"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Small things to feel good about!

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  • 1300 Calories per day - 3 pauses Not Started
    30 minutes vigorous exercise - 3 pauses Day 1
    Plus 100 crunches - 3 pauses Not Started
    Journal and count food intake - no pauses Not Started
    Water - 1500ml per day - 3 pauses. Day 1

    Didn't do too well yesterday. Had a dose of the munchies and ate far too much bread. Will start that today now. And I completely forgot about the crunches so they will start today as well. In fact I will go and do them now.
  • yet again!!!
    I did it. Notched another day on my calorie challenge (as well as the other three as well)

    It wasn't easy. I had to constantly look at the total and plan what would keep me within bounds. I don't think it's the healthiest thing for me because I tend to care more about the number and not the nutrition. But that's to be expected. If I look at nutrition I will definitely go over. That said, I am not existing on junk so for now it will do.

    CALORIE CHALLENGE (under 2,000) Day 2 completed 0 pauses taken
    NO ALCOHOL (round 5 minus 10 days and pauses) -- Day 19 completed 3 pauses taken
    NO SMOKING (round 5) -- Day 11 completed 2 pause taken
    CAFFEINE CUT (Round 7 minus 4 days and pauses) -- Day 5 completed 0 pauses taken


    Shad -- Looks like you're having a bit of a hard time getting started again. No problem. Just give yourself time and you'll be up and going strong in no time.

    diyana -- Congratulations on completing THREE challenges!! WOW!! Three cheers to you!! And just one more day on your WW points challenge. You can do it!!!
  • Morning ladies -

    Quick post for me today. I was really feeling under the weather yesterday...nauseous, dizzy, etc., so I took a pass on the gym. I'm feeling better today; and after I complete a phone meeting with one of my client's vendors, I plan to either go to the gym or do some seriously aerobic housecleaning. My SI joint pain is flaring up this morning...but hopefully two Aleve will take care of that.

    Journal and stay within WW points - 0 pauses left - Day 21 completed
    1/2 hour of cardio - 1 pause taken - 2 pauses left - Day 5 completed

    New additional challenges starting (re-starting) today:
    Journal and stay within WW points - 3 pauses
    Drink 64 ounces of water - 3 pauses
    50 crunches - 3 pauses
    2 minutes of planks - 3 pauses
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 3 pauses

    I had to add the fruits and veg in there as I've been slipping on that.

    Shad - I'm SO impressed with your 100 crunch challenge! That's awesome!! You've inspired me to increase my crunches to 50.

    Red - I'm SO proud of how well you're doing on the challenges! Good for you for eliminating some of the junk. That's something I appreciate about WW, they teach you how to get the most "nutritional bang" for your calories/points. For example, two slices of regular wheat toast with margarine is approximately 5 points. A bagel with cream cheese is about 7 points. But you could make a big egg beaters omelette with lots of veggies for only 4 points, and it's nutritious and would keep you full longer than a couple pieces of toast. My problem right now is a failure to prep and plan. I've got lots of veg in the frig, but need to turn them into soup, or at least wash them for quick snacks. Tonight. I promise I will prep those veggies tonight.
  • 1300 Calories per day - 3 pauses Day 1 done.
    30 minutes vigorous exercise - 3 pauses Day 2 done
    Plus 100 crunches - 3 pauses Day 1 done
    Journal and count food intake - no pauses Day 1 done
    Water - 1500ml per day - 3 pauses. Day 2 done

    Finally got my act together yesterday. I've done todays exercise already but need to get the journalling done.
  • I'm in
    Okay, I guess I know how to do this...

    Calories - 1,400. 1 pause. Not started.

    Journaling - 1 pause. Not started.

    No refined sugar - 2 pauses. Not started.

    Minimum one hour per day of working out, 5X week - 1 pause. Not started.

    No processed food, except Ezekiel products - 2 pauses. Not started.

    Well, that should do it. I will post my progress starting tonight.
  • third day on calories notched!!!
    Well, for what it's worth (aren't I just a ball of sunshine?) I made it through another day on all fronts, including the biggie, the calorie challenge.
    It is tough at the end of the day. Even though I ate a smaller breakfast, I was hungry earlier on and soon made up the difference.
    Day end saw me adding up the calories right to the limit and really wishing I could have more food. I considered a pause but thought it too early.
    So, here I am, up to three. Let's hope I can take it further, to where it really starts making a dent in these fat stores.
    I also got to the gym again. I'm not doing all that much, but it's definitely something. Have to be careful I don't overdo it, always a danger in the early gung-ho stages.

    CALORIE CHALLENGE (under 2,000) Day 3 completed 0 pauses taken
    NO ALCOHOL (round 5 minus 10 days and pauses) -- Day 20 completed 3 pauses taken
    NO SMOKING (round 5) -- Day 12 completed 2 pause taken
    CAFFEINE CUT (Round 7 minus 4 days and pauses) -- Day 6 completed 0 pauses taken


    diyana -- Sorry to hear you were feeling poorly but glad to hear things are looking up. Joint pain can really curb your fun, can't it? Wow, look at all those challenges you're starting up. I think planks is a challenge thread first. Good one on the fruits and vegs. Something I need to pay more attention to.
    Thanks for the support. This is a big one for me and I am hungry a lot! Yes, I'm awakening to the necessity of using my calories wisely. Before I just went for both. Now, of course it's hard just having good food and I am allowing myself to eat a bit poorly just so I can experience success on the challenge. It is early days and that is the important thing now. I also realize that eating good food means I won't be craving junk as much. But, the mind and my inner brat still have the old habits so I have to appease them a bit longer. And then!! On to the hardcore!

    Shad -- Glad to hear you got your act together. "Vigorous exercise," eh? Just what was that? Sounds....well....vigorous!

    jillian -- Welcome! You've got a nice set of challenges there. Tough ones too! Wow! The workout one isn't a daily thing so just consider it an extracurricular. What are Ezekiel products, by the way? Best of luck!!
  • So much going on this week and weekend...cleaning, freelance work (which I'm NOT complaining about), and if the weather cooperates DH wants to go fishing on Saturday...one last time before we put the boat in storage for the winter. Doggie is going to the vet today after work for a follow up. Tomorrow after work, I'm going to the gym for my fave classes. And Friday evening is a meeting with a website client. So I'm gonna have to employ some time management skills - an area I'm not that strong in. Can you come help me Shad? You're so good at that!! Also, I tried to prep some veggies and fruit to make for quick snacks....but they had gone bad. Gonna probably make some veggie soup this weekend with the stuff that's still good, and also buy more fresh veg of course. At least on the exercise front, I had so many meetings yesterday (and more today) that I was rushing from one end of my huge office building to the other, plus I took a walk at lunch so I easily got in 1/2 hour of cardio. Didn't get in the crunches or planks, but I'll start that this afternoon before I take doggie off to the vet.

    Here's where I'm at:

    1/2 hour of cardio - 1 pause taken - 2 pauses left - Day 6 completed
    Journal and stay within WW points - 3 pauses - Day 1 completed
    Drink 64 ounces of water - 3 pauses - Day 1 completed
    50 crunches - 3 pauses - NOT STARTED
    2 minutes of planks - 3 pauses - NOT STARTED
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 3 pauses - Day 1 completed

    Shad - Goodonya for getting your act together. I feel like I haven't gotten my act quite together...but I'm making strides.

    JillianFan - WELCOME!! Those are wonderful challenges! I am curious as to what Ezekiel products are.

    Red - I'm SO proud of you that you're doing so well on all your challenges! Calorie budgeting is difficult, trying to get the most nutrition and satiety from fewer calories. Good for you for getting to the gym. I, too, tend to go through gung-ho gangbusters stages. In fact, my trainer says with most people he has to encourage them to do MORE exercise...with me, he has to pull in the reigns (sp?) and caution me not to do too much or push myself too far to the point of injury. As for planks, my trainer tells me that planks work the core muscles in a more complete way that crunches and leg lifts, etc. do not. And as much as I HATE planks, and can only do about 30 seconds at a time (so I have to do 4 to get my 2 minutes in), they will help strengthen my core to better support my back.

    Well, gonna sign off for now. I'm hoping for a better day today...and also devising a plan to manage my time to get everything I need AND WANT to get done this week/weekend.

  • 1300 Calories per day - 3 pauses Day 2 done.
    30 minutes vigorous exercise - 3 pauses Day 3 done
    Plus 100 crunches - 3 pauses Day 2 done
    Journal and count food intake - no pauses Day 2 done
    Water - 1500ml per day - 3 pauses. Day 3 done

    No time right now. Back later.
  • through on alcohol!!
    I made it through another day on all fronts and finished the alcohol challenge. I did take three pauses but overall it's great. I am not looking to go out and if I do I can now quite easily NOT drink but instead just go for a meal and chat. I could not do that before. I used to wonder what people found interesting about that. Now, I realize I have to hang out with the people I CAN do that with or just do something else that doesn't involve drinking. Having some fun silly times with friends is good at times, but if I HAVE to do that with them then they're probably people I should be spending less time with. Of course, this is not really a new realization. It's because I'm not in the office. Something about spending an entire day somewhere has me putting down roots from my arse to my chair and it takes pruning shears to cut me loose from the area and send me HOME!
    The calorie challenge saw my fourth day under 2,000. I walked to the gym but realized partway there that I was just pushing myself too hard. I could have done the workout easily and paid for it later with illness. What's the sense of that? My body is reacting to the cut in calories (as it should be) but I should go a bit easier I thought. So, I walked to the gym and back home and then had a nice meal, which put me to my calorie limit.
    In the morning, instead of my usual healthy oatmeal, I indulged myself with other things, that though not exactly filling or healthful, got me through my self-pity and through another day ON challenge! Hurrah!

    CALORIE CHALLENGE (under 2,000) Day 4 completed 0 pauses taken
    NO ALCOHOL (round 5 minus 10 days and pauses) -- Day 21 completed 3 pauses taken ALCOHOL CHALLENGE COMPLETED!!!
    NO SMOKING (round 5) -- Day 13 completed 2 pause taken
    CAFFEINE CUT (Round 7 minus 4 days and pauses) -- Day 7 completed 0 pauses taken


    diyana -- Wow, I get a sense of things being quite hectic for you these days. It sounds though like you DO have it under control. I suppose this is where it helps you to write things down in a datebook and refer to that rather than try to juggle them in your head. I used to pride myself on being able to remember it all, but it is an energy drain and you have to remain on edge in order to remember it all. So, why bother? Just write it down and then you can forget it as long as you remember to look in the datebook. It's easier and less tiring.
    Yes, the calorie thing is kind of hard, and worse, it's a bore. But I am determined to do it. My weight went down some but now it's back up. I try to exercise patience and do the math and realize that things can only go slowly. It's such a shame that it's so hard to lose when it's so easy to put on weight, but I guess I should be thankful I am built to survive. Whatever, it's just the way it is.
    I too hate any static exercise and even slow exercise, slow as in hold and move slowly through, say, a weight-training exercise. I know I have to do some or risk injury but I find it SO incredibly boring and tedious that I risk not doing it at all. In which case, I find I have to move faster to keep my interest and in that way STILL make progress.

    Shad -- I just saw you posted as I was about to send this off. Good to see you!! It looks like you've notched another day! Hurrah!
  • This morning, I was thrilled to learn that my iron count was high enough so I could donate blood at my company's blood drive. Since I'm O negative (the universal donor), I like to donate as often as they'll let me...but often my iron is too low. So all the spinach I've been eating regularly seems to be helping! Yay!

    Weight Watchers weigh in is at noon...hopefully it will go well but as I've been too busy to do a proper workout at the gym...I'm not sure. I can't go to the gym after work today...not supposed to exercise after you donate blood, so I'll meet with a website client instead. That being said, I should be able to do some basic crunches and planks.

    1/2 hour of cardio - 1 pause taken - 2 pauses left - Day 7 completed (briskly walking around my large office building)
    Journal and stay within WW points - 3 pauses - Day 2 completed
    Drink 64 ounces of water - 3 pauses - Day 2 completed
    50 crunches - 3 pauses - Day 1 completed
    2 minutes of planks - 3 pauses - Day 1 completed
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 3 pauses - Day 2 completed


    Shad - You're doing so great on the challenges!

    Red - Congratulations on completing the alcohol challenge! You rock! That's awesome that you've gotten to the point where if you go out you don't necessarily need to drink! As for fun silly times....I'm frequently sillier when I'm sober! I know I have a sharper wit sober. Good for you on listening to your body. I have a tendency to push myself too hard with either leads to illness, injury, exhaustion or burnout. I'm trying to find a good healthy balance. Good idea about the datebook. I used to use a daytimer, but haven't in years. I add things to my Lotus Notes calendar at work and set reminders to trigger right before I go home. But having something in the car and at home would help. You are just a fast-paced chick aren't ya? You like quick weight loss. Of course, wouldn't we all? And quick exercise. That's why I like strength training classes...the instructor helps you pace the reps so you get the maximum benefit. I've got to get my butt back to the gym for "proper" workouts. Ugh, I hate cleaning. It is a good workout, but I hate doing it. Hopefully this weekend I'll get to the gym.

    Here's to a successful OP day for all of us!!

  • Weigh in update....down 0.6 lb, not great but much better than a gain. I guess donating the pint of blood helped!
  • One for the thumb!!!!
    Well, I did it. I got through five days on my calorie challenge. I am afraid that worries and such though are going to scare me into overeating. I can feel it. Whenever I don't know what to do, as in now, with work and such, I want to comfort myself with food. I HAVE to remember that it helps nothing. It's how I first became overweight, anxiety-fueled eating. And it's become so familiar that it's become second nature.
    Anyhow, I have to learn to try to do things that actually help me deal with the problems in a constructive way. Still, I can feel the pull. It's so strong and, what's worse, it's not a conscious thing when it takes over. I just space out and do it.
    Ah, heck, what am I saying? I did it. I counted the calories, wrote things down as I went and STOPPED when I hit the limit. I did not make good choices as far as food went...well, not ALL day long. But some of them were. Others were to placate feelings of deprivation. Whatever works, that's all I'm concerned about now. When I see results, I am hoping they will motivate me to keep on track.

    CALORIE CHALLENGE (under 2,000) Day 5 completed 0 pauses taken
    NO ALCOHOL (round 6 minus 10 days and pauses) -- Day 1 completed 0 pauses taken
    NO SMOKING (round 5) -- Day 14 completed 2 pause taken
    CAFFEINE CUT (Round 7 minus 4 days and pauses) -- Day 8 completed 0 pauses taken


    diyana -- Well, a loss is a loss, so good for you!! I don't know how you stand only weighing once a week. I mean, heck, you could have been more down yesterday and just happen to be up today. That would knock me flat if I'd waited all week for a weigh-in and got hit with the numbers up or only down a bit. You are much stronger than I am! You've been working out a lot, right? So, I'm sure your body is going through good changes. Hang in there!

    I am definitely more fun drunk and silly is really never a word that could describe me. It's the others that get silly and I just can go along with it when I am happily in my cups.

    Yup, I've been great with the weight training. I found that going later in the day (which I can do now since I have no work) means I meet a lot of people I know from way back in my pseudo powerlifting days. So, there's always a nice chat between exercises. The top trainer yesterday even made a point of commenting on how hard and often I'd been working out lately. That is high praise indeed! This is a guy whose entire life is bodybuilding and he's all seriousness when it comes to workouts. He doesn't pass comment lightly!

    Cleaning? What is that?!!?

  • 1300 Calories per day - 3 pauses Day 3 done.
    30 minutes vigorous exercise - 3 pauses Day 4 done
    Plus 100 crunches - 3 pauses Day 3 done
    Journal and count food intake - no pauses Day 3 done
    Water - 1500ml per day - 3 pauses. Day 4 done

    No time right now. Back later.
  • I'm tired today...and so glad it's Friday. Last night, had a meeting with a website client that went longer than anticipated. Now I've got even more stuff to keep me busy this weekend, which is good in a way. At least it won't be all work (website and cleaning)...DH and I are hoping to go fishing tomorrow and we will take a break to watch the Packer game on Sunday.

    1/2 hour of cardio - 1 pause taken - 2 pauses left - Day 8 completed (briskly walking around my large office building)
    Journal and stay within WW points - 3 pauses - Day 3 completed
    Drink 64 ounces of water - 3 pauses - Day 3 completed
    50 crunches - 3 pauses - Day 2 completed
    2 minutes of planks - 3 pauses - Day 2 completed
    5 servings of fruits and veg - 3 pauses - Day 3 completed


    Shad - I hope you have a good weekend and get a least a bit of relaxing in.

    Red - You're doing great on the calorie challenge. And if you gradually transition to making better choices, you'll be able to have more food for the same calories. I sometimes fall into the anxiety eating trap...but lately it's more the boredom eating trap for me. I occasionally weigh myself at home during the week. But for me it works to weigh in once a week. I think I'd be more frustrated and p*ssed off if I was down the day before weigh in but up on weigh in day. I've been moving, but not for the duration or intensity level that I was a couple weeks ago. Haven't had much time to do proper gym workouts. But YOU, young lady, are definitely ROCKING the gym and weight lifting!! I didn't know you were a powerlifter. How cool! No wonder you're so strong. And what an awesome compliment from the top trainer!! I'm really proud of you! Your commitment to the gym and weight lifting is really inspiring!

    I'll try and check in over the weekend...but given all the I have going on, I can't guarantee.

    Here's to a great, successful, OP weekend for all of us!!
  • did it but....
    I made it through another day. It was hard, as usual and because I see no progress I am starting to get down about it and that means I am likely to just quit. But I know I shouldn't. Still....I couldn't sleep last night because of the itching. I so wish I knew what the cause was or if there was anything to do to stop the itching. I am even taking the steroid medicine and putting cream on but they are NOT working. I am in a pretty bad way.
    Supposed to go down to Osaka tonight for a party but cannot see myself doing that and having any fun whatsoever.
    This all sucks.
    I know I have to keep at it. I know that at this level of calories I can only expect slow progress. I know water retention looks just like fat, but still...it sucks.

    CALORIE CHALLENGE (under 2,000) Day 6 completed 0 pauses taken
    NO ALCOHOL (round 6 minus 10 days and pauses) -- Day 2 completed 0 pauses taken
    NO SMOKING (round 5) -- Day 15 completed 2 pause taken
    CAFFEINE CUT (Round 7 minus 4 days and pauses) -- Day 8 completed 1 pause taken


    diiyana -- Thanks for the congrats but you can see I'm in a very bad mood. I really pushed myself to go to the gym last night. It was the latest yet and yet I did it. Oh well, I just have to keep at it. I enjoy going to the gym. I couldn't sleep and got up to make a mug of camomile tea so that added to the morning weight. The steroid medicine surely has me retaining water. I haven't been drinking much water and I had salty and sugary things yesterday. Heck, I know weight loss is often preceded by a gain. I just have to stick to it, don't I? I just need an upper, something to make me smile and feel good instead of this eczema ****.
    You, on the other hand, sound like you have an enjoyable weekend ahead of you, even if you do have some work to do. Fishing and football, now that sounds nice.
    See you again next week, hopefully with a better report than this pity party.

    Did I see Shad fly through here?!?!