Maintainers Chat: Week Of August 17 - 23

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  • Good morning! I am 95% over my cold! Tonight, I am going to work out! Yes, I am quite excited about this; ironically, it has taken will power for me NOT to work out for two days.

    Have ya'll ever heard a song called "Rockin' the Beer Gut?" It's by a band called Trailer Choir. I've heard it quite a bit lately and put it on my iPod. It makes me laugh... ironically, while I was listening to that song, I was reading an article on MSNBC talking about how guts have suddenly become trendy.
    Is that TRUE? Where the heck was I when this was happening? What about when I was rockin' the beer gut? Just kidding... I'd rather rock a six pack, even IF it means I must have too much time on my hands

    iriswhispers - fry bread sounds excellent... I'm picturing something similar to hush puppies -ish? No? Or maybe like doughnut bread?

    Joci -- you're right
    By behaving, I just meant... you know... ONE LITTLE cup/bowl/conewhatever of ice cream and no more. I am the devil around ice cream sometimes... it's one of my favorite foods EVER and I've been known to eat it and eat it until it's gone. I can't have it in my house I've actually come to the conclusion that it is pointless to buy anything unhealthy for my house because I only want to consume stuff like that as treats. That's just me, though... some people want ice cream or cookies every day and if they can work it into their plan, more power to 'em

    *Crossing my fingers for your normal Sunday*
  • Oh, I know frybread well.

    Pictures for Shane (don't recommend clickage by anyone who might be tempted)

    Of course the only place I can get decent fry bread east of Gallup is at the NM State Fair. I consider it a cultural experience and never think twice about incorporating it into my plan for the year.
  • Happy Friday all!

    My legs are so so sore today after running several miles Tuesday, doing a legs workout Wednesday, and running some more Thursday. But it's a good sore b/c I know I'm kicking my but into fat loss mode! I did well yesterday with the 80% full too. I went to my friend's for dinner. She had slow-cooked pork with some chipotle sauce and served it with corn tortillas, etc. The pork was really good and I made a salad that I topped with all the fresh veggies, and just a small dollop of sour cream and spoonful of shredded cheese. Delicious!

    Quote: Have ya'll ever heard a song called "Rockin' the Beer Gut?"
    A friend and I were driving in my car last weekend and this song came on. We both couldn't believe it, it's hilarious! I also read an article on MSN about how guts are back "in", but it did talk about how there's still a double standard and it's more "in" for men to have them and women are still expected to have a flat/6-pack stomach. Figures. Don't they know that abdominal fat is a risk factor for heart disease?

    Mmm, hush puppies... makes me think of the ho cakes and cheesy biscuits served at Paula Deen's restaurant. Don't go there if you want to keep that flat stomach!

    Joci, it sounds like you really need that sleep. I hope you get to sleep in Sunday and enjoy it.

    Iris, pitch it! If you're talking about it here you know you need to do it. I totally understand the fried bread obsession - why I only enjoy hush puppies, funnel cake, etc. on very limited occasions outside of my house. Do you have some tuna fish, pasta, anything in the cabinet you could eat instead?

    Michelle, way to stay strong! It sounds like a fun day, even if there weren't great food options.

    Jessica, I split my body into different areas (back, legs, chest, shoulders, core) and try to do strength training 5 days a week, and cardio 5-6 days, and only have trouble with cardio after my legs day (don't have trouble doing cardio - which for me is all about leg strength - if I have any upper body soreness). As I recall NRLW does incorporate lower body into each workout, so I see how you're so sore the next day that you don't want to do cardio. Maybe if you're going to do your NRLW routine T & Th you could focus on doing lots of cardio SaSuMo, then do lighter cardio (walking or light cycling?) as a warm-up to your routine TTh and throw in what you can W or F, taking one day or so off...

    Shannon, I love the Rachel's yogurt, too, but can only get that when I go to the city. We must have similar yogurt palates.

    I'm not sure where the weekend will take me. Other than to my washer/dryer and the gym, that is, lol. BF has to work tomorrow but I'm sure we'll try to do something together on Sunday. I got a sprouter for my birthday and definitely need to make some sprouts, and maybe pickle the jalapenos I still have coming out to wazoo in my garden... Anyone have any plans more thrilling than mine? (Though I do love sprouts and pickling things I've grown... I think I'm a health geek!)
  • Shane-- I know that song-- I think it is hilarious! Hadn't heard anything about beer guts being trendy though.

    One of my favorite new things on my iphone is Shazam. If you don't know what Shazam is (I didn't), when you hear a song you like, you hold the iphone up to the music, it listens for a few seconds and "tags" the song. You can then learn more about the song, the artist, see a video of the music, buy it on itunes, etc. I have been busy at work this week tagging great workout music (mainly fast dance songs-- can't wait to use them at the gym!).
  • Good morning everyone! I started the day with a little excitement - my neighbors across the street had a fire in their front room while I was getting ready for work so I was blocked in by fire trucks for a while. Everyone is okay, even the four puppies that were upstairs. A decent amount of damage to the room where the fire was located, some pretty good smoke damage throughout the house, the puppies were all sooty. Turns out that there was a lit potpourri burned on a bench chair that was the likely cause of the fire - they apparently have had it lit non stop for three years and were very surprised that it caused a fire today...

    Michele - That sounds pretty cool! I'm going to end up getting an iPhone, I just know it... I have even more of a yen to get one now since the battery in my iPod has died and it will only play when connected to a power source...

    Megan - we definitely have similar yogurt palates! And I think your weekend plans sound fun, personally!

    Iris - I also know fried breads well, my grandmother and great grandmother both make phenomenal ho cake.... I avoid it at all costs now.

    Shane - I saw that article about the beer gut being trendy, too. Not sure I buy it. Enjoy your ice cream at the social!

    Joci - I typically keep myself right around my calorie budget most days and try not to go under. Of course, I ended up 200ish calories under again yesterday, too... DH is watching his diet a little more closely now and I've found myself eating less this week as he does. I've modified our meals a little, which cut the calories for both of us. I need to go back in and tweak again so I don't go too short... I wouldn't mind losing a pound or so, as I'm a little over where I would like to be, but I think I am where my body wants to be so I shouldn't mess with it! Hope you have a good Sunday!

    to anyone I've missed! Have a good day!
  • Iris, when I lived in Rhode Island there was this food called "doughboys." It's basically the dough they use to make clamcakes, except without the clams, fried in oil and covered in sugar.

    Thanks for the workout tips guys. The NRLW workouts are all full-body workouts, so it's mostly that my legs are too sore. My three types of cardio are swimming, running, and biking, so I can pull off swimming with sore legs but not the other two. I will try to switch to SaSuM cardio, that might work.

    Shane, I didn't actually "read" NRLW, I just skipped straight to the workout plans! It has a lot of really good exercises in it. I've seen a huge improvement since I started the program about 4 months ago.

    Shannon, I'm glad they managed to put out the fire before it spread!

    More later, I am starving and it's time for my lunch meeting.
  • Yeah, I am not sure that I buy the whole thing about beer guts being trendy, but the raging feminist in me says if they are trendy for males, they must be trendy for females, too! While I (again) do not know for sure that it is TRENDY, beer guts are equally COMMON on both sexes down here in Gainesville, Florida! EVERYBODY is rockin' the beer gut...
    except, well, I'm not.
    I agree that it is unhealthy to store so much gut fat! Some people naturally store fat around that area (heck, I do), but with some hard work and perseverance, that can go away... besides, there is also a difference between being a little soft and having a tiny bit of pudge in a certain area versus having a big ol' obvious gut.

    Megan, I've never been to Paula Deen's restaurant, but I don't plan on going. Every time I eat greasy stuff, I feel like I have rocks in my stomach for hours. I'm the same with mindless carbs. But I think I have an inner masochist, because when I was preparing for my bodybuilding contest, I would watch Paula Deen on the Food Network while I was working out. I'd drooooooooooool, too. Mmm, drool and sweat. Spectacular.

    midwife - oh wow, that frybread looks like... a cross between Naan and a...multigrain funnel cake without the funnel-y texture. MMMMM FUNNEL CAKE. I am convinced county fairs are a death sentence for all with all that fried chicken, funnel cake, and cotton candy... but it's so... so... goood

    Shannon - glad to hear your neighbors are ok! wow, what a RANDOM fire, though... 3 years of lit potporri and just NOW set a fire, dang. Good thing it didn't spread on over to you.
  • I love funnel cake... Of course they were selling it at the baseball game I went to on Sunday. Our seats were in the second level, the funnel cake stand was all the way down on level one and I could still smell it...
  • That funnel cake aroma has a tendency of traveling faster than light beams in a paralell universe...

    The next time you want to eat funnel cake, think of getting spun around upside down until you're about to vomit at some dinky county fair ride. Imagine the aroma of funnel cake and vomit as you hop off the ride while the world is still spinning.

    See how much you like it then.
  • Quote:
    Michele - That sounds pretty cool! I'm going to end up getting an iPhone, I just know it... I have even more of a yen to get one now since the battery in my iPod has died and it will only play when connected to a power source...
    Shannon! I would dearly love one, my inner-techie is craaving it! And you know, you could take your iPod to an Apple store and get a new battery.... Just sayin'

    Fry-bread! Yummmmmm. We have a farmer's market here on summer Fridays and for the first 2-3 years there was a stand that sold what I know as Navajo tacos - basically fry bread topped with taco fixings. It was sooo good. They called them "stuffies" and that's what they did - stuff you! They haven't been there for the last 2 summers though. Our State Fair, which is in my town, starts next Thursday. There are lots of deep fried options there - including funnel cake. I stay away - far far away!

    Had a good work out this morning, though my legs are tired/sore already. I have trouble doing a full cardio workout after I've done a lower body weight session.
  • Dang, I lost my post... "database error."

    Pat, I looooove Navajo tacos. Fortunately I have only had them twice since moving to Arizona (a year ago) because they are delicious but not something I can make a habit of eating! At any rate, I just took the leftover fry bread to the dumpster because it's spot in my fridge has been replaced by berries, salad mix, and roast turkey. Much better!

    I heard that "rockin the beer gut" song on my cross country drive this year... it made me laugh. I also saw an article about beer guts becoming chic, but only for guys. I don't know who thinks they look good on guys. Just because more guys are developing them doesn't make it attractive!

    I need to kick my butt back in gear - I think the hard part will be finding/choosing a gym. Last year I was using the fitness center at the hospital, but they don't have classes which I really enjoy. There's an LA Fitness but they're pretty pricey and a YMCA which is in town that I am considering. Although I bet I end up back at the hospital... I get membership super cheap since I'm a student and employee of the health campus.
  • Shane - thanks for the country fair image! That actually helped me just a minute ago when I went down for my yogurt and smelled frying apple pies from the kitchen...

    Pat - I actually didn't even think about taking it to the Apple store... I really am not in a good iPhone place right now, so I'm going to try that! Might stop the impulse shopper in me for a little longer...

    Iris - high five on getting rid of the fry bread!
  • iris - YEEEEEAH no more fry bread for you! Good job... even better that you replaced it with healthy food.
    I agree that just because guys are developing beer guts does not mean it is attractive. One of my friends called me shallow the other day because I said I didn't want to date a guy with a gut (or a fat dude in general) UNLESS he wanted to commit himself to living a healthy lifestyle with me. I justified my so-called shallow preferences with the fact that unhealthy lifestyles are not compatible with mine, even IF the guy DOESN'T have a gut/ISN'T fat. The gut is just one manifestation. Plus, shoooot, if I must work hard for MY body and keep it nice, so must he!

    Shannon - you are most welcome! Glad I could help keep you away from frying apple pies! really is a pity that our culture teaches us from a very young age to enjoy foods that are not so healthy.
  • Shane, it's not shallow - you are aware that you wouldn't be compatible with someone who didn't share your lifestyle and that's a good thing! Otherwise it could be the source of a lot of frustration down the road.

    By the way I just clicked the link to the frybread pictures and I am SO glad i did that AFTER I already threw mine away!!
  • It is a major source of frustration living with someone who doesn't share healthy eating habits. There is always high calorie "junk" stuff around and snacking going on and it's a lot more difficult to resist the unhealthy foods.

    And it's really depressing watching someone you care for eroding their health and damaging their body.
