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  • Ruthie, tell those dip wads "Safety first or your a** won't last!!!"

    Funny thing happened here once when the neighbors were helping build a fence. I kept griping at them to wear safety glasses, but, they didn't wanna. My oldest DD(about 16 at the time) stopped by while we were working and gave me a hug. Next, she tapped my glasses and said, "Those look good on you. Why aren't the rest of these dumba**es wearing theirs?" It was one of my proudest moments. Can you tell their father was a Safety Director and their mom is a Safety Bi*ch? She wears steel-toed shoes at her job in fast food even though they aren't required. Those gallon cans could do serious damage if dropped on one's foot.

    And I would also like to cast my ballot in favor of a "Games" Sub-forum.
  • dutchgirl, im pretty sure you werent supposed to let us in on that secret about tormenting
  • does operator wear a hardhat to bed???thats a pretty cool visual im getting!!yesterday at work they had rootbeer floats and they served breakfast at 8 pm...i call that a great day!!!i had a rootbeer float and 1 serving of bfast, plus an extra tortilla and a little more eggs...1 guy ate at least 15 sausages and couldnt figure out why his stomach hurt!! that would have been me a year ago...busy weekend coming up...garage sale and fantasy football draft sunday...ill fit church in there somewhere
  • David--You're a FREAK!!! I like you.
  • Hi ! David , I am not far away from you. I am in San Jose , and my nephew lives in San Leandro, come to think of it I've got a bunch of relatives in East Bay.
  • Love coming to this thread
    Very little conflict
    Lots of fun

    Yet cant keep from gravitating to the drama of octomom & peta threads. Boy they have gotten heated! I thought there were BIG personalities here but wow they are BIGGER there!
  • Octooperator
    Is this the Octooperator thread?
  • Quote: Is this the Octooperator thread?
    Oh h*ll no!!! I stopped at two kids since I figured we couldn't afford anymore on our incomes.
  • I stopped at two kids because...


    my ex decided sex was not an option.
  • I stopped at two kids because I found out what caused it!!
  • I found that out when I was on DepoPrevara, Karen. Great birth control there. Killed my libido. Can't make babies when you aren't getting "any". Wrecked my marriage too.
  • Ha got prego with my dd when coming off last month of depo and first month pill. So basically I should have had 0 chance to get prego but as you can see in my pic I have a beautiful little girl. DH was not allowed to touch me until HIS two spermy count tests came back with ZERO swimmers! I know I know TMI. But in the end we have two kids together and I got the bonus step kid.

    Yep we found out how they were made and found out that your average joe family can make only so much money to raise them.
  • Yes, this is a non-controversial thread. We just kill people who disagree with us!

    Tries to remove MOD hat which seems to be nailed to my skull.

    I'm glad someone else mentioned the "knickers in a knot" stuff going on around here. It is driving the MODs insane monitoring who goes over the edge. Some of our members just can't leave things alone - it's like picking at a scab!

    Today is my baking marathon day so I'll be a bit "seldom" in here. Try be good and watch it with the sex and no sex talk!
  • bargoo...grew up in washington manor, san in sj
  • Quote: Yes, this is a non-controversial thread. We just kill people who disagree with us!

    Tries to remove MOD hat which seems to be nailed to my skull.

    I'm glad someone else mentioned the "knickers in a knot" stuff going on around here. It is driving the MODs insane monitoring who goes over the edge. Some of our members just can't leave things alone - it's like picking at a scab!

    Today is my baking marathon day so I'll be a bit "seldom" in here. Try be good and watch it with the sex and no sex talk!
    So what is the body count here anyways. Remembering when this started off as a touchy topic back in the original thread. Oh the memories...

    Knickers in a knot...never thought of that for prevention!

    But seriously...I thought I was super sensitive to people and thier opinion of me or of things I perceived to be against my opinion. But after spending time on 3FC...I kinda think that I am calloused compared to others. Yep just call me Jaded Julia