W.O.W. BOO! Halloween Challenge~Week 4

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  • Alright Ladies Week 4 is upon us. Lets make this week the best one ever!

    Week 1~148
    Week 2~145
    Week 3~144
    Week 4~142

    This weekend went by fast. I am so glad today is my last day for a day. I have been having real trouble getting motivated to go to work. With cold and flu season upon us I keep thinking, IF i call in sick today I wont have that day when I need it. Our attendance policy is stupid, but I don't want to get put on the probation list. It takes forever to get off of it.

    I really hope that I can get into the 130's by the end of our challenge. I cant believe it took so long to take off the 6 pound labor day fiasco weight. I am hoping to make October my Month.

    W 64 oz
    E extra laps.
    E 1200 clean clean cals.
    D after work I need to do the dishes and clean down some walls.
  • Morning all! Still not able to find my groove, but I keep looking!

    W 100
    E Back to Atkin's Induction, seems to be the only thing that works for me
    E Walking to work after I drop my car for some needed service that will cost me too much money. I just had to buy 4 tires last week, so kind of an expensive car week
    D If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.
  • Morning girls....eating was ok yesterday, went to IKEA and had a plate of the meatballs. They were ok. Just meatballs. Walked around a lot, hopefully that will have burned some calories. Didn't do much over the weekend, never did get my car in the shop. I'll have to do that tomorrow. Saturday was busy, went to the eye doc in the am, went to a bday party in the afternoon, and then an evening under the stars for our Star Consultant party. It was fun. Hubs took a photo of me with my roses for being #2 consultant there at the party for our unit....and i saw how round i look in my jeans. I almost wanted to cry.

    But I'm getting better at eating so that's a plus. Tonight is monday night football...so I'm eating my usual healthy football meal...i think. I have chicken wing drumettes....but i don't have any mushrooms. I guess i can stop by and get some after work.....we need to hit the grocery store but there's no WE in "honey can you pick up this next time you're at the store?" Hubs informed me we were out of spaghetti sauce and parm cheese. Soooo....why did ya tell me? You've got a costco card and a car LOLOL

    Grazie I"m doing well with MK thanx Getting ready for the holiday season....got tons of ideas.

    Mavis: I'm thinking about reducing carbs again. I dropped 52 lbs doing atkins, and while I know it would work I can't completely cut out potatoes and bread again. I can however reduce the amount of them I eat. I had lost it all before I ever came to 3fc....i wish you lots of luck my friend!

    Jen how you doin?

    Shari how's the headache?

    Ok girls sorry if I missed anyone, I've gotta go get a face on and get the drumettes out for thawing while I'm at work. Cooking time is less than an hour
  • Hi,

    Hope everyone doing well

    Mothermavis - love your saying - ''Weight loss is hard, maintaining is hard, being fat is hard, pick your hard.'' -so true..and also like Holyteror think I will limit my carbs too just a bit by not having any in my evening meal

    had a good weekend food wise and went gym on sat..goin gym again tonight
    How is everyone else doing with exercise? think I will weigh myself this Friday!

    what i eat today:

    B: Plain Porridge
    L: Chicken sweetcorn sandwich and yogurt
    D: Beef soup
  • Fat River Girl Comes Home With Chapped Inner Thighs
    Yep... I'm home. My little piggy legs are tired of rubbing together and its time to WEED!

    Week 1 = 209.6
    Week 2 = 209.2
    Week 3 = 206.6
    Week 4 = 211.2 I think I may have eaten too much, and had too many beers.

    My weekend was freakin fantastic though. Just what I needed to rejuvenate. Perfect weather, perfect water temps, perfect company, and the perfect end to summer!

    Jen - Here's too October being your month! You deserve it! You are such a committed mommy, wife, and worker. This coming month is definitely gonna be your moment to make the scale shine where you want it to!

    Mavie - Get into the groove, scale you've got to prove your love to meeee.... yeah! You have inadvertently placed a song in my head to get me going too! We can do this! Today I am shooting for gettng my water in without fail! I will be grooving (literally) through my chores - gotta get the boat unloaded, washed, clothes washed and house pulled back together today! By the way - I LOVE YOUR "D"!

    HolyT - What is Star Consultant? And what are those MK ideas? I am dying to get to IKEA myself. I have a $100 gift certificate from 2 birthdays ago I need to spend!!! The nearest one is about 1.5 hours away and it feels like 5 with Orange County traffic!

    So my day is in front of me and I have to make good use of it. Gonna go get a healthy breakfast going and get back on track! OH - and we have a lovely BAT plastered to the front of the suburban. A REAL ONE! He made a bad left turn into our grill on Thursday night and has been hanging there ever since. I'm afraid to touch it... I am just thinking of it as a halloween decoration!

    K girls. Be good. I'll check back in tonight! (Good morning to everyone who hasn't gotten here yet!

  • oops... Ja - I was typing while you were posting.... what is a chicken sweetcorn sammie?
  • Good morning. I was so busy all last week and I didn't get to check in. Hope all are well.
    Unfortunatly, I am STILL at 165. DANG IT! My body likes to be here, but I sure don't. I guess I need to push harder.
    Went for a wonderful (and challenging) bike ride yesterday in addition to walking the dog. Planning on a nice run this evening to push me through this VERY LONG plateau.
    Good luck to all.
  • Happy Monday! Just a quick hit to say hi! Busy travel day today. No exercise planned because I doubled up yesterday and still feeling it. Will try to do personals later!
  • Well I am certainly having a hard time getting into those 170's. I have 2 days left of this month to make some progress, otherwise Sept. will be a bust.

    WEEK 1: the week of the Bat: 256.5 Where did that come from??? I was 181.2
    WEEK 2: the week of the Ghost: 181.2
    WEEK 3: the week of the Vampire: 181.4
    WEEK 4: the week of the Jack-o-Lantern: 180.6 okay, so here is a teenie loss.
    WEEK 5: the week of Frankenstein:
    WEEK 6: the week of the black cat:
    WEEK 7: the week of the zombie:
    WEEK 8: the week of witch:
    WEIGH OUT, Saturday, October 31st...TRICK? OR TREAT?
  • i have another interview tomorrow and the job sounds excellent. benefits included, so hopefully all goes well.

    looks like the weekend was hard on us all. i'm back at 173.6. that pizza and beer really did me in plus havent been sleeping well so haven't had the energy to exercise.

    sw: 177
    gw: 161

    week 1: 174.6 good start
    week 2: 176.4
    week 3: 173.6
    week 4: 171.0
    week 5: 173.6
    week 6:
    week 7:
    week 8:

    my WEED for the week:
    w: 32oz at least
    e: 20-25 w.w. points
    e: 45 min. cardio; then abs, arms
    d: work extra hard this week!
  • I went to the gym today after work just like I said I would so woohoo! It felt great to be back in there even if I couldn't do as much as usual. I did 25 minutes on the stationary bike, abs, and an hour and 45 minute long ashtanga yoga class. My eating and water intake was much better today too. I don't know exactly what I weigh at the moment and I'm going to wait until next week to weigh in because I don't know how upset I'd be to see just how much damage I did the last week and a half. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Morning all. Taking babysteps, but made it thru Day 1 BOP with no cheats. I'll take it. Going for 2.

    Sounds like we all have lots going on, job interview, kids, cleaning bats off the car, willing our way to the 170's, etc. (Ya'll know I am not good with personals, so there is my todays effort, maybe I can get better every day!)

    I am just trying to not dissolve into a blubbering idiot at every turn. Still battling the depression demons, starting to really think I may have to get some assistance to get thru it. We will see. Perhaps getting my eating back on track and getting my growing butt moving will be enough.

    W 100
    E Move dammit. I have to take my car back to the shop again today (they had to order a part) so will again walk to the office and then back later to get the car. Going to crunch before I get in the shower. We will see what tonight brings. No class so maybe I will hula hoop while I watch tv.
    E POP, I can do it!!
    D Gotta have faith. If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it!
  • Morning all. Sorry it's been awhile. My disease has really been filling my head with ugly thoughts, trying to wear me down. It is exhausting me. So I've been going to more meetings, talking to people more, that kind of thing. Not eating right, overeating alternating with not eating at all. I'm hyper-aware that my disease is right here, trying to worm its way back in. But I've told on it now, and that makes it less powerful. If your disease kicks up and starts telling you you aren't worth it, TELL ON IT. If you keep all that inside, it gains momentum. Surround yourselves with positive people.

    Interesting though, that I have this disease of alcoholism/addiction, but we can relate the same principles to anything in life. My beloved hairdresser lost her husband last fall, he died suddenly of a heart attack. Her grief process isn't going well for her at all and we have similar conversations about spirituality, internal conflict, etc. I can talk my program and TOTALLY relate it to weight loss and eating. So we don't have to have the same problem to think about the same solution.

    I've been struggling lately. I miss you gals.
  • MM~you'll get your groove back. Just keep coming back here. Congrats on making it through your 1st day. You can make it through today too. .

    Amy~ Pictures always suck! I hope you enjoyed your monday night football.

    Kris~I'm glad you are back. I'm glad you had a good time.

    Michelle, take good care of yourself. I miss you too, but I want you to focus on yourself. I'm glad you are going to meetings, I think finding something to fill in the gap that Rachel and Robert left when they started school will help a lot.

    Ja~I'm glad you got in your workout. I got in 20 minutes at the gym Saturday, that is 20 min more than I normally do.

    One~good luck on the interview. I hate having trouble sleeping, other than being exhausted all the time it also reaks havoc on the scale.

    Grazer~I hope you had a good safe travel day.

    Lady~I hate it when my body decides it like the weight it is at. I think I had trouble in the 160's too. I had to readjust my exercise and calories.

    Mindy, October will be your month too!

    Gypsy~glad you made it back to the gym. I would love to try the yoga class offered at my gym, but It is to late in the evening. (plus I have swimming, gymnastics, runners for the kids).

    Sorry about the short personals.

    I was totally pumped this morning, what a difference sleeping all night does for you. The scale was down to 140.6. I know that the scale is usually lower on my first day off, but I was suprised. October will definately be my month!!! I can feel it!

    It is time for me to get the kiddos up!

    W 80 oz
    E 35 minutes cardio/25 minutes weights/20 minutes abs and stretching
    E 1200 good planned clean cals, not to many carbs.
    D Keep thinking "that (fill in the blank) doesn't taste as good as losing that pound feels"~~
  • Morning girls! Ugh, i see we're all toughing something rough out. Hang in there, it will get better and we have each other to lean on when we need to

    I'm happy to report i'm down 2 lbs. I've gotta get my ticker set correctly, but I'm down 2, 8 more to go

    be back later...gotta get to the office.