am I crazy?

  • I just talked to my husband via webcam. (recap: he's in Iraq till Spring sometime). I commented that his arms looked nice in the shirt he was wearing. Turns out....


    Now, he always does PT and exericse and is in pretty darn good shape, but he's never been big into lifting weights. He's lifting regularly and says he's doing it to relieve stress. I'm totally ok with that, as I don't want him stressed out and exercising to combat that stress is a really smart move!

    So, why am I feeling weird tonight? Intellectually, I know that this is GREAT! Both of us doing something good for our health and our bodies should make me feel wonderful, right?

    So, why do I feel like my parade just got rained on? Despite trying desperately NOT to put a time frame on this journey, I was really looking forward to being somewhat "transformed" when I picked him up at the airstrip. I'm being stupid. He knows I have been doing this and he's thrilled because my insulin issues scare the crap out of him. It's not like any of this will really be a "surprise" for him. I should be happy that we're both changing our bodies in some way.
    What's wrong with me?
  • It's just deployment stress. When my husband was deployed I got worked up over the same things. It's always hard when there not here to boost you up. Just keep doing what you're doing and I promise that it's going to be okay.
  • My husbands not in the military, but as of right now we are long distance. we see each other about once every 6 months and the fact that he is in great shape pisses me off. hah

    he is one of those guys that you could slap and no fat giggles because he is a soccer player. where on the other hand im a short pear shaped chick with an *** you could set a cup on (if you ask me).

    it's hard because as much as we like to think random people don't say there is a fat person in a couple and a thin person, we know there is. and as a woman we want to feel sexy and want to feel like they know it. especially when our men aren't right in front of us, we'd like to think that they can show pictures of us off and other men lust after us because its just nice to feel like other people envy the way you look. seeing as the unfortunate truth is society cares so much, and makes us care too.

    I know how you feel, and you're not crazy. it gets to me if my husband says he lost 14 pounds and doesn't even know how, as he shoves a hamburger in his face. it's upsetting because we are trying to look better, and if they are doing it to it makes us, or me at least, feel like i need to up my goal and look even better. its competitiveness and it's the wanting of possibly being seen as the "better looking one" of the couple. even though at the end of the day it really doesn't matter all that much.

    oh and to top it off it doesn't help that the positive changes seem to come to them so much faster and easier.

    ps: every time one of us has a trip to see the other all of a sudden I'm like "okay sabrina, 3 months- 30 pounds, lets do it, and make his jaw drop to the floor." unfortunately, i have never lost as much weight as i would of liked, but I never stop trying to hopefully one day accomplish that feat.
  • It's natural to feel jealous. Just remember that guys are able to make drastic transformations quicker -- think Biggest Loser. It's always the guys that are losing 30 lbs the first week!

    Keep going! We're proud of you, and he is, too!
  • Thanks, ladies. I really needed those encouraging words. I appreciate your responses.