Who is your greatest motivator, and your worst saboteur?

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  • My greatest motivator is my fiancee. He gets me out for hiking every weekend and pushes me to try more difficult trails. He's started exercising with me and it helps so much.

    My biggest saboteur... My fiancee. He looves candy and greay food and going out to fancy restaurants. He likes going out on date nights. Which is okay, because I know what the right choices are. But once we get to a restaurant and I try to make sure I order the right thing he gives me the "it's okay, you've worked so hard!" Or "we have that big hike tomorrow anyway" and I cave. Which is my own choice but he makes it so easy for me to justify it.

    He's super supportive though, and he doesn't do it on purpose.
    I just need to stay strong!
  • My biggest motivator...ok, two people. My girlfriend is doing WW with me and thats a huge support system. She doesn't let me cave to cravings and reminds me that we have healthy food at home.
    And my Big, who was supposed to be my mentor in sorority life and now is just an amazing friend. She drags my butt to the gym, slides her copy of "Runner's World" under my door all the time and makes low calorie food for me all the time.

    My biggest saboteur is going to be my best friend from home, who I haven't even told I'm trying to lose weight (we have a very strange relationship) I love her to bits, but she has derailed me before and is strangely affecting me despite not knowing.
  • My husband is my biggest motivator and supporter. He's the one who'll make sure the kids are fed and start the bedtime procedure so that I can treadmill at night, he's the one who takes them to swimming lessons so I can go to my Zumba class. He eats very healthily and is WAY fit himself, but he has never made me feel bad about my size; he's just the best. My kids are also very supportive, especially my 10 year old DD. She cheers me on at every corner.

    My saboteurs (besides yours truly ) are my mum and brother. They are both overweight and slothlike and will order pizza, go out for takeout, etc. That's something I just can't do where I live (in the sticks, no delivery, no take out places. If I want Wendy's, I have to drive 1/2 hour) so it's a "treat" when I go down there. It's a 4 hour drive, so I don't really visit all that often, so it's okay. I also go on major walks while I'm there so I can offset any junk food.
  • I could say I am both my biggest motivator and biggest saboteur...

    As far as motivator, I'm really doing this on my own. Buying my own groceries and cooking my own meals... and no one else can make me exercise. LOL.

    As for saboteur, I would have said my mother in the past but she has been a lot better this time around. I guess the hardest people to be around are my sisters. They like to drink and have fun... and want me to be 'their definition' of fun too. So it can be hard to say no all the time.
  • Biggest Saboteurs: My friends. Let me clarify that it's not intentional though. WE are just a couple of lush-y fat chicks that like to eat. Eat well. If it's not going out to eat (where sadly, I still haven't learned how to control myself), it's impromptu wine and cheese nights, or my friend who is an AMMMMMMMMAZZZZZINNNG cook, coming up with these uber delicious Middle Eastern/Soul Food/Mediterranean meals off the cuff.

    Biggest Motivator: My sister. She gives me the death stare whenever I think I'm going to order a cheeseburger or have a shot of anything. She makes me feel like i need ot be on my best behavior around her.
  • Quote: I don't allow saboteurs! I decapitate them as they rare their ugly, lipsticked heads!

    Can I add to that...

    ugly, "pencil-necked", lipsticked heads!
