Weight Loss Buddies III

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  • Dance - I have always wondered about the spray tan - it terrifies me - I think it was from that episode of friends - so happy to hear that it looks good! How long does it last?

    Well I have been cleaning most of the afternoon - it's this thing I have, I can't start something fresh, new and healthy until the mess around me is cleaned up. I am pretty clean to begin with but every piece of clutter is uncluttered. I moved the clothes that I want to wear (from my last weight loss) to the front of my closet. I am hopeful that I can really do it this time.

    I went through some pictures too and felt sad when I look in the mirror now at my face and how tired, old and unhealthy I look. I changed my avatar to a time when I felt great and this was only a little over a year ago...I hope by looking at this as well I will remember that I am not that tired, old person I see in the mirror right now - I want that sparkle back in my smile and eyes!

    I am still feeling quite tired and worn out and I suppose that will change with time - I have the entire weekend off and that should really get me in good shape for the weeks ahead. I know this, I will never make it through the Olympics if I don't get my arse in shape...and I'm no spring chicken so diseases and health issues are scary too.

    Sorry I am blabbing now...heading out for my walk soon and looking forward to it
  • Lindy-you are so strong with sticking to the master cleanse for this long. Good decision not eating at Red Lobster. From what I read you have to ease back into eating, right?

    Dance-you are going to look great in the bridesmaid dress. We are going to want to see pictures. To answer your question about inspiration to do this, I want to be healthy and possibly be able to have children someday. We have been trying for a little over 3 years with no luck.

    Maddiesmom-I need the discipline you have with your workouts. you are the workout queen.

    NEESY-CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 199, I am looking forward to my day.

    AJ-good way to not eat, have someone on you so you cant get up. Hope things are looking better.

    Staccie-your avatar is so cute. I like your hair. Did staying home help you feel better? I hope so. A walk by the ocean would be so nice. Decluttering is always good. A new start for everything. I am gonna clean out my closet and get rid of some clothes I dont wear that have just been hanging there forever.

    I drank so much water today, I think my eyes are floating, but at least I drank all three large bottles. I am hoping for 214 or 213 by Sunday. Got a walk planned with SIL tomorrow and golds gym workout too. I really need to get my motivation back to start up 30ds again. Give me a kick in the (as staccie would say)arse someone!!! Have a great night ladies.
  • Burgandy - staying home has helped actually - I am staying home tomorrow too although I will do some work. I just need to decompress and that way I have two more days until I head back into work I don't have any plans this weekend other than to work out, get some sun and try some new recipes. Yeah - I'm going to try and cook - now that is scary - hope I don't burn down my place!!! I am looking forward to getting up tomorrow to work out (well not really but if I say it enough I will start to believe it!).

    Today, for the first time in awhile, nothing bad touched my lips. I have some bad cravings right now for something crunchy but it's 10PM and I don't need it, so I will just keep drinking water and chewing gum. Fringin Tom is such an arsehole.

    AND BURGANDY - HERE IS YOUR KICK IN THE ARSE!!!! - sorry I couldn't find an arse on here!
  • Glad you are relaxing staccie. Time to clean out the closet for me now. Just keep saying you are looking forward to working out tomorrow!!!!! Thanks for the kick in the arse, now to get moving. Have a great day.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day. I will check in later.
  • Hello Ladies! Happy Friday!

    Well, TOM isn't here yet, but I feel the effects already. Got to work this morning completely ravenous, and they had a breakfast buffet downstairs in the cafe. Well, I didn't do too badly, but it wasn't great either:

    2 french toast sticks, 1/2 cup rosemary sliced potatoes, 1/2 cup scrambled eggs and 1-1/2 sausage links. Not too bad, but there was a lot of salt in there, and I'm paying for it now...I have drank 3 large glasses of water already and I'm going to a business lunch today at an asian restaurant. Yikes! Gotta find something light...but they have the best ginger infused creme brule ever!!! Gotta stay away from that!

    I'm feeling the workout from Hott Trainer today, more so than yesterday. It hurt to curl my hair this morning! I'm determined to do cardio tonight though, I just won't use my arms. Stair climber, here I come! Ugh.

    Hope everyone else is doing better than me. On the other hand, I do rarely deviate from the healthy stuff so I don't know if I should be feeling this guilty. I don't want it to be a guilt fest every time I'm not eating a salad or chicken with veggies. I just don't know....
  • Hi everyone and happy Friday!

    I'm quite bored...weird going hard for so long and then being home for a few days - I just don't know how to relax! But right after lunch I am going for a swim and to sit in the sun to get some Vitamin D!! It's been awhile.

    I also have a nasty headache, probably my body reacting to no caffeine or sugar from yesterday. I don't drink coffee but I drink coke zero and I have to quit it because it makes me crave other things.

    Vicky - we shouldn't have to feel guilty everytime we eat something that isn't 'healthy' - food is one of life's pleasures. I don't know about everyone else, but I feel guilty because I feel like I lost control when I eat something I shouldn't, I feel like a dweeb because I couldn't say no. And for me, usually a taste or a mini treat leads to an excuse to go all out. So, for now I just can't allow myself those things. But you said it in your post - you didn't eat like a maniac...and you are exercising as well. And...most importantly, you rarely deviate. Sometimes I just wish my tastebuds were removed, it would make life so much easier but then the taste of some things is so amazing, and then there is your nose...lol.

    Hope everyone is having a good day so far!
  • Wow...quiet board today. Hope everyone is doing ok.

    Well, lunch was ok. It was a business lunch and they ordered appetizers: lobster and shrimp eggrolls I had 1/2 of 1 (they were healthy, wrapped in a leaf and not deep fried), fried calamari (1/4 cup), and mushroom potstickers (I had 2). Lunch was seared scallops with prawns with forbidden rice. Ate the seafood and 1/2 of the rice. When they offered dessert, I was stuffed, so I turned down the incredible creme brulee.

    Still haven't eaten dinner, I have 10 minutes to decide, if not, then I don't eat. I try not to eat after 8 pm. No gym tonight either, my body is still incredibly sore from Hott Trainer, so rather than hurting myself, I am going to go on Sat and Sun.

    Well, I hope you all are doing ok. What is everyone's plan for the weekend?
  • Where is everyone??

    Maddiesmom-so did you eat?? I try not to eat after 8 pm either. I dont even get hungry after that anymore. I drink a bottle of water from 8 until bed.

    Staccie-a swim sounds wonderful. Hope your headache went away. Your body will get used to no caffeine soon.

    I made grilled chicken, grilled veggies and creamed cauliflower for dinner. It was yummy. I have plenty of leftovers for tomorrow too. Went for a walk with my SIL but she was tired after about a mile so we turned around. I have to go alone so I can go farther. I want to walk the 4 miles I was, I know SIL would never make it that far. She kept saying today that she was out of shape, but never wants to push herself and go more. Oh well. I need a new walking buddy. The one I had before moved and is only here on some weekends. I really wish my husband would go with me. He is cutting back now, he switched from regular soda to diet. He is taking small steps. I am trying to talk him into weighing once a week with me with no luck yet. Maybe he will change his mind.

    We are going camping next weekend. I cant wait, I havent been all summer. Need to get it in before the summer is over, but my tent poles broke so now I have to buy a new tent. Hope I can find a decent one that doesnt cost a fortune.

    Hope everyone had a good day. We need more chatter in. Good night
  • Wow, its super quiet today - everyone must be partying it up

    Vicky - good on you for passing on the dessert and not indulging... I try not to eat late either because it interuppts with my sleep but my trainer said that it's a myth that eating at night is not good - but then again who knows what is true and what isn't. I say go with your own body

    Burgandy: your lunch sounded really good!!! I am going to try and cook a few new things tomorrow, we'll see if I burn the place down - fingers crossed I do not! Glad to see the hubby is taking baby steps...I am sure he will become more influenced when he starts seeing results too! I LOVE camping...lucky you! I haven't been out this year because of work and it's the first summer in a really long time. I definitely miss it. Nothing like hot dogs and beer...there is no eating healthy (for me anyway) when camping

    Well I had an awesome workout tonight...I felt so great. I tracked everything I did and so I can ensure that I don't hit a plateau. I did well eating today, I probably didn't eat as much cause I slept in but I never cheated at all...nada. And I am day two with no coke zero...it's ok now but it will be hard when I get to work (there is a coke machine right outside my desk- grrrr). I also got some serious Vitamin D from the sun today - and had a great nap after...ahhhh!

    Weekend is pretty boring for me - farmers market, reading, relaxing, going to the gym and cooking some new stuff. But that is ok - I have a busy few weeks coming up and I don't need a social life right now - I get enough at work!

    Well I better go...it was sure quiet on here today - hope everyone has a good weekend!!!

  • Its weird to see the board so slow. Hope everyone is having agreat weekend. Staccie sounds you have a plan!! Good job. Let us know the new things you are going to cook. I always need new ideas. I hope when I go camping I can stick with eating healthy. I did it last year, so I know I can do it again this year. Great job on not having coke zero for 2 days. I allow myself one diet drink a week. I only drank half of a diet dr pepper this week. I just dont want it. But I never drank much soda ever.

    Going to look for a tent. I really hope I can find one. Kmart didnt have one, so now I have to go to walmart, I hate walmart.

    Have a fun Saturday everyone.
  • Where is everyone?!?!

    Burgundy, yep I ate a Lean Cuisine mushroom pizza for dinner last night. Only6 points, not too terrible.

    Today was good. Had an Arbonne spa party this morning and had a facial and a foot soak. I had my sweet and salty bar for breakfast with a large glass of water and then skipped the sweets at the spa party. Didn't have anything. Stopped at McD's for the hubby to get him lunch. I smelled the fries all the way home (10+ minute drive) and didn't have a single one! They smelled really good though.

    Lunch: Grilled chix sandwich on an Arnold flatbread with cheese and tomato. Had some Lean Cuinine pasta with it to fill me up. Dinner tonight is turkey burgers (yummy!) Then, it's the gym for some cardio at 8 pm.

    Hope everyone is doing ok. Weigh in tomorrow!
  • Everyone is still partying it up I guess

    I'm a bit sore from my workout yesterday but feel good too. I haven't done much yet today, had a nice breakfast, did some reading, and getting ready to go to the grocery store - exciting life I lead! Going to the gym around 4PM and ready to work out my booty - love to hate lower body workouts!

    Burgandy - I hear you on Walmart - I despise that place although it is the cheapest place to go. I lose brain cells everytime I go in there because I always end up losing my temper at slow people, messy aisles and staff that you can never find!

    Vicky - sounds like a very nice morning!! What a great way to start the weekend. Your food always sounds so yummy too

    I miss everyone...
  • Looks like its just the 3 of us today.

    Braved walmart on a staurday. Staccie, we had the problem of not being able to find any staff to help us.

    About to get up and get my workout in. I think I will do Golds Gym tonight and then I might pull out the WII Fit later. I havent used it in a while.

    Maddiesmom-great job not eating any fries and not having any sweets at the party. Turkey burgers sounds yummy. I am just going to reheat the chicken and veggies from last night. I had a lot left over.

    I will check in later
  • Weigh in tomorrow, hope everyone participates.
  • WOW, Really? Where is everyone?!?! I guess it's a 3-way conversation with Burgundy, Staccie and me!

    Burgundy: Sorry you weren't able to find a tent, I'm not a fan of Wal-mart either...we have a super Wal-mart that isn't too bad, the wal-mart in my town is pretty gross. Is there a sporting goods store you could hit up? Good luck finding something.

    Staccie: I hear you on the lower body workout. Did you end up going to the gym at 4??? I still can't believe I'm so sore from my workout on Wednesday. I'm going to do cardio right after this post, hopefully it will loosen up my muscles so I feel better. I'm going to the gym tomorrow as well. Gotta get back into the swing. Haven't gone since Wednesday, so it's been awhile. Stange, considering that I used to go once a year and it felt like too much!!! LOL

    Hope everyone is doing ok...I'll be weighing in tomorrow. Good night ladies!