We've Lost over 186 lbs! Another 4 wk challenge!!!

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  • Hi everyone
    Finally got my final training session with weights today. I found that some of the things that the 1st trainer had showed me were wrong, at least the techniques were, so I was grateful that the trainer today went over it all with me. I will be doing weights every other day. So one day arms, back and cardio, the next day only cardio, and then the following day shoulders, stomach and arms and cardio. See cardio everyday. I told him I've gotten results with cardio and won't give it up. He said that the cardio is what's helping the weight loss pick up, and the weights will help me tone up. I can't believe I actually like going. I'm thinking that once I get closer to goal, maybe I'll incorporate more weight training. I read about interval training and about how to incorporate it into a treadmill routine. I tried it today and could really tell a difference. The article said to pick a random program or one that incorporates hills and inclines, and then spend so many minutes at one speed, then a higher speed, then a higher speed and then back down. I read that by continuously doing this through the workout that you're burning more fat than a regular routine. Let's hope so. Gonna do more research. I'm sorry to keep going on. Just excited that I finally have a program to follow. Hope everyone is doing well. Take care- Di
  • Gosh, can you gals believe that July is just about over. Where does the time go?

    Grizzly, I am soooo excited for you. It is exciting when you see all of your hard work paying off. And I know I feel better when I have a plan of action. Good for you!!!

    Well, I didn't get the workout in that I had planned yesterday. Instead I push mowed the whole yard, which is about a 45 minute task. I also took the 4 year old for a bike ride last night. I have one of those nice jogging strollers that also can be hooked up to a bike. It was a good investment. So I imagine that overall worked out at a different pace for about an hour and a half. Not as intense as I am used to, but better than nothing.

    Well, we are doing a NO KIDS weekend at the lake. This is always a fun once a year event. But I am worried about all of the munching and drinking. I am really going to have to watch myself and keep myself in check. I don't know if it's just my friends...but I always feel like they are pressuring me to eat or maybe they just don't understand how important it is for me to lose the rest of this weight. That's kind of how I got off track the past couple of months. Every weekend we are boating and camping and everyone makes salads and dips, and bar-b-que. Way more food than I keep at our house! This weekend I am taking veggies and all the fixins for a huge bowl of salad. Plus my vinagarette. Maybe I can fill up on that and won't want all of the other goodies.

    Okay, enough about me...how are you gals??!

  • Gen... unfortunately, I have to correct the weigh-in post. I reported a 0.5 lb *gain* on Saturday, not a 0.5 lb loss. I think I will be able to show a net loss at the next weigh-in, though. This morning I was down a pound from the start (-1.5 from last weigh-in) so I should be OK. I do fluctuate quite a bit and I lose weight slowly so it's sometimes hard to know if I'm on track or not.

    I've been doing more social eating than usual and it's hard to stay OP when not eating at home. But I'm doing pretty well at indulging a little without throwing in the towel. But I do need to retrench and stick to my own cooking in order to make good progress.

    Jen, good for you getting restarted with the exercise. It's still on my todo list. Kudos to all the other exercisers in the challenge, too.
  • Well there goes my 0.5 lbs lol
    My last weigh in I thought I lost 1.5 lbs I was hysterical to be at 139.5 but its stuck at 140 so Im not gonna cry over 1/2 lb. So I'm on my final countdown to 10 lbs .Now I will remember why the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose!

    Yo yomom sorry, I didnt understand your weigh in ,I'll edit that asap. And I know you'll do great this next weigh in


  • Hello everybody. I am just poking my head in to say a quick hello and my pardons. I started working at my seasonal job testing cotton. I work the 3rd shift. So I sleep in the day and then go to work. You know kind of like "It's time to make the donuts." So if you don't hear from me after a few days just know that I am off trying to be a true member of society by making an honest living and paying taxes. Woo hoo! But I will try to remember to weigh in on Saturday as long as i don't have to work. I hear that when the season starts they have us working 7 days a week. Which would be great on the over time. Anyhow. talk with you later. I hope to not gain too much from working. These girls have candy every where (I guess to keep them running) and then they are always ready to have a potluck. OMG! I know that this Saturdays weigh in will not be good. Not only because of the food but also because I can hardly fit my exercise in. I did get to get on the stepper this evening but not as long as I had before.

    So remember me when I come back. I will note to self that I must weigh in on Saturday or Friday night. Bye.
  • You can do it Kina!
    Where there's a will ,there's a way. I can imagine it has to be so hard trying to fit exercise in when your work schedule is backwards. The only way I can do something when it seems impossible is ,I put it in my head that someone or something is telling me" YOU CANT Do this, you'll never do it! " even though no one actually has told me that lol. It seems like it. That makes me more stubborn and I say, yes I can and yes I will! EVen though you didnt stay on your stepper as long but the point is you got on! Good going on that Kina.

    Well I better go make some calls and run some errands ASAP!

  • Hello,
    Time to post some tidbits to motivate us all:

    " Have patience with all things, but most of all yourself."
    --- Author Unknown

    " If you have goals and procrastination, it's like wearing two left shoes;
    You're not going to get very far."
    --- Copyright © 1999 Jewel Diamond Taylor --- California

    " To be a winner, all you need to give is all you have."
    --- Author Unknown ---

    " Success is achieving your goals.
    If you don't succeed at first, just re-set them!"
    --- Adapted from a W. Clement Stone saying ---

    " Success = it is vastly better to do something and fail,
    Than to do nothing and succeed!"
    --- Author Unknown ---

    " People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.
    I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world
    Are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want,
    And if they can't find them, make them."
    --- George Bernard Shaw ---

    You need motivation? Join the club!

    I need motivation to iron my husband's shirts.
    My husband needs motivation to do the dishes.
    My dog needs motivation to do anything.

    We all need motivation

    Trouble is, no one else can really help us.
    We have to find the motivation from within ourselves.

    We have to want to lose weight
    We have to get fired up

    It's no good sitting down and squeaking 'I need to lose weight' (sob).
    We have to stand up and SHOUT IT!

    We have to say:

    I'M FED UP of being fat.
    I'm FED UP of covering up my thighs.
    I'm FED UP of being laughed at.
    I'm FED UP of being ignored.
    I'm FED UP of feeling bad about myself.


    I want to LOOK GOOD!
    I want to FEEL GOOD!
    I want OTHER PEOPLE to feel good about me!
    I want to have FUN!

    But shouting it isn't enough either

    We have to start ACTING as though we MEAN it.
    We have to get OFF our butts and start making PLANS.
    We have to STAND TALL and take ourselves SERIOUSLY.

    No one else can do this for us

    So get going, girls!
    Stand tall and start taking yourself seriously.

    NO MORE excuses.
    NO MORE junk food.
    NO MORE fad diets.
    NO MORE fat person.

    The moral?
    First, get an attitude. Then get slim.

    Enjoy them all!
    bye for now,
  • A little Laughter
    Hi everyone got this e-mail today I thought you might like it. Scarry thing is I'm thinking about trying some...lol

    How to Lie to the Bathroom Scale

    1. Weigh yourself with clothes on, after dinner ... as well as in the morning, without clothes, before breakfast, because it's nice to see how much weight you've lost overnight.

    2. Never weigh yourself with wet hair.

    3. When weighing, remove everything, including glasses. In this case, blurred vision is an asset. Don't forget the earrings, these things can weigh at least a pound.

    4. Use cheap scales only, never the medical kind, because they are always five pounds off ... to your advantage.

    5. Always go to the bathroom first.

    6. Stand with arms raised, making pressure on the scale lighter.

    7. Don't eat or drink in the morning until AFTER you've weighed in, completely naked, of course.

    8. Weigh yourself after a haircut, this is good for at least half a pound of hair (hopefully).

    9. Exhale with all your might BEFORE stepping onto the scale (air has to weigh something, right?).

    10. Start out with just one foot on the scale, then holding onto the towel rack in front of you, slowly edge your other foot on and slowly let off of the rack. Admittedly, this takes time, but it's worth it. You will weigh at least two pounds less than if you'd stepped on normally.
  • Hi.
    Just sort of checking in. Where is everybody? I guess I shouldn't be the one to ask that question. I think it's been quite a few days since I posted here. My walking is going well and I've used the my Total Gym a few times as well. Food's not too bad either, but not great.
    Sunday I leave for a 5-night camping trip. It should be a lot of fun, but there are some definite binge-eating traps I usually fall into. My best defense is to stay active and away from camp during the day. As long as the weather cooperates, that shouldn't be too hard. I'm also planning on keeping a food journal just for the days I'm camping. At least I'll stay aware of what's going in so I have some chance to do some damage control when necessary.
    What? Gees, I haven't even been officially on vacation for 3.5 hours and I just got an e-mail from work. Guess I'd better see why my assistant is panicking.

  • WeighIn Tomorrow!
    Just a reminder that Tomorrow is weigh in! I'm choosing NOT to weigh in tomorrow since TOM is here today ! ugh!!! I've pretty much maintained the same weight and am getting used to it.
    Well I better go now!


    " IF you want your dreams to come true,wake up"
  • Here's my results for this week: down 1.5 pounds, which factoring the first week's gain puts me at net 1 pound loss.

    Unfortunately I won't be able to weigh-in the next two Saturdays as I'll be on vacation. It's basically hanging around a cabin on a lake- no four star restaurants nearby- so there's some hope that I could stay OP over vacation. But it will be a big challenge... not much to distract one from the siren song of the fridge.

    I'll weigh in when I get back (*that* will be a real nail-biter!) and join in on the next challenge.

    Good luck to everyone else this time round!
  • hi everyone
    Good morning everyone. Well I went back and forth between 2 different weights all week and decided what ever weight it was this morning won. Unfortunately it was the higher weight. So I've lost 1 pound for the week. Busted my rear at the gym all week, but since I've begun the weights I was told I could gain a couple pounds at first with the muscle gain. So I guess I should just be grateful that the scale is moving at all. I hope everyone has a good weigh in. Yoyo mom and Jen519 I hope you both have a wonderful vacation, have fun Take care- Di
  • 2 more pounds gone this week. I have this really weird feeling though. Even though I'm losing weight, it's not happening fast enough and I feel a little bit depressed about it. I want to be at goal NOW. I need to look at the big picture. I've lost 14 pounds and weigh less than I have in years. 14 pounds seems like such a drop in a bucket. This is stupid. I wonder if I've gotten this feeling before and let it defeat me. Not this time. I'm going camping. I'm going to get plenty of excersize and stay away from the candy/cookie snacks. Next week I'm going to report a loss too!

  • That is an excellent attitude Jen! Just keep it up. And I say don't look at the big picture. I don't like to look at the big picture because 50 lbs won't come off by this weekend. But I know I can get 1 lb off by this weekend or atleast work pretty darn hard to get to it. That would mean I would be 1 lb closer to my goal. Which makes me feel very good about that 1 lb. So don't get discouraged over your 2 lb loss. That is a great loss.

    Grizzlychick....you go girl. Losing a 1 lb and gaining muscle. You are doing marvelous! Keep it up don't get frustrated that you didn't lose as much as you had expected. I went through that myself but I got through it. Just keep focused. You are doing everything right and that is the bottom line. It will come off just not as fast as it came on.

    YoYomom....have a great vacation break from the world.

    Well here we are weigh in day. It was nice to sleep in and not worry about going into to work tonight. But we were told we may be working 7 days a week. WOW! I expected 6 but 7! My goodness. Anyway I have to say I have been very focused saying no to all the offers of cookies and such. It has been hard but I have been sticking to my guns. I have also been packing my slim fast and/or salads, fruits, and yogurts for lunch everyday. And not caving in when I pass the vending machine packed with goodies. So I owe it all to my strength and will power that I am able to report a 1 lb loss for the week.

    Thanks. Talk to all of you later. Corina
  • Weigh In Chart
    Hi Everyone! I skipped Gym yesterday because TOM was here and I felt AWFUL!!!! My lower back was killing me and my abs felt like Ive been hit with a hammer But I was back in the Gym today sweating it off again! I've maintained this week.
    Grizzly, I know exactly how you feel when you work your butt off at the Gym, you see how many calories you're burning and know in your mind that you must have burned at least 2-3lbs! It happens, especially when you do weights. Trust me it does come off.
    Jen , Ihave felt like you're feeling many times. When I first started at 194 lbs ,in a few weeks I was like 187 lb or so. I just wanted to see a big difference fast!Losing 1-2 lbs is the way to go, it might seem like a slow pace but its best. The worst thing would be for you to lose 15 l bs a month and get to your goal superfast and then gain it back as fast as you lost it.You are doing good!!
    Here goes the chart!

    Gen..Goal 6 lbs.. Loss 1.5 lbs (+0.5)

    Kina..Goal 6 lbs Loss 2.5 lbs

    Manatees..Goal 8 lbs

    Yoyomom..Goal..2 lbs.. Loss 1.5 lbs

    Grizzlyschick.Goal..10 lbs Loss 6 lbs

    Boatingmommy..Goal..6 lbs

    Appleblossom..Goal..8 lbs

    Thinlizzie..Goal..4 lbs Loss (maint)

    Jen519 ...Goal..8 lbs Loss 4 lbs

    rain272..Goal 10 lbs..(just joined!)

    "If you want your dreams to come true,wake up"