The 21 Day Challenge: Making Healthy Habits #4

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  • Still Tuesday
    Queen Eydie--

    I don't know how I missed your post-

    What an experience!! You are lucky you have a good DH to lean on when you need to lean!!

    Such a shock when these things happen-- It is amazing how it turns everything upside down.

    I'm glad you're ok -- no wonder you needed sleep- You probably were running on adrenalin for hours!!

    Take care!
  • Yo, Royal Friends ...
    I know I keep doing this, but I need to stop posting for awhile. Reasons complex and boring. Hope everyone keeps up with this upbeat and exciting challenge and reaches their goals.

    Eydie: I am so sorry you had to go through that accident. At least you've reached the point of realizing that as long as no one was hurt, you've dodged the bullet and can put it behind you. Still it's very shocking to the body.

    Re Slimfast, I think it does give some people a kind of uncomfortable rush. However, I continue to like it and don't find it as unhealthful as a candy bar. It at least gets some vitamins and fiber in my body.

    Hmmm, a survey!

    Which episode of I Love Lucy can you still sit down and watch??
    All of them; I think they're funny but a sad commentary on the status of women in the world.

    Which song from your teenage years STILL makes you tap your foot and hum when you hear it??

    Dating self ... "Hey, Jude" (Don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better ...)

    Which age span could you have done without? (for example- 20-25) ?

    None of them; they were all glorious!

    How many sizes of your clothes do you still own? Yes, even the stuff that you couldn't wear even if it was the right size because it is sooooooo out of style??

    Three sizes. That's where I draw the line!

    Do you really drink all the water you say you do?

    I don't say I drink water ... but in Arizona, it's a given anyway!

    Best of luck to you, Royal Ladies!
  • Oooh, I love surveys!

    1. I find that any of the old 'I love Lucy' shows a bit hard to take anymore. That boys vs. girls theme is kind of tiresome, but I love Fred Mertz. Could he hitch those pants up any higher?

    2. 'Super Freak' by Rick James always gets me going! And so much from the 80's too.

    3. I hated my high school years---never found my niche there.

    4. All my clothes fit me now. [I'm not averse to buying a whole new wardrobe in a smaller size if need be tho!] When I was very overweight I went thru this period of resignation that I'd always be fat and thru out all my really small clothes and that was very liberating at the time. Then when I started losing weight I got rid of all my huge tops and leggings--that used to be my 'uniform'.

    5. I really do drink alot of water. Religiously 8 glasses a day but I'd like to chug more.
  • Good Morning Blockettes
    Still plugging along, despite last week's nasty gain. Surely to god the weight will come off if I keep at it. Won't it? I did have another episode of standing eating in the kitchen yesterday, so I'm going to start over again. Like the other time, I didn't do any damage to my diet, because my points were well under, but I can't just let myself do that because sooner or later I would definitely get into trouble. I've been binge-free for months now, but I know what behaviors could set me back, and I'm determined to change them. Really, the 2 recent episodes (standing eating in the kitchen) were aberrations, but if I let it go, I'm sure they wouldn't remain so.

    Eydie: So sorry you were in an accident! These things really bring home the precarious nature of life, don't they. I'm so happy that you weren't injured, though, and that you have such a sweet and supportive husband.

    Amarantha, if you need to quit posting for a while, we will just have to muddle on without you until you can come back. Feel free to change your mind though! I'll be sending you good thoughts, and hope you're healthy and happy while you're gone.

    Wildfire, good luck with WI. Damn scales! And yet I know I have to continue to weigh myself, or I would end up gaining rather than losing. I put on 60 pounds without realizing it (HOW? ) the last time I stopped weighing, so I'll never do that again!

    Katrina, I think I know just how Spongebob feels. You would almost think that the character would be female, huh, with all that water retention. I have got to find this little guy, though. My grandson will be old enough for him before too long and he sounds like a life-enhancer! I still fondly remember Barbapapa from when my son was little.

    Kaylets, I can relate to your unappreciative audience. When I was happily warbling away (as I was wont to do), my dad used to say "If you're singing for me, you can stop anytime." I still love to sing though, and intend to take it up again!

    upandaway, I like your suggestion to close your eyes and imagine something tastes better. I actually sometimes pretend that what I'm eating is something vaguely similar and yet much yummier, say for example, that a bran muffin is chocolate cake.

    Cindilier, sex isn't supposed to be funny?!! Hmmm... must start pretending DH is Richard Gere, rather than Pee Wee Herman (from his Big Adventure era, natch).

    Ok, now I really am going to do some work this morning. Love to all!

    1/208 (-7)/2
  • Good Wednesday Royal ladies. Queen Amarantha you don't sound your usual self today, I hope every thing is okay. I'm just nosy enough to never find anything boring, and we're here for you in more ways than weight control, so don't be a stranger, huh?

    Re Slimfast, yes it does indeed give me a rush, and a sneak attack about 4 hours later. I found the same thing with bananas, oddly enough. I can eat practically any other fruit and have no side effects, but bananas send me into a craving spiral that has no place to go but down. Those SF snack bars however, are a blessing. Only 2 points and 'tastes just like candy!' ( in Lucy's best half drunk voice, from the Veeta Vita Vegimin commercial she did, what a hoot!)

    And the SURVEY SAYS... Hmm My favorite I Love Lucy is the one with Tennessee Ernie Ford when Lucy and Ricky are trying to trick him into leaving. Lucy pretends they're suddenly dirt poor and out of food and she's sitting at the table nibbling on a crust of bread and picking up the crumbs on her fingers... and Cousin Ernie says "Somebody's been actin' the hog around here" Maybe because this reminds me of not-nearly-distant-enough relatives that I find it so hilarious.

    I still listen to the music of my youth, oldies stations and 'classic rock', so it all has my toes a tappin.

    If I could skip a few years, let's see, from about 11 until 19, right after my breasts took over my life until I was old enough to be able to deal with them and guys reactions to them. High school was an agony of jokes and jeers.

    I currently have in my closet size 10's, 12's and couple of 14's left over from when I was on my way down before. Most of the 12's fit, not well, but sort of, the 10's, no way. That's my goal, to get back into my 10's by the time school starts so I don't have to buy new clothes for work.

    And yes I really do drink all my water, and then some. I also enjoy Crystal Lite and caffiene free diet coke as a reward after I've gotten at least half my water in for the day. Mind games, but hey, it works.

    Eydie, so glad you are okay, physically. I too feel the need to take responsibility for everything that happens in the universe, so I can well imagine your sleepless night. Bet the deputy just shrugged and said "How about that?" Men can do that, can't they.

    Wishing all the royalty here a wonderful day on the block. Keep smiling!
  • Hi,

    Day 14 for me. When I began this 21 day plan.. my goal was to balance out my eating and to stop compulsively eating.. and I am proud to say I have not compulsively eaten at all in the past 14 days. The first week wasn't really hard from a craving standpoint.. but I felt very confused!

    Now, I feel like I have gotten use to NOT compulsively eating. Last night I came home from work and began cleaning my apartment, making some notes for myself, exercising, practicing my fiddle.. and I realized something... I haven't been productive in an evening like that in YEARS. My routine forever was to come home, turn on the TV, flop on the bed, and EAT. I always felt overwhelmed that I didn't have time to clean, didn't have time to shop, didn't have time to do laundry, didn't have time to write, didn't have time to practice, didn't have time to pay bills, didn't have time to clean that closet... etc.. etc.. etc... well... it is amazing how much time you loose when you spend four hours a night eating in front of the TV. And, it is amazing how much you can get done in four hours when you DON'T binge in front fo the TV. My TV hasn't even been on since Sunday.

    Now, I have to share a little secret I discovered.. I feel like it is only fair! Have any of you ever tried Self-Hypnosis? About ten years ago, a friend of mine went to hypnosis training and became certified. She taught me then how to do it to yourself... I never really did anything with it, but I always remembered the technique. When I made the commitment to the 21 day challenge, one of the things that struck me was how automatic my repsonses to food had become.. and I thought... I wonder if I can use self-hypnosis to re-wire my brain? So, each day, I take about 10 minutes to re-program how I feel about food and eating.. and guess what.. I can see the impact in the choices I make. Yesterday I turned away from potato chips because the thought came into my head "potato chips make me feel so bloated"... it hit me later.. that is exactly one of the self-suggestions I give to myself! I am really thrilled with the results.

    I have only lost a pound in the past 14 days.. but hey.. you know... that is better than gaining.. and more importantly, my weight is stable.. before the 21 day challenge .. it just kept zooming up and down.. the same 5 pounds. I know if I keep this up, I will start to lose.

    After this 21 days.. I want to start making more specific food goals.. like to eat more fruit, to drink more water, to eat more veggies, etc.


  • Hello everyone

    I forgot to mention in my last post that I had my first 'binge-free Monday' this week! I can honestly say it's thanks to this group. I had you all in mind while I made my BocaBurger and pressed the oil outta my oven baked fries with a paper towel (vs. the Burger King fiasco I normally have). It was nice going to bed Monday night not feeling sick!

    Also... the Dr.'s office called Monday. They called my HOME. I don't blame them, I wouldn't have wanted to talk to me either. I specifically said in the message I left for them to call me at work on Monday, even left the phone number... They left a message at home, apologizing profusely, saying the decision to close on Friday was last minute and they thought they'd called everyone to reschedule. Uh, nope, missed one! I still need to call and reschedule...

    Ok, the questions du'jour:

    Which episode of I Love Lucy can you still sit down and watch??
    ~The one where Lucy and Ethel jump in the barrell of grapes and smash 'em with their feet

    Which song from your teenage years STILL makes you tap your foot and hum when you hear it??
    ~I Want Her by Keith Sweat... reminds me of a guy I had a HUGE crush on

    Which age span could you have done without? (for example- 20-25) ?
    ~6-14 - the span where my parents divorced, I went through puberty and walked into more walls than I care to remember.

    How many sizes of your clothes do you still own? Yes, even the stuff that you couldnt wear even if it was the right size because it is sooooooo out of style??
    ~I gave away my old stuff. I have about 3 sizes now, all quite wearable if my body fat would just cooperate

    Do you really drink all the water you say you do?
    ~Absolutely. I have yummy well water!

    Messages to the court:

    HRH Eydie - I'm SO glad you're ok! Now, let me absolve you of some guilt here... I was married to a sheriff deputy for over 6 years. If they let you off with nothing, you can bet'cher back end that the deputy was at fault (or at least moreso than you). I'm also guessing that he had some serious "dressing down" done at work too - you can't so much as ding the door of a patrol car without having to fill out 20 forms and give a deposition.
    I'm waving the wand of absolution over you.... there.... you should feel better.

    HRH Amarantha - Yes, your post did sound "odd". Hope all is well and you're just taking a well deserved sabbatical. Come back soon before the jesters take over!

    HRH Wildfire - I will keep my fingers crossed for you on your weigh in. Hopefully the extra pound you saw was an apparition and will disappear into the weight loss Burmuda Triangle...

    HRH Elaine - Congratulations on the 14 day streak!
    As for the self hypnosis, I've thought of it and have been meaning to start meditating again to see if that gives me some grounding. I always feel so disconnected to myself when I eat like there's no tomarrow and thought it might help, thanks for letting me know it does!

    I curtsy to the rest of you... have a wonderful day and if you're having a day like we are here in Oregon - Stay Cool!!

    day 1/1.5 pounds/block 1
  • Day Three
    I am honored to be in the royal prescence, again on day three of my journey.

    Eydie-I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. Remember before you are too hard on yourself-there is a reason they are called "accidents."

    Elaine: I agree, self-hypnosis is great for getting to the roots of the weight problem. It helps with the esteem issues. I've used it to rewrite the negative track in my head.

    Kaylets quiz:

    1. Lucy-never really watched the show. I'm more of a sci-fi person myself.

    2. Songs. Almost anything from the 80's. I have a new workout CD that has "The Warrior" by Scandal (and Patti Smyth) that I love, there is a line near the end that exclaims "Victory is mine!" which gives me a boost. I guess I fall for one hit wonders.

    3. Clothes. We got rid of a lot when we moved, but I still have a few favorites even old prom dresses and a wonder 40's evening gown a friend made for me. Hopefully I can whip that one out this Christmas for our Murder Mystery party!

    4. Water-about 8 to 12 glasses a day. I was a Dr. Pepper freak then I switched to Diet Coke, now water. Most sodas are too sweet to me now. If I go off program the ladies at slim for life ask me to drink 12 glasses of water for three days (at least I know the weight I've lost isn't water weight).

    That's about it for now, got to get packing and into storage. We're moving in September. Last note-I'm down 3 pounds!

    Have a great day ladies.

    Empress White Thunder (per the Ya-Yas)
  • "We have engaged the Borg. Wedding 6:00. Reception 8:30"

    Cindelier I just noticed this! Oooh, it's hysterical!!!!

    Congrats on the impressive loss!

  • Teri,

    Congrats on the binge free Monday. That is a big step! I have had alot of stops and starts over the past year... but something really clicked with me this time. I don't want to live that way anymore, and this group, and doing this 21 day commitment has really helped me.

  • In a holding pattern here...
    Day nothing for me...need to get myself together and back on track...I think with the kids gone, I'm all twixt and between...not sure which way to turn...sad commentary on MY life! or lack thereof. Jumping into the shower after I'm done here should clear away a few cobwebs and I can focus on what needs to be done. So, a tentative day 1 for tomorrow is scheduled.

    Elaine...your post really struck a chord with me...when I'm in "full diet mode," I get so much more done around here...because I'm not focusing on food and vegging in front of the TV. Thanks for the tip about self hypnosis. I plan on writing down some things I'd like to change and making that my mantra! Keep up the great work!

    Cindelier...congrats on the 3 lb loss! Keep up the good work...Resistance is futile.

    punkinseed...Binge free Monday, huh? You go girl...I like Boca burgers of the few things I know the family won't steal...

    upandaway...I had to laugh at the "not nearly distant enough relatives" comment... I have them too!! Don't we all?

    babette...I admire your determination to keep starting over til you eradicate ALL bad habits...even though you have the eating down...Good for you, I know you will be successful. BTW, you can find SpongeBob Squarepants on Nickelodeon...several times a day! PS...what's barbapapa?? glad you are OK...isn't it AMAZING, the recuperative, restorative powers of ice cream? Just as long as you don't abuse it, like any other drug, it can be quite beneficial!

    Kaylets...keep right on singing, girl...we don't care if you're off key...WE CAN'T HEAR YOU! I'll bet you sing real well with that pack of gum in your mouth!

    Ok...I can't scroll back anymore, (to make sure I got everyone) I know I'm missing quite a few...just know that each and every one of you are an important part of this great, funny and lively thread...

    Keep on posting!

    And Amarantha...Please don't stay away too long...your wit and wisdom will surely be missed!
  • Sorry, just a drive-by posting, as my eyes are almost too blurry to read the screen right now. I promise I'll catch up soon!

    Thanks for the encouragement re: weigh in. No damage done, but no victory either. Stayed right at 179 this week, which I'll gladly take considering the week I had!

    Our leader did a cooking demo tonight, appetizer, pasta, dessert...and I bought the Simply the Best, those recipes look fabulous! I'll share as I experiment, if anyone would be interested in some new recipes to try. Points per serving is given, as well all the calorie/fat/protein/blah/blah/blah.

    Anyhoo...good night sweet maidens...till next we meet.
  • A "quick reply" from me tonight-- I've been on the run all day, but didn't want to go another day without posting. I'm finishing up day 3 by a hair. I tried "cheezies" for the first time tonight and why-o-why??? I've been having "just a couple more" for the few hours since dinner...time to hide them or have DH finish the bag! But all in all I consider the day a success. I got to the gym and rode the bike and did the elliptical machine for 35 minutes and did some strength training- legs today. Felt great. I'm also proud to report that I've only had 32 oz of diet cola in the past 3 days!!! (a 12 oz can yesterday and 20 oz diet pepsi twist tonight) Considering I was 44+ oz most days and 0 water I'm doign great.

    I'll get some individual responses done one of these days...but wanted to let Amarantha (the Queen!) that we're here for you and hope you decide on just a short hiatus! We'll miss you.

    Have a great night-- gearing up for 100 degrees tomorrow. Hoping for no appetite to offset all these cheezies!
  • Hey, folks,

    I know I've been quiet, but I've just slipped around the block! Not at my lowpoint, but still down 4.5 pounds since the start! Yippee!

    I know that is too much for me to sustain, since I just got started dieting. In general, I will be lucky to manage half that.

    Last block:
    Take supplements
    Salad with dinner

    This block:
    Take supplements
    Salad with dinner
    At least 64 oz water a day
    Brush & floss after dinner (no more calories afterward)

    Survey Responses:

    I'll pass on Lucy.

    One of my favorite "oldies" (ugh!): Suzie Q

    Age span to do without: middle school years, and maybe elementary to boot (kids are so mean to overweight peers).

    Clothing sizes: I probably have about 10 sizes packed away!

    Water: Haven't posted water numbers, but I'm about to start!

  • This is the end, My beautiful friends. Moving on to #5.