Christian Encouragers ~ October

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  • THANKS EVERYONE ~ for all the nice birthday wishes!!!

    BOOTSIE ~ that stranger wandering around your place would be enuff to spook anybody; prayers went up for safety for you all ...

    to all the NEWBIES ~ who have dropped by lately. This is a nice group of people, who are non-judgemental and very supportive to all ...

    RYANNE ~ to me, a family Christmas would not be a family Christmas, if EVERYONE could not bring along their families! Maybe we all should start praying for the lack of unity in our families (Ronni, you, and me). I have lots of sibling in my family too, and these issues do come up now and then, and I think that is so sad, esp when we are talking about Christmas or Thanksgiving celebrations ...

    RONNIE ~ how about a quiet weekend away for just you and your spouse, or your family?

    ^PRAYERS^ going up for you and yours ...

    Before I forget....Angie has never watched a video of yoga...she does watch an advanced yoga show on TV from time to time and works out with it.

    She said she will ask around at a yoga retreat she is going to this week-end.

    She also asked if there was a place in your area...YMCA or recreation/senior center where you may go to check it out.

    She just headed out to a class one of the gals at the yoga center teaches for cancer patients...she is going to learn and see how this class works so hopefully she will be able to take my sister as she battles the cancer.
  • Hi all, just a quick fly-by. Another long day
    But, the weekend is comin'

    Prayers continuing for all!


  • Hello Everyone,

    Another quick one. A busy week and a busy day tomorrow.

    Newbies!!! Glad to have you here.

    God's Temple I have been where you are. God loves you because you are His child not because you do everything right. Find the plan that works for you that you can live with. Do your best and leave the rest to God. Remember you will not be perfect and may have slips, but the key is to keep trying. You are not a failure because you have a slip. You become a failure when you give up and don't try. The fact that you are here and realize what is going on with you proves that you are not a failure. You are in my prayers that God will reveal to you how much He loves you. He did that for me and He will do it for you.

    A LATE Rosebud. I pray you had a great day.

    Bootsie I pray for your safety.

    Everyone else You are all in my prayers.

    Love and blessings,
  • Hi everyone!

    Prayers for family unity are on their way... I have a very small family but I'm so thankful for all of them and glad there's not a lot of drama and turmoil.

    I'm hoping to have a relaxing weekend. There's some things I should get a jump start on but I want to do that and be done so that I can relax at least Sunday.
  • Hi everyone, I am deep defragmenting my computer and it is going to take two to 3 days and this is the first time since yesterday it let me come here and it is working so much better. I did not know you could deep defragment your computer thought when you just defragment that done the job. it has almost 10 years of defragmentation so that is why it is taking so long. On my way to town, have a great day!
  • Hi Everyone

    Trying to be better about checking in here. I've had a long busy day. DH had to go by docs office to get perscriptions and then we had to go to Charlotte to Costco. I got home and started doing laundry so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Then decided to clean out some dresser drawers and reorganize somethings. We will be having company for Thanksgiving day. They'll only stay a few hours, but have to get the house clean and presentable. Need to do some serious house cleaning. Then hubby's children and grands are coming for Christmas and the week after so will have to get ready for that.

    I just wanted to wish you all a very Blessed weekend.
  • Hi all - hope you had a blessed day!
    I'm glad this week is done - what a LONG one! I did find time to catch up with a friend after school today. That was a nice respite from the busy week!

    Prayers are continuing for all!

  • HEY BOOTSIE ~ I didn't know that you could "DEEP defrag" either ... how do you do that? I do the regular defrag about once a month and last time it took only a short while as I guess it was OK. I usually do that at night before I go to bed; I set up the defrag and let 'er go until it's done. Then the next morning, it is finished or I may do it just before I am going out somewhere, so it's finished before I come back.

    IRISWHISPERS ~ thanks for those prayers for family unity -- I think when you have a bigger family, there is a lot of favoritism, jealousy, competitiveness, and oneupmanship going on ... well, in some large families anyways. I have seen this in a few small families too, but mostly where only one member is concerned. I have always admired families that seem to be able to love and respect each other -- for the most part anyways. From my personal observation though, families with less children do seem to get along better overall -- maybe becuz they have limited numbers and appreciate each other more, like you say ...

    THANKS PATTYGIRL (TRISH) ~ for the belated birthday wishes; I appreciate them whenever I get them. I realize that many people here work and/or have families to look after and many social obligations as well.

    We had another lovely day filled with so we just had to take advantage of that and go for a drive in the country again. WE picked up a few nice fall and All Saints decos for our lawn and porch -- pumpkins, and fall leaves, a cute lady scarecrow, and window decos to pretty things up for Thanksgiving month (as we like to call it).

    However, one sad note for our neigbours; when we came back to have lunch, the girl from across the street came to tell us that someone had stolen the motor off their boat (she was very upset becuz she had borrowed it from her Dad). This is the second time this has happened on our street (and block) this past month. So DH has put our stuff away and locked it up better -- seems to be a thief in our neighbourhood, and a sneaky one becuz the night it disappeared was the only night the three closest neighbours were all away at the same time.

    Hope you all are having a lovely fall and enjoying this pretty time of year, like we are. Take good care of yourselves too ... ROSEBUD
  • Hey guys. I slipped up last nigh and had way too much wine and tons of take-out. I am sure I seriously gained a lb, because I think I may have even had an excess of about 3500 calories. Ooops. I also woke up this morning feeling hung over, and ate way too much again today to try to make myself feel better.

    I finished my psych assessment yesterday with the new psychiatrist (conclusion: OCD and panic disorder) and she is going to start changing my medication. She promised she will try to find a combination that doesn't cause a lot of weight gain.

    I am worrying a lot lately about my pastor retiring at the end of the year, because we are very close and I am going to miss her so much. I can't stop stressing about that because I don't have a lot of people in my life right now and it hurts to lose someone you look up to like that.

    Trying to stay strong, but it's so bloody hard sometimes. I need to slot more prayer time into my day, to keep my sanity.

    I am going apple picking and pie baking for the church bazaar with the young adult group at the big church downtown tomorrow. I guess I should get a lot of exercise walking around an apple orchard!

    I am drowning in school work, and I am late on one assignment for my Phil of Relg class. I am also about to be late on another assignment for Christian Ethics. I am trying not to stress too much, but I am worried about my GPA.

    Blessings everyone.
  • Flamingo Let yesterday go, control what you do today. Get cracking on those assignments! Take it from me, once you get behind, it is harder and harder to get caught up. Buckle down and get caught up. Now, right now.

    And, as an added incentive - I have found when I have other things in my life under control and going smoothly, my eating usually follows.

    Rosebud - that is sad news about your thief. I'm afraid that more of that type of behavior will be seen before we are done. The economy is bringing out the worst in some folk.

    A busy day here - but a productive one. It is just what I needed to balance the crazy work schedule. I'm off to finish my laundry. Hope you are all having a productive weekend!


  • Quote: And, as an added incentive - I have found when I have other things in my life under control and going smoothly, my eating usually follows.
    Ditto. Pinkflamingo - try to get a jump start on some of that work this weekend. I'm going to do the same. When things start to slip it all becomes a big avalanche.

    So last night I went to our Christian Grad fellowship meeting because it was one of the girl's birthdays and she's a real sweet heart. The main reason I stopped going to this group was the one person kind of in charge has some different views than I do and it made me really uncomfortable - BUT this fall he apparently not coming to most of the meetings because his son plays football and he goes to the games instead. So I am really glad I went. I'm going to try to make it to the monday night bible study (led by the girl whose b-day it was).
  • PINK ~ you could work on the one that is behind tonight until it is finished; and then on the other one tomorrow. I try to start and finish the day with devotions & prayer: it helps, I think. Will send up some prayers that GOD will help you stick to your studies and make them a priority. When I was in college, I had a rule that my studies came first before anything else. I would work on them a bit and take a timed break (go for a walk or coffee at the local coffee shop and head right back) and some days, I stayed at it til 4 AM, if needs be. It was worth it becuz I passed with honors and always had my assignments in on time; and usually ahead of time, and it felt so good and gave me such peace of mind!

    IRIS ~ so glad you went and found that things have improved; that's GOD at work, I'm sure ...

    Just had a lazy day at home today; did a lot of reading, sorting my mail and files as well. Gotta keep organized; things go better that way. Hope you all have a lovely, restful Sunday tomorrow; we plan to. Take good care ... ROSEBUD
  • Thanks for the advice everyone! I try to start and end the day with prayer as well, but sometimes I have trouble making myself wake up early enough for anything other than a super-rushed shower and running out the door with wet, stringy hair. I need to get more organized. I got one of those day-planners broken down into hours, and have tried to set aside some time for prayer, affirmations, and exercise. I love what I am studying (Theology) but sometimes the OCD makes it hard for me to concentrate on anything other than the obsessions. Working on it.

    Have a blessed Sunday all. God bless.
  • Pink - I've done my morning prayers in the shower on more than one occasion myself

    I TRY to stretch and pray before I even get out of bed, then on to 30 minutes of Bible reading/study with my morning coffee. It has been so worth setting my alarm earlier to start the day right. It makes all the difference in how my day goes!

    A typical Sunday here. Church, then shopping, now cooking for the week. There was a HUGE bag of colored peppers on the clearance rack - they all looked good - so I'm making stuffed peppers.

    We have an outlet store in town that gets merchandise from Amazon - still in-date. They got a shipment in on Friday. I was able to pick up some oddities that I can't get locally. Black quinoa, Freekeh, WW couscous, buckwheat groats, etc.

    I'm off to surf the cookbooks for recipes

    Hope you are all having a blessed Sabbath day!

    Prayers ascending for all!