What does it FEEL like to be thin?

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  • I love that I can get more done because I have so much more energy and I no longer hit that wall at 2-3 PM like I used to.

    I love that reaching for something I've dropped or climbing on a stepladder to get something down out of a high cupboard is effortless now.

    I love that I am no longer dripping with perspiration all the time and having to decline activities based on how much I might sweat.

    I love that I can dance again. DH and I are going to dance at the Christmas party tonight.

    I love that we are even GOING to the Christmas party. In years past we just didn't go because I was too fat.

    I love that I no longer get "the look" from DH every time I eat. This behavior almost caused a divorce; the underlying problem is still there (hatred of fat people and disrespect of me) but at least this particular conflict is gone. - Though that's NOT why I chose to lose the weight!

    I love that I can wear warm fuzzy sweaters (because I really NEED to these days; I am constantly cold) without looking like a pincushion.

    I love that I can shop more easily and I have a LOT more choices these days than I used to.
  • I love waking up every morning feeling energetic and positive.

    I love looking slim and feeling confident in jeans and pants.

    I love that I no longer have to pass up physical activities, like climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, because I think I won't be able to keep up.

    I love that I no longer have to feel apologetic about, or over-compensate for, my weight.

    I love that people assume I'm naturally athletic.

    I love looking forward to a challenging workout.

    I love having the stamina to snow-shoe or hike for 22km (about 13.5 miles), and looking forward to getting up and doing it again the next day.

    I love it when my colleagues ask about my holiday plans, then say, "Wow - you must be fit!"

    I love no longer dreading holiday weight gain.

    I love being able to walk up several flights of stairs without getting out of breath.

    I love being able to participate in conversations about exercise instead of just smiling politely.

    I love buying new workout stuff.

    I love finding new physical activities that I can actually do.

    I love it that my natural walking pace is "very brisk" instead of "ploddingly slow".

    I love being able to walk into any store knowing that there will be lots of nice clothes that will fit me.

    I love that I no longer have to dress to hide my "flaws".

    I love it when my husband compliments my butt, or muscles, or secretly checks me out when I'm getting changed.

    I love feeling strong, light, agile and fit.

    I love being confident, instead of telling myself I'm confident.

    I love being able to say that I'm hungry, or eat a cookie, without feeling that people are judging me.

    I love coming across a children's playground in a park and sliding down the slippery dip and playing on the climbing equipment.

    I love putting my hand on my hip and feeling muscle there - instead of fat.

    I love no longer feeling the need to cringe when someone brings out a camera.

    Cue the dancing carrot!
  • For me it feels no different, I am still 'chubby' in my mind, 8 years later...
  • Quote: For me it feels no different, I am still 'chubby' in my mind, 8 years later...

    I think we all still have "fat" days, but I'm sure we can find a way for you to see what others see.

    Have you tried yoga?
    Other types of exercise?
    It's beneficial to focus on what our bodies can do, rather than on what they look like.

    What about a wardrobe makeover?

    Listing 10 things that you don't miss about being fat?

    Listing 10 things that you can do now, that you couldn't do before?

    Seeing a counsellor who specialises in body image?

    I'm just throwing out some random ideas, but I'm sure others will have some suggestions.
  • Quote:

    I think we all still have "fat" days, but I'm sure we can find a way for you to see what others see.

    Have you tried yoga?
    Other types of exercise?
    It's beneficial to focus on what our bodies can do, rather than on what they look like.

    What about a wardrobe makeover?

    Listing 10 things that you don't miss about being fat?

    Listing 10 things that you can do now, that you couldn't do before?

    Seeing a counsellor who specialises in body image?

    I'm just throwing out some random ideas, but I'm sure others will have some suggestions.
    YOGA is the best, once you see that people all ages and shapes and sizes can come together and do things that will bring your mind and body together it is amazing. We need to be happy..thin is not the whole picture..it is being happy and healthy that is our true goal.
  • For me the best thing is not having to think about weight at all. Wear whatever great clothes I want, do whatever activities I want--easily.

    The worst thing is regretting I didn't do this earlier in my life. I spent decades as an overweight person and only now at 64 am I slim and carefree.

    My plea to everyone struggling with weight issues is: hang in there and DO it. Don't let the years pass before you make the changes you want.
  • Thanks!

    I was a "happy fat girl" - my weight loss didn't bother me or anyone else, it wasn't a huge amount either (40lbs) so really, the weight loss didn't change much for me. Yes, I'm healthier, fitter (I am a weightlifter now, yes I know my body is remarkably different & stronger), but it didn't bring the "lifechanging" miracles that sometimes people think it will I was happy before and happy now, at 130lbs. I will say, at 110lbs when I lost a bit too much, I was very unhappy though - yes, being that thin brought a lot of attention from men and I was very young/naive (19-20) and didn't handle it well. Now, at 130 and happily married, I will say that I am just as happier as a "happy fat girl" - only healthier.

    So maybe it did change a lot
  • Quote: The worst thing is regretting I didn't do this earlier in my life. I spent decades as an overweight person and only now at 64 am I slim and carefree.
    Oh I hear you!

    I read out my earlier post to my hubby yesterday, and as I did so I felt that familiar little pang of regret that I left it so long. I didn't start losing weight until I was in my mid-40s, and am now in my mid-50s.

    But looking at it from a more positive angle, we now have a new lease on life, and we've figured it out, when most of our contemporaries are dealing with weight gain and the associated health problems.
  • Quote: I love being able to say that I'm hungry, or eat a cookie, without feeling that people are judging me.
    Same here!!!
  • My rosacea is history. The tech who does my IPL is astonished with my results. I never could have imagined how much easier physical therapy for TMJ would be being trim. Nothing like the therapist to say so. I appreciated being smaller when I had my endo & colonoscopy. The medical procedures are so much easier being thin & trim. No way for me to have known that while I was still fat.
  • Quote: The medical procedures are so much easier being thin & trim. No way for me to have known that while I was still fat.
    And mammograms are now far less painful.
  • My DH calls me skinny, but I'm not entirely convinced that I am... yet.

    All I know is I feel strong and healthy with so much more energy than I did at my heavier weight. I still have a few pounds to lose, and a bit more refining, but ultimately I'm pretty contented.

    On my journey I have discovered some amazing things about my body and how all the hard work and perseverance has paid off:

    I love being keenly aware of my muscles when I work out and feeling them sore and tired after a tough session.

    I love looking for clothes that will show off more of my body instead of trying to find ways to cover a pouchy belly or a big bottom (these were my main problem areas). I still encounter troubles trying to reconcile my latest photos with the picture I have in my head though.

    I love feeling 'in the zone' when I run. My feet are lightly springing off the ground and my body feels effortlessly free (only seems to last for a short time though - but it's great when it happens) as though I'm flying along.

    I love how my hips don't feel as bruised after a run, because I have less weight jarring my bones every time I take a stride.

    I love discovering new, 'never before seen' muscles I had no idea I possessed. It's exciting looking for the positive changes instead of having that fear in the back of my mind wondering 'oh s--t, I've gained weight'.

    I love that my appetite has been moderated such that I"m not starving hungry all the time, and when I do feel hunger and eat something, I need a lot less to feel 'full'. I feel this also makes me more discerning about what I choose to eat, because I have less 'tasting time' to enjoy whatever i do eat.
  • It feels wonderful! I actually have to put a pillow between my legs to sleep as the bones in my knees dig into each other. I do not like looking at my hip bones naked though--they seem strange. Now movement, I feel light as air and with a spring in my step. I don't recognize myself yet and it has been over a year!
  • I know this is an old thread-but I just love it! I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey and this gives me such inspiration whenever I need a little push to keep going! Such an excellent thread!
  • What great encouragement to keep me focused on the prize. I know how much better I feel now, about half-way through my 'project'. I'm ashamed to think of all the times I've acted contrary to my best interests; I'll keep your posts in mind next time I'm confronted with a choice. Thanks!