Exercise for unfit beginners

  • Hi,

    Should I ever find the time to excerise, I'd be interested in knowing what would be a good video program to do (pilates, tae bo, walking, etc.). I haven't exercised in years and am probably very unfit! I have over 100 lbs. to lose and don't want to do any harm to myself, but I need to find something I don't hate and that will work quickly!!

    I like the Tae Bo... anyone do Pilates? Any recommendations/suggestions?

    Any idea WHERE in my day I can fit in exercise??!!!!

    Thanks -

  • Ahhhh....the battle for exercise. As for being unfit, well, me too. I enjoy walking (walk off the lbs), step aerobics and Richard Simmons. Doesn't really matter what you do as long as your moving. Try them all, you'll find a favorite.

    When, that is a totaly different matter. I always said that I did not have time to exercise. Until I made the time. If someone said they would give you $100.00 every time you worked out for 30 minutes, you would find 30 minutes somewhere, maybe even twice a day sometimes. It's all about what we really want. Get up 30 minutes earlier, walk on your lunch, 30 minutes before dinner. Isn't there time somewhere? Currently I am not making the time either, but I know I could if I really wanted to.

    Where are your 30 minutes? Mine are at night. But I am being lazy right now.
  • Thanks!
    Thank you for you reply. I forgot about the step aerobics. I really used to like that a lot. I have my step somewhere in the basement, I'm sure. I believe I have a few videos as well. I wonder if I would be able to do it!

    I know I have to make the time. Honestly, I just don't want anyone to know I'm doing it and to have to say "leave me alone for 30 minutes so I can exercise" makes me crazy (embarrassed). Because then everyone watches every move you make (aren't you exercising today? Are you starting a new diet?)


    Anyway - thanks for the ideas. They are all wonderful.
  • HI there
    I used to love to use my step! Lost quite a bit a weight, back in the day. Somewhere along the line, after moving, marriage, and kids, I lost my tapes . I've looked every where, EXCEPT the most obvious! I just put in a couple of bids yesterday on ebay. So if you can't find your tapes, you know where to look. I also do the "Walk away the pounds" videos. I bought the set of 3 (1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile and it came with the hand weights you fill w/ water) at Costco (IN some parts I think that would be Sam's CLub) for about $16. I still working on a mile (and honestly am a little bored. How many times do I have to hear her say the same things over and over again

    Also, you may want to checkout http://workoutplan.com. They ask what level your at and what exercises you want to do (weights, walking, etc....) and every week I log back on and print out another week's worth of plan.

    Good Luck!
  • I am also an unfit beginner!
    However, just last week I started doing Leslie Sansone's videos. the walk aerobics, walk away the pounds. I did one mile the first day, then two the next. Every day (just under a week now) I do two miles. Today I did three but I think I will stick with two. I dont want to over-do it and then quit like I used to do in the past. I put my radio on today so I could listen to music I like while doing the tape also.
    Some other suggestions: walk before or after work if you work outside the home. I have coworkers who get to work early and walk before or stay late and walk before heading home to pick up the kids, etc... this way no family members are watching them!!

    I am overweight by 100 pounds myself so I am in the same boat you are, however I WAS 150 pounds overweight. I have just started the exercise after losing the first 50!
    good luck and let us know how it goes!!
  • Thank you all so much!
    Thank you all for your help. I will definitely check out the walk off the pounds tapes. I have Leslie Sansone's regular walking tape and I liked those (although she DOES talk too much!).

    Unfortunately, I cannot work out before or after work. I have to get my daughter off to school/camp and after work in summer I have to get right home so hubby can go to work. During School season, I have to go from work to pick up my daughter from after care.

    I will work on finding some time to work out once I get home though. Probably when I feed my daughter is the best time. I can work out while she is eating. Hubby won't be home yet!

    Thanks again for the great ideas. I guess I'm off to EBAY!!!

  • Thank you so much for that link to workoutplan.com! I have been inspired!
  • I love pilates. I did it for over a year~took classes 2x a week. Its great for beginners as you just do as much as you can. Usually because pilates uses some muscles that arent normally used when working out everyone is @ a beginner level when they start. Also the way the workout is designed there is a beginner sequence and then harder moves are added as you get more advanced. Pilates does amazing work on your abs. They say do a Pilates work out 10 times and you will already be able to feel results. It really works on your muscle tone and you dont have to worry about any bulk. It builds those long "dancer" muscles. I have to start exercizing soon and Pilates is the first thing I am starting with.
  • I saw my doctor on Tuesday, and he said I should walk 200 minutes each week. 200 minutes?!?!? That's 3 hours and 20 minutes! Then yesterday morning I saw a report that said 20 minutes of walking 3 times a week was good. What is the real deal with walking?
  • 200 minutes is alot to begin with. Have you ever tried water aerobics? I have started doing that. You can make it as easy or difficult as you would like. The stress of the exercise is not felt in the knees as it is when you walk. I think it is a great way to get started