40 Something Week 3 Thread

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  • HI all,
    Feel like I am back on track today, but UGH!!!!

    No more badness allowed. I have only 13 weeks left until xmas and I need to get there.

    That is it! That was the last glass of wine or sugar! ;-) Hoping, cross fingers.

    Patch, those are sewwwwww cute!
  • newleaf : congrats on the 25 lbs!
    dmc: I feel your pain, had to give up my chinese food and going out to eat : )
    penguin: love your work, beautiful!

    I doubled my time and distance on the elliptical, though nowhere close to the 4 miles I used to do...still feels good to get into it again. Man my legs felt like spaghetti and my heart rate was up there!
  • Knock knock--can I come in?
    I'm new here--just joined the group (and WW!) this weekend. This sounds like a great group.
    I am 47 and a single mom. My youngest one just went off to college last month.so, for the first time in my life, I'm living alone and figuring out how to like my own company. I seem to have loads of free time, so now I can really concentrate on getting healthy.
    I'm hoping to connect with new people and find motivation and support along the way.
  • ICUWishing sounds like you're busy! At least lots of running around will keep you trim...

    Marie good job on the cake and the steak. I agree totally, the routine is easy, the unexpected is hard. I guess that's why some people plan out every bite for the day, the night before... Not me, though. I enjoy the freedom of choice, eating what I want, depending on my mood.

    Patchwork Penguin the little outfits are so adorable!

    DMC2009 I'm glad your day went well!

    WeightlossWanted great job on the elliptical!

    Vjack welcome! What a great way to use all your newfound time, getting healthy! Looking forward to getting to know you...
  • welcome vjack!
  • Hi, Y'all, and thanks for the Welcomes!

    DMC-- Oh no! Not the itty bitty cupcakes! The ones that are so cute and such small indulgences, really, that just one won't throw you off too much. Really quite delicious, and didn't there used to be a dozen here? What happened to those other eight? And my, oh my, now I just need a little something to wash them down.... ;^) I understand completely--once you get the sweet taste in your mouth, there's just no stopping. Great willpower on going cold turkey--you can do it!

    Cruise-- Glad you're feeling better. Remember to take it easy getting back to your regular workouts; some folks here at work have re-injured themselves (mostly from running injuries) by not taking time to heal properly.

    ICU-- Wow. Forget going off plan, do you even have time to eat? I bow to your time management skills. Good luck with your week!

    Marie--I agree with you and Heidi that routine is easier than surprises. It's those shoot-I-forgot-to-pack-a-lunch-and-now-I'm-starving times that get me. I know your son is very proud of you!

    Penguin-- Adorable crocheting. Did all those really only take you a few days? I love the bright, happy colors!

    I'm a little off today, and am making up for it by preparing a healthy lunch and snacks for tommorrow. Just need to take it day by day....
  • Welcome Girlanddog and Vjack. You've found a great group! Very supportive! Best wishes on your journey!

    WLW, I love feeling those spaghetti legs, let's me know I've really worked hard. Way to go!

    DMC, Old habits are hard to break. Knowing what you need to do is the first step. Take things one day or one meal at a time!

    Patch, those outfits are darling! Hard to believe it doesn't take that long for you to complete them! I made a crchoeted afghan once, It took me about 5 years to finish!

    Marie, Red velvet cake, you have amazing will power!

    ICU, DD just started year round swimming, practice 3 times a week plus volleyball, soccer and PSR. Add homework and an occasional shower into the mix, I know what you mean!

    Newleaf, 25 is a great accomplishment! Way to go!

    Hi to anyone I may have missed, time to head to school.
  • Girl&Dog great job just jumping right in -- I love it! And, perfect description on the cupcakes. Sweets (not in cupcake form, though -- think skittles, jelly beans, etc) just make me want more sweets. In fact, we went out for ice cream the other night in 2 separate cars. And on my way home I started wondering if I would have enough time to stop at the store for a bag of candy because I needed more sweets, and still make it home before DH and the kids. Ack! I reigned that one in, though, and just drove straight home. But one sweet definitely leads to another for me, if not physically, at least mentally. I hope all your preparation pays off for you today.

    Down another pound today. Exercise = weight loss exercise = weight loss exercise = weightloss I need to always keep reminding myself of this... When I make the time to exercise, everything else falls into place.
  • Thanks so much for the praise on my weight loss. It really means a lot to me to have people around me that are so positive, encouraging and motivated.

    I have a question you all might be able to help me with. I want to make diabetic friendly cookies for my step dad. Does anyone have a simple recipe as I am cooking and baking challenged, lol.
  • Penguin, wow the outfits are so beautiful. You are VERY talented!!! Thanks for sharing.

    DMC, good luck without the sugar and wine.

    WLW, great job on increasing your workout. After over 6 months of ellipticalling, mine still kicks my butt. I probably can go for a long time with little resistance, but I have this thing about increasing the resistance regularly and the speed. My legs always feel like spaghetti afterwards. And my heart rate typically stays between 140 -150. It’s the best workout equipment I’ve ever used. I love it as it hurts not one joint.

    Vjack, welcome. Wow you sure are having a lot of changes in a month. Congrats on the healthy changes and the focusing on your health.

    Newleaf, I’m totally on board with you. I can not pre-plan meals. I have eating desires (not quite cravings). I make my meals based on what I feel like eating. YEAH on another pound leaving your body. WTG!!! You are so close to your goal.

    Girl and Dog, isn’t it amazing how a little treat can snowball out of control??? Good job on packing a healthy lunch and snack.

    OMW, I totally agree about the spaghetti legs. I like feeling the fatigue because then I know I didn’t just plug my way through the workout. I have a sign that says “Exercise Like You Mean It” to remind me not to be a slug.

    Hydra, how nice of you to look for something special for your dad. I bet you can google search it and find a great treat.

  • Hydra - I don't have any suggestions but wanted to say that your willingness to take your SF needs into consideration will not go unnoticed. What a wonderful thing to do.

    vjack - Welcome to the group. I'm sure you will fit right in with this group of fabulous 40 somethings.

    wlw - WTG on the elliptical increase; you'll be back at 4 miles before you know it.

    Penguin - you do beautiful work. Do you sell on ebay?

    Heidi - I had to laugh about your drive home. I am always battling that little voice that wants to sabotage my progress. Most days I can ignore it but there are those days that I give in (just a little).

    DMC - I didn't need to see that there is only 13 weeks left until Christmas; where does the time go.?
  • Afternoon all! I had an eye appointment today that went well. Since he's a specialist we wait around for two hours then spend less than five min with him while he checks my eyes, but everything is fine!

    The sun is shining brightly today! Finally! its still humid, it was 94% this morning but has dropped down to 80%.

    I plan on a workout later today, when everything is less blurry from the drops at the drs.

    Cruise, No to Ebay. I've sold a few things here and there but its not something I want to turn into a business, I'd rather make them for hospitals. A lot of the patterns I get online are specifically for 'charity work' and say on the pattern copyright that we can't sell the finished work.

    Newleaf. Good job on heading straight home and not stopping for more sweets. I've noticed that one sweet just leads to another, if I keep that in mind sometines I will reach for something else. Sometimes!

    OMW, One of the things I like about the baby things is that they go very quickly. I made a pair of full sized booties while at the doctors today and almost finished the matching hat! What is PSR?

    Girl and Dog, did I miss a post that said what kind of dog you have? I made the Going Home outfit while watching "Dances with Wolves" on TV the other day. I have a lot of free time at home and I tend to get obsessed with whatever hobby I'm currently enjoying. I'm trying not to do all pastels, so I bought some bright colors. One woman said yellow is a very bad color for preemies because they are usually jaundiced and the yellow clothes make them look worse. I'm a brunette with a fair amount of yellow in my skin and I look pretty sick in yellow shirts too!

    Welcome, Vjack!, Glad to have you join us. This is a good place for motivation, and company!
  • Hi all! Glad to hear everyone is having a pretty good day.

    You are all so inspiring..and I am so impressed with all the excerise talk:

    OMW and Marie-I can't believe you love that rubbery leg feeling! I don't even like the feeling of sweating---got to conquer that issue so I can really get moving and feel good about it. Guess I should do something instead of just talking about it!

    I'm still getting into the swing of things;today's only my third day on WW .I did pretty good during the day we had a catered lunch at work and I had turkey wrap w/no dressing-about 1/4 c potato salad (couldn't resist that) and skipped the delicious desserts and had an apple instead. Tonight though, I am having a hard time not binging. Am thinking about the low fat Pringles and n my cupboard, but am afraid to open them tonight, cause I might eat too many.

    Marie- whats the diff between an eating "desire" and a "craving"? Desire sounds so much better and so much more a matter of choice than a craving.

    Can't believe it's only Tuesday--supposed to be hot (and muggy!) here in Maine tomorrow-yech!

  • Hi Valerie, to me a craving is I've gotta have, I gotta have and it won't leave my mind. A desire is yummy, Italian sounds good tonight. I have tastes for foods and I have cravings. I suppose you could go on the intensity of the want.

    I thought of WLW today as I added more intensity to my arm workout as my legs still felt like spaghetti from yesterday's workout. Now I have spaghetti arms too.
  • penguin - nice to hear all went well at your eye appointment.

    vjack - good job at the work lunch. I often have to deal with work functions that have good too. Good job staying on track!

    I did some walking on break at work today, about 1/4 of the callanetics program and I chased my granddaughter around for a few hours tonight. She started walking this past weekend and she sure is fast!

    I am feeling better today, I had a couple days of being nauseous and just feeling like crap. Could have been a virus or maybe it's due to the increase of one of my meds I take. Tomorrow I have the day off and I am determined to do the complete one hour program of callanetics, even if I have to break it up or take rest breaks.