Messiah! Such a relief to practice music that I know and love.

    Diet-wise, I'm hovering too. And have decided to go back to point-counting. I've been journalling for a bit but it hasn't actually led to weight loss yet. And I remember how nice it was counting points to be able to save points for an occasional indulgence and know that I was still on track. And it seemed like if I really counted diligently and actually stayed within my points I lost weight. Well, that would be a bonus wouldn't it.

    We had SO much rain on the weekend. Thought it would never stop! But it has -- today is mild, too. I went to work without a jacket and was just the slightest bit cool. So when I was in the mall putting my check in the bank and saw a light-weight Indian shawl with palest pink with silver threads woven through, I picked it up. It's lovely -- and was on sale for $8, so I don't even feel guilty.

    WSW, hope you're feeling better! Remember to pamper yourself... watch some good movies, read some good novels.

    K, just going to have lunch with DH and then reattach nose to grindstone. Love to all!
  • Shawl sounds lovely - and a good price too. Having some computer/server issues so don't know how long I'll be on. Or if this will get out.

    Have been doing better and was at 200.0 this morning. Honestly!

    Second bloodwork not back but I have been feeling somewhat better. It's probably just the RA and I have not started taking the prednisone. How can I lose weight on that if I can't when I'm not on it.

    Sad week last week. 13 yr old granddaughter of an acquaintance/friend took her own life. And dear friend who is closer to the grandmother shared a lot of their pain w/me. Glad to give them the chance but it was all so sad. And a day or so later a 14 year old boy (with whom I had no connection) stepped in front of a truck and took his too. Unrelated except for closeness in time but one accentuated the other. Those were not gr eat years for me either but I can't begin to relate to taking my own life. Both great kids apparently.

    Well, wishing all well. Coolish here but great fall weather. Getting in walks and tai chi and going to loaf a bit tomorrow - if I don't have to do some more with this computer which I expect will be the case.

  • Shoot! Just lost my post, my own fault too -- I've set up a net minder that shuts me out of my favorite non-work related sites at 9. Thought I could beat the clock but it beat me. I just went in and removed this one temporarily to come back.

    I've been struggling a bit -- some days good, some days not so. Yesterday I let the day get away from me without getting out of the house or exercising. Guess how that one ended up? On the bright side, I did manage to get some family history stuff scanned and copied to files for sharing. That task has been nagging at me for a long time. Not done, but a start.

    Anyhoo, I'm going to start following WW plan - have been tracking food but need to go beyond.

    Anagram, my shawl is very pretty -- gossamer, very Indian looking, subtle pattern in gold, other parts shot through with silver.

    So sad about the kids. They often lack the perspective to know that whatever they're going through is temporary and things can improve so radically. Have you seen the "It gets better" campaign videos? Essentially, grown-ups -- some well-known, some not -- talking about how, no matter how miserable you may be growing up, that you get through it and life gets better.

    Hey, you're almost in Onederland!

    K, I'd better get to work and not let this day slide by me. Let's make it a good one!