Running through December

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  • Hey ladies! Everyone is doing so well!

    Crk, great job on the 5k! That is an awesome time! I hope to be down in the 30's for a 5k someday.

    MBN, Congrats on your half! You are awesome!

    Mk, Glad you had such fun on your long run!

    I'm still plugging along on c25k. I'm into week 8. It has me running for 28 mins, and I know that at my slow pace that's not a 5k. So I'm wondering if when I finish c25k, I just continue upping my time until I get to 40 mins because that's how long it took me to run the 5k race i did on Thanksgiving....I guess at this point I kinda need some way to gauge how far i'm running instead of just how long....gah
  • Eve, check out map my run, you can chart the route you run and it will tell you in Miles or KM how far you go. My run is only 1.56 miles, but im on week one of C25K. Good luck!
  • Congrats MKroyer & MKN. Did 1.25 miles tonight... at 7.5 min average! Going to get there...and up my milage. At least the speed is coming up!
  • Hi ladies, just checking in... DH spread his germs and now I'm sick! I got 3 miles in on Monday and took yesterday off. I feel like someone let all the air out of me lol! But I feel a little better today and plan on either 7 miles or 4 miles, or anywhere in between. I don't want to push it (I have zero PTO left since I've scheduled two vacations between now and the end of the year!) so I guess we'll just see once I get out there. It's 50 degrees here today... I don't want to waste the nice weather!
  • five and change today. Slow and steady,but it felt good. Most of it was outside in the rain. I'm glad I'm getting over my inclement weather aversion. I got the new Saucony hybrid running shoes and they do a great job keeping the water out, but are HOT to run in indoors. I've been letting things get in the way of my running time lately which is not good. I'm thinking of doing a half in April. I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to up the mileage. I seem to take FOREVER to up my mileage, but I've been running at least one 6 a week for a while now so maybe........
  • Yikes, everyone talking about these "fun" long runs is making me jealous! I think my longest run ever was 4 miles and I'd hardly call it fun. I'm learning to love running again, though I don't know that I'll ever make these sort of distances a habit.

    I did manage 3 miles on the treadmill this morning but I think I need to add some loud music to my playlist for when things get tough because I'm bored. Running outside seems soooo much more interesting, not sure if it's the terrain, the hills, just looking at all the houses... but man, treadmills are like punishment. I know I have to change that mindset and learn to look at the mill as a tool, but I'm being stubborn and sulky.

    There's a trail running group that meets about five miles from my house. I'm thinking about going on one of their group runs - I think running in canyons is smarter to do with a group, if only for safety, though I think a group is also more fun and you can learn the trails much more easily than from a map. I'll see what the weather is like when I'm on my vacation from work for a couple of weeks and maybe I'll head over there. I'm not good at meeting new people but at least with a running group, I know I have a common interest!
  • I have the best DH ever!!!

    We do Christmas early because we are always traveling out of town for Christmas and I convinced DH that we should open presents last night (what can I say, I'm 27 and still a kid!) He got me a Garmin Forerunner 305!!!! I am SO EXCITED to try it out today! No more tediously mapping my runs!
  • Hello all,

    Fatpants - feel better soon! And, wow, you are so close to your goal!

    Eve - congrats on being on week 8 of C25K. Running for 28 minutes without stopping is a huge achievement. Not something that I have tried yet!

    Jules - I love the treadmill...I think the secret is getting a playlist you really enjoy listening to and that pumps you up. But the trail running group sounds like a great option as well.

    MKM and Mkroyer - congrats on your achievements!

    Sorry I haven't posted in has been crazy and on top of that our internet has been down a few times. But wanted to share my good news that I have shaved 20 seconds off my mile PR - ran a 9:10 mile on the treadmill on Tuesday! Now I have my sites set and sub-9 minute mile. Scale still reading the same BUT my little black dress is fitting better and I bought new pair of jeans from Old Navy that are size 12, so progress is occuring. Keep up the great work even amid the cold and the busy holiday season!

    I do have one question: I always use the same kind of running shoes, Asics, and get the same size. What would be the cheapest way to get a new pair? Should I just call around different shoe stores locally? Has anyone bought them online? Thanks for any input.
  • Geranium, thanks for the review on the Sauconys. I have the Saucony Hurricane 10s and love them for the opposite reason...good ventilation but bad at keeping the water/snow out.

    jules, I feel the same way about the treadmill. For some reason running seems harder for me on the TM, probably because it's boring and my mind starts to focus on how hard it is. I agree running outside is better... it feels more productive and takes my mind off of running.
  • its officially official!! I have registered for the Phoenix Marathon AND booked the hotel!!

    Ive been so excited all week, and with the weather so noce here and all, i havent b4een able to stop running-- if i run just 5 miles tomorrow, i will be at 70 MILES for the week!!! I have NEVER ran that many miles in a week! I need to be careful, i was really starting to feel it on my run this am. My 10 miler turned to 8 miles, turned to 7 .5 miles and it felt like i was runnig with 2 lead feet!!

    FAT-- You got a garmin!! wahoos!! He will become your best friend!! You will begin to believe he is infallable Garmin (praise be thy name)-- henceforth Garmin (p.b.t.n.) for short its a fantastic tool. You will love it. does the 305 have a HR monitor? or is that the 405...?
  • Quote: its officially official!! I have registered for the Phoenix Marathon AND booked the hotel!!

    Ive been so excited all week, and with the weather so noce here and all, i havent b4een able to stop running-- if i run just 5 miles tomorrow, i will be at 70 MILES for the week!!! I have NEVER ran that many miles in a week! I need to be careful, i was really starting to feel it on my run this am. My 10 miler turned to 8 miles, turned to 7 .5 miles and it felt like i was runnig with 2 lead feet!!

    FAT-- You got a garmin!! wahoos!! He will become your best friend!! You will begin to believe he is infallable Garmin (praise be thy name)-- henceforth Garmin (p.b.t.n.) for short its a fantastic tool. You will love it. does the 305 have a HR monitor? or is that the 405...?
    Yay MK! Enjoy the nice weather in AZ (hey, the past week hasn't been so bad around here, huh?) 70 miles in one week, you machine... I can only dream of doing that many right now...

    I'm totally in love with my Garmin already... DH did GOOD this year hahaha. The 305 has the heart rate monitor so I am happy about that, it's a beast but I am so looking forward to not having to mentally calculate my splits and just run in one direction for X number of miles without wondering how far I'm actually going... actually the 405CX also has the HRM but you're looking at upward of $370 for one of those
  • Hey blueridge! you snuck a post in there on me.

    Congrats on shaving off time on your mile time! Geez I can't even fathom a sub-9 mile right now... I've just barely accomplished a sub-11 in the past month or so. NICE JOB on the size 12 jeans! I always feel like ON jeans run small so double congrats!
  • Ahhh...I let work pull me out of life for a bit there and I missed all the running chatter here! I also missed a run and a day of strength training because I slipped into work-a-holic mode which is what makes me gain weight. I didn't gain improvement!

    Today I am taking a 3.25 mile walk and doing the strength training I missed just to catch up. Work will have to take the backseat because I am not giving up on myself! Finding this balance is all that is holding me back so I have to learn to say no to work and yes to ME just a little while each day.

    MK--WOOOHOOO! I feel your excitement just through your post. You are inspiring me to just bite the bullet and sign up for my 5K already. Everytime I go to do it I have this little voice that says "you can't do this! are you nuts? Just train a bit longer and you'll're going to quit." I am determined to shut that doubting voice up so maybe registering and putting the money on the line will do the trick.
  • Purpl-- what 5K? Give me the name and i will register for you! just DO IT already! you CAN DO IT! you know you can at LEAST walk that far! Sign up! Sign up! Sign up!
    I beleive that EVERYONE here will tell you that signing up for that first race was scary and intimidating, but ended up being one of the BEST DECISIONS they ever made!! Were talking life-changing here! I bit the bullet and registered for a frickin MARATHON on a whim you can DO IT!
  • LOQUACIOUS and BlueRidge--- you guys are a speed demons!! Congrats!! How did it feel??? I believe we ALL are faster than we think!! Blue- pretty soon youll be wondering if you can break that illusive 9 minute miler!! And loquacious--- string together 2 more miles at that pace and youve got yourself a 23 minute 5k!! THATS FAST!