Weekend Warblings

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  • It's the weekend! In Canada it's the last long weekend of the "summer" and we have a very wet forecast. Traditionally this is the weekend when leaves get raked but that won't be happening this time! It'd be like raking wet cornflakes.

    My baking is loaded in the car ready to go to the Church sale for eight. I'll be there most of the morning and then home for lunch with a mess of cousins who are coming to inspect the changes I've made to the house. I have a huge pot of pea soup ready for them and hope they don't stay all afternoon because I sure will need a nap later. (Jazz did another 4 AM alarm routine today! )

    Turkey dinner tonight at Claire's place - the "friends" TD dinner which will be loads of fun. I'll try not to indulge too much in the food or wine.

    Hope your weekend is a good one too.
  • Good Morning Ruth

    Ah, too bad a little sun couldn't shine on your holiday weekend. We travelled yesterday and are at our home in the mountains. I just took Bing out for his early morning visit and it's snowing here. He has to be leashed since we don't have a fenced yard...brrrrr.

    It sounds like you have your day mapped out. I hope your bake sale makes lots of $$ and that you thoroughly enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner with your friends.

    Me, undecided. I have a living room full of extra furniture-Sis has cleaned out Moms basement while we've been gone. Wish I could haul it all over to Cottage's yard sale and make a few dollars...but I guess for now I'll have some new shelving in the basement, some antique lamps and a gigantic painting of a sailing ship which must weigh 60 pounds. Hmm....I've got to start somewhere...coffee!

    Have a great start to the weekend everyone!
  • Good morning! I'm getting my coffee in now before this busy day gets rolling. Thank goodness it's not raining, as the forecast was pretty iffy!

    Ruth, it's too bad you're having a rainy weekend. But our most of our leaves are just starting to change color and haven't even begun to start falling, so if it's leaves you want to rake, I can arrange for plenty when you come to enjoy MY Thanksgiving.

    Debbie, are you SURE you can't haul your stuff over here to the yard sale? SNOW!!!!?????? Winter starts early in your parts!

    We're just waiting for a glimmer of daylight before we start hauling things out front. Right now there's only enough room in here for a path to the front door! I just hope people are in a buying mood today, as I sure don't want to have to bring all this stuff back inside again! I love to go to yardsales, but I hate having them.
  • Hi Cottage. I'm glad to hear your weather may cooperate. I, too, love going to garage sales but hate having them. I hope everything goes well. We're at 7800 ft altitude here. I was born at 11,000 -I remember it snowing there on July 4th. Uck! Have fun!
  • Morning all!!
    I sure miss you ladies during the weekdays!!!
    It is raining here too...hasn't stopped in about a month. My gardens are happy, but I'm tired of it. Wanted to go to a great farmer's market this morning. A lady there sells some great raw food items, like these strange onion crackers made of sprouted grains. Also wanted to hit my favorite breakfast place out on the lake. Just waiting to see if the rain lets up by the time my husband gets up!

    I decided to get into something "new" a couple of weeks ago. Wheatgrass juice shots in the morning. I started growing the stuff and got a crank juicer. Oh, I LIKE this stuff! A shot in the morning before leaving for the gym and I'm like a humminbird on speed all day long. Didn't think I was going to like the taste, but really do. I don't eat breakfast till I get to school, so it works out great.

    Hope you all have a fun fun weekend.
  • Good Morning,

    Its a lovely day here Ruth but I think Sunday and Monday will be a wash out.
    I'm sitting here at the computer while DH is having a couple of baked croissants with plum jam (they were baked at 9a.m. this morning.) I was so disappointed in the scale this week, I thought I did well. Went to a St Jacobs Market (its a Mennonite Market) and had a octoberfest sausage with saurekraut and no bun and gained 1lb. Is saurekraut allowed? Also wound up with about 10 lbs of jalopenos. I will do some pickled jalopenos as presents for Christmas and hope to dry the rest. Also new lights are in, in the kitchen. We are seeing the end of a 5 year reno but it has been done totally by Steve, he even built the cabinets from scratch.

    Ruth, has a nice Thanksgiving this weekend.

    Cottage - Good luck in your garage sale.

    Debbie - Hope you can figure out what to do with all the extra furniture. It took me about 10 years to clear out the stuff we didn't want from both sides of the family. Finally, I got over the sentiment.

    Quiet Thanksgiving for us this year. One son is in Europe and daughter out West, so it will be just our oldest son and us.
    take care
  • Hello ladies!

    My husband and I are heading to the fair in a few minutes. It's an annual tradition and my DH loves it - but I'm dreading it. There will be lots of walking and my foot is still very painful, and there will be so much tempting food all over the place.

    I'm prepared though, I've eaten an early lunch and I've got water, pistachios, cheese sticks and cucumber slices in my back pack along with my pain meds. My husband can eat his cotton candy, fudge and bloomin' onion while I munch on my 'safe' stuff. Rather than eating our evening meal at the fair we'll stop at a favorite restaurant on the way home. I'll be able to have grilled salmon or grilled chicken breast and veggies so thinking about supper should make it easier to say no thanks to the junk food today.

    Wish me luck!
    Enjoy your Saturday!
  • Hi Ladies;
    My sched went flooeey today. DH woke up with a Migraine and this is his BIG radio day. So instead of working out first thing I was making a BIG breakfast so he could head off his headache at the pass.
    I had 2 eggs and 1/2 a sausage (Jimmy dean Turkey sausage is a pass) Then he asked me to make super choco brownies tonight so I'm making them and hopefully not endulging
    have to hit the grocery come back work out and get suff done
  • mornin...

    i've been up for near an hour and a half.. still not quite awake though. could easily crawl back into bed but i won't.

    was out late at karaoke last night and will be again tonight.... but first will be going to hang out with my parents for a little bit. they're camping near here for the last weekend of stock-car racing. (my dad used to drive, now he pits)

    it's so cold here today they are talking snow. i'm not looking so forward to sitting around the campfire this afternoon. BRRRR! but i haven't seen my parents since easter so i do want to hang with my daddy-o.

    have a wonderful, on plan, stay warm day!
  • The yard sale was so-so, considering the fact that we had rain showers off and on. At least I got a lot of exercise running around draping tarps over everything, then taking them back off again. But that's the last yardsale that I ever have.... too much hassle! I took some time to stoll around to see what others were selling, and I got a terrific deal on The Littlest Petshop toys. I got 4 bags full of pets and the playhouse for only $2.75! The grandkids will be thrilled!
    Afterwards, we made a quick run to Trader Joe's to stock up, and now we're just lazing around watching The Lord of the Rings and drinking blackberry Merlot.

    sophie, you are probably experiencing a temporary water retention from the salt in the sauerkraut, that's all. Drink a lot of water to help flush it out of your system, then try weighing yourself again tomorrow. I'll be willing to bet you'll see a big difference then. That's one of the reasons why I got rid of my scale. It would make or break my day when I knew I was staying completely on plan. I go by how my clothes fit now. It's much more reliable and makes more sense to me.

    Keirie, I hope your DH's migraine is better by now, and good luck staying out of those brownies!

    Gothic, my dad's family lives in St. Charles, MN, practically right across the river from you!

    Heidi, I hope you're having fun at the fair! Where do you live in Maine? I go up to Bar Harbor several times a year. Such a beautiful state!

    Cat, I've always been curious about wheatgrass, but not curious enough to try it. What's the taste similar to? I hope it stopped raining so you could get out to that market today.
  • I had to pop in and say....

    This is the girl we put an application in for!!!:

    She seems wonderful! Her pics don't do her justice (and they're from 5 weeks ago, so she's grown a bit!!). She almost never jumped on my four year old, but dove into her lap instead. Never nipped either, even though she's teething!!

    I can't wait!!
  • Quote: .... I took some time to stoll around to see what others were selling, and I got a terrific deal on The Littlest Petshop toys. I got 4 bags full of pets and the playhouse for only $2.75! The grandkids will be thrilled! ....

    Heidi, I hope you're having fun at the fair! Where do you live in Maine? I go up to Bar Harbor several times a year. Such a beautiful state!
    Wow, that was an awesome bargain on the LPS toys. They're very popular with the kids in my classroom!

    We live in the western mountains, between Bethel and Rumford.
    Bar Harbor is beautiful, we used to camp at Arcadia every summer when the kids were growing up, and our son worked there summers while he was in college.
    Quote: I had to pop in and say....

    This is the girl we put an application in for!!!:

    She seems wonderful! Her pics don't do her justice (and they're from 5 weeks ago, so she's grown a bit!!). She almost never jumped on my four year old, but dove into her lap instead. Never nipped either, even though she's teething!!

    I can't wait!!
    What a sweet little face she has!
  • No 4 a.m. wake-up today - he started crying at 3!!!! I bribed him with a biscuit and went back to sleep until 4:45 but still.....

    Church at 8:30 and then nothing that is a "must" until three when I leave for another TD dinner with my DIL's family about 45 minutes away. It'll be nice to see my GD Taylor and discuss our March Disney trip. I'm less keen about another big turkey dinner but family duty calls.

    It just might be the day when the afternoon nap happens in the morning!
  • Good Morning and Happy Sunday

    Hi Ruth
    I was wondering and am sorry to hear you were awakened again! At least you got back to sleep. Grab a nap when you can and have fun tonight although the drive doesn't sound to appealing-I'm hoping you might stay over.

    Yesterday was a whirlwind and it looks like I'm in for another so I'll enjoy some coffee and pick up a bit before starting anew. We've just about incorporated all the furniture in that came from Moms, but disorganization is the word. I'm also in the baking mode-made WW Pumpkin Cookies yesterday and will make the carrot cake today for the lunch with DH's DD and ex. I'm hoping we can get back over the hill Tuesday afternoon since I don't get much exercise other that running through stores in Denver.

    Cat, I always look forward to hearing from you on the weekend. I've always been a fan of "greens" and making wheatgrass is very energizing. My AM smoothie contains powdered WG and also Spirulina. I, too, am very energized and certainly notice if I miss a day. I'm interested to hear how your day turned out.

    Sophie, I agree with Cottage on the salt. I have a plan in place which counters dissapointment-if I eat a salty meal I don't weigh for several days, if the scale is important at the moment I stay away from it. I don't think it affects actual weight loss. Your reno sounds pretty impressive. We put kitchen cabinets in several years ago. DH is a woodworker, yet I couldn't even imagine making them. It sounded like divorce court material to even think of us installing them together. I'm wondering if you're having a TG dinner today or tomorrow.

    Heidi, hope you had a fun day and you did ok with food. I looked up bloomin onion just for kicks-Outback BO is 1560 cal and 89 grams of fat!

    KO, hope DH got to feeling better and that you didn't indulge too much. Do you ever get a day off?

    Gothik, have to say again I love your purple hat. Good on resisting the alcohol and hope you were a smash at karaoke. Freezing cold here, too.

    Twynn, cute pup! I hope everything works out ok. When you had posted that you were the only one interested I figured the kids would jump on board once they met a cutie.
  • Good morning everyone!

    I managed great at the fair. Lots of walking and my foot is still aching this morning, but I did great food wise. The fudge and cotton candy didn't look all that inviting after all and my DH skipped his blooming onion and had fries and a fat, greasy sausage instead. I'm pretty sure he skipped the onion because they're my favorite. lol I felt slightly guilty, but not enough to say, "You should get one - you love them!"

    Our son is home for a visit. He got here last night and will stay til after lunch tomorrow. It was pretty nice walking past his bedroom door this morning and hearing that familiar snore.

    Gothik, I hope you had another great, alchohol free evening!

    Yikes Ruth! That was a way too early wake up call! I hope you can get your nap in.

    Debbie, your baking is making my mouth water....

    Have a nice Sunday ladies!