What can you do now that you couldn't 3 months ago???

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  • I can run for 45 minutes without stopping!!
  • I can wear my old size 20 jeans
    I can run
    I can walk all the way up Stone Mountain
  • This has been very inspiring to read, thank you all for sharing!
  • I can fit in my pre baby jeans! Woohoo!

    My husband wanted me to post that he's gone down 3 notches on his belt!
  • fit into my size 16 jeans!
  • I can stand with my hands on my waist and feel no fat at all. It's all rock-solid. No jiggle. I can wear tight, stretchy tops and they look GREAT. And I have a six-pack somewhere under all this (little bit of) flab up front (but you can't see my six-pack or any flab in clothes).
  • - Run 10 miles

    - Squeeze into size 12's

    - Only put the "Heavy" weight on 150 on the doctors scale and not 200.

    - Buy a size 10 winter coat! (Whhhhhha!?)

    - Say I'm an Ironman in training.
  • i can actually hold my weight for a second when I pull up on the pull up bar. I used to just dangle. I've noticed I don't get as winded with light jogging either. First time I did a wii short distance jog, I was huffing and puffing like crazy. I did the island run and was just barely winded.
  • -- Confidently say I can cook a spaghetti squash
    -- refuse pizza, cookies, ice cream, etc.
    --wear the jeans I wore in high school
  • I have the self-control to not eat more than one small piece of cake (chocolate cake was my biggest downfall).

    I can do squats with 50 lb weights.

    I can go a week binge-free.
  • I can bend over without bending my knees. I can walk forever and not get tired. I can go up and down stairs without being knocked out lol! And i've only lost 11lbs, can't wait to see the changes as I loose more!
  • Bend over and touching my toes (without bending my knees of course). I have never been flexible and I started Bikram Yoga back in Sept and now I can! Yay!
  • I can workout longer and harder then before.
  • I can:

    - refuse baked goods that other people bring into work
    - have a cheat meal and NOT freak out/feel guilty, because I know that I can get right on plan the next day and be okay (I have maybe 2 cheat meals in a month, and I know exactly how they will affect me re: water weight and fat gain)
    - touch my toes (yay, sweetscrumptious!)
    - refuse soda, even at special occasions. I honest-to-goodness just DON'T like soda anymore.
  • On the cycling machine I can keep my heart-rate up in the high-160s for a 40min exercise.

    And I can actually resist the candy vending machine in my work canteen!