SEPTEMBER - They are going baaaack!

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  • Fran - I'm here too!

    Where has the summer gone? Well, we didn't really have much of a summer, but what can you do?

    I was in NY for a week in August and it was soooo hot...too hot really but I still managed to get in a run on the streets of NY. So much fun! No other exercise on that trip except lots of walking. Unless you can count eating as exercise?! I treated myself on my birthday to a chocolate peanut butter sundae...for dinner. Why eat a meal first when it will only mean that I don't have room for the best part? Yes, that's how my mind works.

    It was only September 1 yesterday and already the gym was busier than usual. Has the September rush really begun already? DH was a bit shocked but I told him September and January are always like that and then it goes back to normal within a few weeks. Sad but true.

    Mel - even if it's not in the thread name, I think we could still use a monthly challenge. Want to throw one out there?

    to everyone! I keep saying I'll try to check in more often, but I can't seem to make it stick. Maybe September will be my month!

    Now I'm off to read some old posts and try to catch up with everything.

  • Cardio done, off to a CPR class to keep my certification. The hospitals here no longer teach it, so I'm headed to an EMT training center in a shady part of town.

    Challenge: do as many push ups as you can in one set today. By the end of the month, do twice as many, or if you are doing modified, do as many REAL ones! Don't forget to do the equivalent amount of back exercises!

    My bathroom and closet start getting ripped up in 20 minutes

    Fran- we will definitely plan to get together!

  • Elisa - on the sundae for dinner... been there, done that! I know the dinner will be unsatisfying since I'll just be waiting for the dessert, so why not just skip it!

    Mel - I'm in on the pushup challenge... I have no idea how many I can do in one uninterrupted set right now, I think somewhere around 15? I'll test it today to see...

    Lydia - feeling any better?

    Did some kickboxing last night followed with 30 mins on the elliptical and my upper arms and shoulders are still a little sore... Realized about halfway through the boxing part that I was hitting a lot harder than normal but didn't slow down much so I deserve it.

    Good day everyone!
  • Hey peeps, !

    Haven't caught up on the thread, but need to get to bed, so thought I'd pop in with just a quick update.

    Been busy, gym in the morning, afternoons spent working at yard work/handychick jobs, and all my home time is spent doing laundry, chores and sleeping. Tomorrow will be the same, but then this weekend I'll be home with 3 boarding dogs, which will be nice. The weather is finally cooling in the mornings, so I am hoping I can get out and run dogs this weekend at least once.

    The CF report, greatly condensed:
    Tuesday's wod was four 400 meter runs for time. Got a new PR of 1:50.
    Wednesday's wod was squat cleans, 5 sets of 3 across. I warmed up with lighter weights, then used 75# for my working sets. Not too heavy, since I am still learning this move. I think I'm FINALLY getting the hang of getting those elbows around quickly, and the squat portion seems easier now. I only fell on my butt a few times.
  • Morning! If I'd been quicker I'd have caught Cheryl before she went to bed but it's the first day of term and things were busy.

    I've been to the gymn and done cardio. Not too much and a lot of stretching. Chiro tomorrow. Had a mammogram. Gone to the supermarket. Bought green leafy veg. etc.

    The plan this week is to 'get my life back'. (Lydia, let's bond. ) I got on the scales yesterday to find a most terrible number but my period was just starting. Today it was terrible but less bad. Nevertheless, I have to take myself in hand.

    Pat, DB is now 9 1/4. I am now 54. So, Mel, I do not think you are really old ... I've had confirmation of weight-lifting as 'the fountain of youth', as Meg says, from our builders. I've known them for years and one was amazed to learn my real age. He thought I was in my mid-40s. Yes! What a laugh!

    Fran and Elisa - hello again! Alena - hello!

    Shannon - great work balancing on your new shoes!

    I'd better go now. Work to be done and all that. See you tomorrow.
  • Yesterdays CF workout was brutal:

    40 pull ups
    400 meter run
    40 Sumo deadlift high pulls
    400 meter run
    40 kettle bell "ribbons" ( two handed figure 8 from left hip, over head to right hip, then back = 1)
    400 meter run
    40 box jumps

    abs 8 sets of hanging knees to elbows

    My only mods were the knees to elbows- I just can't hang without my shoulders begging for an orthopedist. NOT worth it! I did basically the same thing on the floor, which is nowhere near the same difficulty. But I'm 25 years older than anyone else there. At least that's my excuse

    Lots of off site meetings today- not sure what the food situation will be. I packed the usual last night then realized I can't eat a tub full of salad with fish in a big town hall type meeting!

    My bathroom is completely ripped out now. The cats are thoroughly freaked out, and I can't find my clothes because they are sprinkled through every closet in the house except my bedroom! Getting dressed is like a treasure hunt I'll get more organized on the weekend. haha, famous last words!

    What's everyone doing for the long weekend? Does everyone have a long weekend?

  • Reasons to lift weights
    Your clothes story resonates, Mel! It's a bit tricky here too. Do you have my other pair of workout trousers or one of my good socks? I may have one of your suits. Just let me know!

    More input from the builders. The roofer's son was in a very bad car accident last summer: head-on, unconscious, fire in engine, stuck in seat-belt. But he lifts weights. Came to, tore the seat-belt out of its fitting, crawled to other side of road. Phew!

    He was very badly injured but has made a fantastic recovery. Yes, he's young but some medics have the idea that all the protein he eats tipped the balance.

    Like I say, it's what I go to the gymn for. You simply never know. And if stuff happens, you're in better shape to deal with it.
  • Those workouts sound like fun!

    My gym is closed Monday night so I need to put together an at home workout . Hmmmm.....good ideas!

    My long weekend: Sat = cross country Sun = delivering babies Mon=recovering from delivering babies. Hmmm.....same as every other weekend! I guess no one told the babies it is a long weekend. I actually enjoy catching babies over the Labor Day weekend. The moms get a kick out of it.

    ETA: Wow, birch, what a story! I'm glad he's okay!
  • Good morning!

    Silver - wow, that is a story! Very glad he is okay as well. I always think about things like getting into better shape to prevent health conditions, but I'm sure it will also help me in case of crisis. And, like you, it seems to make me appear younger than I am to most people, which I have no problem with!

    Midwife - babies don't tend to take holidays off, I guess!

    Mel - ouch! That looks rough! Funny about your clothes being scattered about... That would make me absolutely crazy...

    Cheryl - You have been busy this week! Hope you get a little down time over the weekend!

    I worked out last night for a brief period of time - nothing great to speak of. I was still sore from the kickboxing Tuesday night so only did about 20 minutes of my planned strength training before calling it quits and moving to some yoga. Overslept this morning so no exercise - if we have DSS tonight won't get in any this afternoon either. DH is home sick - we don't know at this point if it is a normal cold or flu. He had a low grade fever last night, but no other time. He has been out for the better part of the week, came home early Friday, Tuesday & Wednesday, now home all day today. I'm hoping that he cancels DSS coming over tonight so he can get a little more rest even if he doesn't spike a fever again today.

    Good day everyone!
  • So no monthly challenge?

    I actually went up to Valley Forge the other day and I'm going to Philly/NYC next weekend.

    We should have a get together in the Baltimore area sometime

    I have somewhat been slacking in regards to exercise. I've been walking and running and some kettlebells but not dedicated weights. What is wrong with me? Oh and I did go kayaking last weekend and will probably go kayaking this weekend.

    Someone I know had a relative die of cancer, she was in her 40s. I think I need to really re-evaluate my goals and methods. I've been on and off of proper eating/exercising for the past 2 years. I need to switch the light on and keep it on. I need to value my life more than I do. Of course I don't think I am unhealthy but I also am not at my full potential and I should work to change that. Life is short. Of course sometimes I think life is too short to miss out on whatever new treat I've found That obviously is the wrong mentality.

    My husband and I are starting Karate in less than 2 weeks so hopefully that'll help get in the right mind set. I'm also running whether I'm doing anything else right because I have found the ability to convince myself to go out and do my run program.
  • The September challenge is to lift 1000 Tomatoes. :-)

    Karate will be fun!!!
  • Silver: That's an amazing story about your roofer's son. Yep. That's why I do it too. Now that's functional fitness.

    Love it that you were mistaken for a woman in her mid 40's. Seriously. Makes me wonder how old I look if you didn't know. Oh vanity gets me now where...I know better. But it is the fountain of youth I have no doubt. Looks are one thing but movement is so much more rewarding.

    Let's bond over the getting my life back thing maybe next week. I'm STILL sick. This is one of those wonderful old fashioned colds. Fever keeps spiking when I do anything more than roll over on the couch.

    I'm hoping to let it run its course so I can be healthy the rest of the fall/winter. I've got plans to get seriously fit and don't need the distraction. Right now I can use my down time to study for the NASM test this fall.

    Shannon: If I forgot to mention, you looked fantastic in the reunion photos. Loved the dress! Hope your DH is feeling better soon too. Being sick is no fun.

    Mel: Hope your cats survive the bathroom remodel.

    Midwife: Labor Day is the best day to have a baby! My FIL was born on labor day too. His birthday is the last of what I refer to as "birthday season" in our family: DH, DS1, DS2, my nephew, both of my grandparents as well as FIL. If my family is any indication of the norm, this has been a very busy month for you.

    Cheryl: Wow. You are one busy person. Enjoy the dogs who are coming for a visit and try to get a little recovery rest!

    Nelie: Let me know what you think of Karate! This is something I haven't done. With regard to re evaluating your goals and methods:

    I have found in my own training I experience hills and valleys. There are periods when I can put together a plan, go full tilt, eat clean and feel like a million bucks. I can't imagine ever wanting to stop or how I could feel any different.

    Then I may hit a valley: maybe overtraining and I need a neurological rest, maybe life gets in the way and I become just slightly deconditioned and then complacent...

    I find it impossible to remain focused in goal mode ALL of the time. I go in cycles and I think that is okay. It's a journey.

    When I do need to go through a valley though I begin to seek alternative ways to grow/enrich my knowledge. Maybe taking a class, hiring a trainer, doing yoga instead of lifting or just throwing myself into my house completely to catch up on projects.

    I think the trick though is to always keep one foot in the fitness realm during the valleys. It's important. If we step out for just a moment we are not being reinforced with all the good that we receive from it, all we may remember is the discipline it requires in time, money, effort, eating, etc which can seem draining in an of itself.

    Anyway, just my thoughts, just to let you know you are not alone in the idea of dialing it down a little, reevaluating your goals and then making a plan. I think it's a good approach. Just make sure there is a plan in place when you need it. Then get yourself psyched with positive thoughts of realizing your goal.

    Okay. Off to go sneeze again. Enjoy the beautiful weather if you can!
  • Quote: Challenge: do as many push ups as you can in one set today. By the end of the month, do twice as many, or if you are doing modified, do as many REAL ones! Don't forget to do the equivalent amount of back exercises!
    Mel - I did a set of 18 last night. During the pushup challenge last month I remember doing 20 in one set, but couldn't make that last night. So, I'm going with 18 as my starting number, looking for 36 by the end of the month. What back exercises do I need to do to compliment them?

    Nelie - I feel you on the 'life is too short to miss a treat' mentality. I get it sometimes, too.

    Lydia - hope the cold breaks soon for you! I'm afraid mine is just starting...

    I forgot to put in my last post that I built a set of PVC parrallettes last night. I took a pic of them on my blackberry but can't figure out yet how to get it out of there and onto here.
  • Hey ladies,

    Today's workout was short, heavy (for me) and fun, since it was all about the deadlifts:

    5 rounds of:
    7 Deadlifts (225# men/155# women)
    20 sit-ups

    My time was 7:12/Rx'd. I've been using 135 lbs for the deadlift in hi rep wods, so I figured I could handle the 155 for 7 at a time. About round 2, I wasn't so sure...oof! I was busted down to singles by round 5, but I survived.

    Sorry I'm not keeping up with replies right now, but things will calm down over the weekend...I hope!
  • Hi ladies,

    Lydia - I hope you are feeling better
    Shannon - on the paralettes, you rock!
    Pat - Enjoy your trip!
    Mel & birch - builders in the house 1

    Hi to everyone else...sending over some good vibes : in re wandering clothes, cats & kids back to school. In a case of morphic resonance I find myself too..looking at piles of clothes since still have to repopulate my wardrobe closet after a bedroom makeover, got a new dressing gown since my eldest cat took possession of my old one to make a day nest, and my kids have to go to school today to get their schedules etc, classes start next Monday. Life is getting back into its normal grooves, I'll have to ask my gym buddy if she is ready to go back to the gym! (she dropped out for the summer)

    My giant elastic bands arrived yesterday. I have yet to do some serious testing, but I have done some trial pull-ups and it works! I managed with 3 bands, but I guess I'll need 4 to start with so I can do more than 1 pull up. And I got some smaller bands as well to play with.

    Have a great day all,