Day After Thanksgiving Weigh-In Challenge!

  • I challenge you all to weigh in tomorrow morning (the morning after Thanksgiving) and change your ticker to that number, regardless of whether it's up or down. Maybe you'll think twice before that THIRD huge helping of stuffing....... Anyone want to join me?
  • What, are y'all chicken?
  • I'll do it!!

    Ok, I was really good for Thanksgiving dinner, but I didn't get to run yesterday like I wanted to (the gym was closed). So, official weigh-in this morning wavered between 185 & 186 so I'll round up and go with 186. Ticker stays the same.
  • I'll do it. I was so good at my in-laws' place... I worked out on their treadmill, had perfect portion control.

    Then I went to my parents' house and everything fell apart. It made me realize that I STILL have emotional eating issues tied to my parents and that house. It's so weird, and I don't know what to do with it.

    But, that's a different discussion for a different day.

    I felt thinner and lighter the day before thanksgiving, so I think I might have been at a new low weight IF I could have controlled myself. However, I weighed 126.8 this morning. Not as bad as I would have thought, but it's depressing to think I could have actually made PROGRESS if I had just shown self control at my parents'.

    now, to change my ticker...
  • so I weighed in today...and I actually lost weight...which was amazing to me because I absolutely pigged out yesterday, but ehh. lol

    I had gained up to about 204.1 as of tuesday morning...and I hadn't changed my ticker or anything....I hadn't weighed since...but I decided I'd see how much damadge I did yesterday...and my scale said 201.1....when it WAS 201.3 before I gained....

    I'm definitely happy, still not really understanding how I didn't gain 10 lbs....but definitely happy. =D
  • I did weigh in this morning and it was 233. I didn't gain it all yesterday sometime between my bad decisions over the last week or so. I did pretty good yesterday and controlled portions and didn't have seconds. So I am 3 lbs higher than my low...
  • Weight in today it was the same as yesterday morning but...I stepped on the scale again, just to double check, and it would't register..maybe the batteries ars dead, maybe I killed it? Yikes!
  • I managed to keep it at 1200-1300 calories yesterdayday; it paid off and I lost a little ) Very satisfying.
  • Congratulations, you guys! I didn't do as well as I thought either, but not in a totally undoable way. I didn't eat till I was stuffed (just comfortably full), but since Thanksgiving food tends to be high-calorie, I probably ended up a little under 3000 for the whole day, if you include my non-Thanksgiving lunch. I can maintain at 2000 cals so... that's about 1000 excess calories. I'm going to try having two 1500 calorie days the next week within my regular week.
    I'm still proud that I did not eat to the point of physical discomfort. That's what I would have ALWAYS done in the past.
    Anyway... my ticker! Wow. Despite the fact that I probably gained 1/3 a pound from Thanksgiving, I'm still 2.5 pounds down from 2 weeks ago! 155.5! I'm assuming that .5 was from Thanksgiving... HAHAHA.
    Congrats to those of you that did REALLY well. It sure isn't easy!
  • If I saw this (and had my scale) I would have done it
  • Quote: I'm still proud that I did not eat to the point of physical discomfort. That's what I would have ALWAYS done in the past.

    I WISH I could say the same, but I definitely ate so much I made myself plenty of trips to the bathroom and some throwing up too, sorry if that's TMI....

    I was extremely disappointed in myself...which is why I was so amazed I lost...