Weight Loss Buddies IV

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  • Hi Chickies!

    Ohhh to my feet hurt...... I hope I get used to all this standing and walking and standing and walking and standing...............Ugh. I have three more 8 to 9 hour days......I can't even imagine how I will feel then.

    Well on another note CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You girls are kicking arse! Dang! Maddiesmom 17 pounds?? Wow, I would say your in the lead! LOL..... Dance in the 160's.....I am sooo envious....and I know you look and feel good! Burgund..I knew it....you zoomed ahead and I need to catch up again! Staccie, you too are doing fantastic. Your two pounds yesterday does count and with your workouts I know you will drop even more this week! Keep it up! You girls deserve it and I hope all of you are enjoying your Sunday.

    I was pooped today when I got home and had a wonderful surprise with my daughter-in-law making dinner. Yes, I pigged out, but it's OK as I know I will take it off tomorrow walking and standing and walking again.

    Oh Dance, I am in agreement. If I don't lose it like I feel blah and whats the use with the workouts and eating healthy. If I lose then I feel I can conquer anything. This week I feel good

    Any news from Lindy, Basics, Tiff or Neesy? I hope they are doing well.
  • Well, didn't make it to the gym tonight. My hubby and I went out and celebrated his new job at this upscale steakhouse in Lincolnshire. I didn't eat all of my steak (only ate half) had some potatoes, and a side salad to start. Not a drinker, but since it was a celebration I had a raspberry martini, that was so unbelievably good. Then, hubby and I split a 1/2 piece of chocolate cake. I didn't gorge myself like I used to do, and since we have something to celebrate...I didn't feel guilty.

    I wanted to make it to the gym, but I'm still too full to even attempt to go. So, i'm going to go tomorrow. With the hubby now working, I will have to go to the gym after Maddie goes down for the night because I now have to drop her off and pick her up from daycare (Matt used to be able to pick her up, but now works in the opposite direction of daycare). Plus, my personal training sessions are now on Saturday. I've been keeping track of my gym attendance, and I'm actually going 4 times a week. NOt too shabby.

    Hope Lindy, Neesy, Tiff and Basics are ok. I also hope things are going well for AJ's move. Hope to hear from them soon!

    Sandy: It will take some time to get used to being on your feet all day, but you're getting a workout by doing that! I used to wait tables and it does take a lot out of you. Hope you are doing well with the new job.

    Have a great night ladies!
  • hey girlies! I'm 2lbs down from last week. I'll take it! Which puts me at 194. I'm so exhausted from work. I'll check in tomorrow. Goodnight!
  • Sandy - I hope someone is giving you some good feet massages or if not, soaking them in some epson salts - your poor footsies!!!

    Neesy - woo hoo for your 2 pounds - hope you get caught up on your rest tonight - I imagine you had a busy weekend...you're already at 194!!! That's so awesome!

    Vicky - well the dinner sounded very nice and you didn't go nuts - great control and you're right to not feel guilty for celebrating - we can't look at food as the enemy for the rest of our lives

    Well I went for a long walk to the Farmers market, picked up some awesome fresh veggies and fruit and then had a nap, now I have to work for a few hours. Excited about going to the gym in the morning - glad that came back so fast! Everyone is back from holidays tomorrow so I assume I will have a busy day. I am on holiday in about three weeks...for two whole weeks and I can't wait!!!

    Night girls - see ya tomorrow!
  • Morning girls! Up crazy early again - weird for me as I'm usually more of a night owl.

    Neesy - congrats on the two lbs!! you are doing so well!

    Mygrits - good luck at work today - I wonder how long it takes before you get used to it, hopefully by next week it will seem normal.

    Maddiesmom - Eating out is tricky, isn't it? Sounds like you had a nicely restrained celebration though, well done!

    Staccie - what are you going to do with your upcoming (and much-deserved) vacation? Good for you on the long walk. I only ended up doing my run yesterday but am going to try to stay active this week starting with a long walk after work today.

    Lindy - hope you were out having a wild and crazy fun weekend - it's unusual for you to skip a Sunday weigh in!
  • Hey girls...sorry Ive been MIA. My dad made an impromptu visit into town and I just wrapped up with him and prepping for my vaca, which I leave on Saturday. Anyway, Ill have to catch up with everyone elses post later but it looks like you guys are killing it with the weight loss. As for me...none lost but none gained. Considering how many times I fell off the wagon last week, Ill take it!

    Ill check in later. Hope everyone is having a skinny day!
  • Lindy - glad you were having fun and not stuck at the office or something! Good job on maintaining your cleanse losses - that's seriously impressive!

    So, as continued proof that the weekly weight loss schedule has magic powers, I'm posting the below Am feeling pretty postive about staying on track this week and hitting 166 by next Monday.
    Sept 12: 170: 170
    Sep 21: 169: 169
    Sep 28: 168: 168
    Oct 5: 166
    Oct 12: 164
    Oct 19: 163
    Oct 26: 162
    Nov 2: 160
  • Dance - you are killing it with your weight loss goals, I am beyond excited, happy and most of all proud of you! My goal for my cruise is to only gain 3 pounds. I know its silly to estimate a goal of gaining weight, but seriously, I have gained as much as 8 pounds on a cruise. I would eat even when I wasnt hungry. My plan is to exercise everyday for at least an hour, if not more (if I have down time) and to eat sensibly. I am not going to be a healthy nut because frankly, I can get foods on that ship that I cant get in day to day life BUT I have not going to eat just to eat, I am eating to keep myself full. Hers hoping it works. So, whats your exercise routine this week?
  • Staccie-your walk sounds nice. 4 miles is a long way.

    Mygrits-hope your feet start feeling better soon.

    Maddiesmom-you did great with your celebration meal. Think back to before you started this and what you would have eaten then. There is probably a huge difference.

    Neesy-you are just trucking along. Your husband is gonna be so surprised.

    Lindy-glad you are feeling better and had a good time with your dad. How long is your cruise?

    Dance-your goals look totally doable. That is a good idea to make a chart like that.

    I feel so bloated today. The scale said I was up 2 lbs. Its pain like TOM, but I just had it this month so it cant be that. My back is hurting. Maybe just gas(sorry if thats TMI) I didnt drink a lot of water yesterday so I am going to drink a lot today. Gonna wait til a little later to do day 7 30ds.
    Hope this pain goes away soon and I can workout. Its raining out today. Maybe it will let up later and I can walk.

    I have a nintendo ds and a game called My Weight Loss Coach. It gives me daily challenges to do and one yesterday was to do 15 minutes of push up, situps, crunches, etc., while watching TV instead of just sitting there. Hopefully it keeps giving me challenges like that to get more workouts in.

    Gonna do some stretches, maybe that will help with me stomach and back.

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday.
  • Lindy - you are such a sweetie - always making people feel good! That is, unless they need a touch of tough-love Jillian attitude : ) I'm just hoping I can catch up with you eventually, you weight loss queen! I'm such the slow moving turtle at this stuff. Maybe it would help if I actually stuck to plan all the time instead of having wobbles! I would think it would be super hard to resist temptations on a cruise - so you're probably being realistic thinking you might go up a bit for a short period but I'm sure you'll get it right off again. Are you working on your tan before you go? Tell us more about the cruise if you know details of where you'll be stopping. Do they have exercise classes on board? My exercise plan this week is to run like crazy as that seems to be the biggest help in speeding up the weight loss process. How about you?

    burgundy - bummer that you're not feeling well. Hope the situation improves soon! A walk or other gentle exercise might help a bit. Love the idea of your weight loss coach - how fun!

    Off to a healthy lunch at Whole Foods with a buddy...
  • Hi chicks!

    Well I have a few moments to catch up. I am feeling pretty good today. I am working out tonight instead of this morning because I didn't fall asleep until after 1AM - I'm going to some class tonight where you use weights, bands, etc - I have never done that before so I am kinda scared. I'm trying to incorporate some of that stuff into my routine to shock my body a bit. So far today I have had a protein shake and banana for breakfast, chicken and veggie stir-fry (low sodium soya sauce and no rice or noodles) a yogurt and some raspberries. This afternoon I have a Fibre One Bar and cottage cheese.

    Dance - with my vacation I am visiting friends, my old colleagues, my mom, sister and just hanging out. Lots of Halloween stuff planned - I love Halloween and spending it with my sister. I thought about doing something exotic but I really just want to lay around in my sweats and of course get some good workouts in

    Lindy - hi and glad you spent some time with your dad this weekend, I can't believe you are going on your cruise this weekend, I am so jealous. BTW, I think it's very smart to estimate a weight gain - let's face it, vacation is a time to have fun and not worry about things. At the same time, by allowing yourself 'something' you will keep a limit on it. And that's important.

    Burgandy - umm that sounds a lot like something I had last week...are you ah 'backed up' - sorry there is no polite way to say that. That game sounds good, it's sure a productive use of time to do something while watching TV - that is a really smart idea! I say do some stretches and go somewhere to unleash the evil!

    Well I better get back to work. I got lots to do - umph. I am looking forward to, although slightly scared of this class tonight with all the skinny people - as long as I find something at the back of the class I should be ok!!!

    Check in later and let you know if I survived with my pride!!!
  • Staccie - knock 'em dead in your class tonight! I like the sound of your vacation - especially the idea of lots of workouts! Will you still be in the Vancouver area or does your family live far away?
  • Burgundy- that game sounds so cool, its kinda sounds like this Wii Active game that my mom has. It generates special programs to fit your lifestyle, diet, age/weight...etc. Its pretty cool. Anyway, sorry to hear about your back. I hope you feel better soon. Maybe its a UTI? That happens to me occasionally, but then again, Im not a doctor.

    Dance- Ok cruise details...its a 6 day cruise going to Keys, Jamaica and Grand Cayman. Im excited at the thought of going to the Keys and Jamaica, Grand Cayman...eh, Ive been there twice sooooo. Anyway, I think Im setting a realistic "goal"...haha, in not losing or gaining more than 3. We will see. This week I plan on running my butt of this week, I am going to run every night for 3 miles. In addition to my 1.5 mile walk in the AM. I would like to be 165 before the cruise, just to make it an even number (and add another smiley, lol). The ship does not leave till Sunday, so Im going to layout on Saturday to work on my tan a little more, lol...everyone is making fun of me because they are like...Nicole, your going to get plenty of color on the cruise. Silly me.

    Stacie- the class your taking kinda sounds like my body works class. We use weights, bands and steppers and combine them, along with squats and lunges. I absolutely LOVE this class, its like Jillian Michaels 30DS x3, haha. Good luck! I cant wait to hear your feedback on it.

    Ok, I have to wrap up my day, Ill check in later.
  • Lindy - sounds like you'll have a blast!
  • Ok I got day 7 done. My back still feels funny. Staccie, I am not backed up, thankfully. Dont know what it is. Gonna take some pepto and relax. Hope everyone else is having a good day. I have to keep one of the boys tomorrow, so I am hoping I feel better.