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  • Okay TEAM I am out of here and about to leave to go on the road! Have a good week all!
  • Blond, have a great vacation and RELAX!!!
    That's an order!!!
    seriously, kiddo, take very good care of yourself and get plenty of rest, ok?

    Jen, calling what I have a garden is a bit of an exxageration, it is more of a glorified border, but in Amsterdam it is sheer luxury and I am very lucky and grateful to have it!
    Using square foot gardening I do still have strawberries, lettuces, toms, loads of herbs and some extremely lovely razzies. I love it!
    Hang around a bit and you'll find out that EZ considers beer one of the essential food groups He has a dedicated fridge for it.

    (Sorry Gary, let out your "secret" )

    Gary and Tiger, keep it up you two!
  • lol. A beer fridge. That's cute. Well, I guess beer does not really fit in ANY of the other food why not?
  • gary- It must have just been a good day. I squeeked past you though, 182.4. I feel like it will go back up tomorrow though. Went out lunch a may have eaten too much, plus haven't done a whole lot today.

    Jen- You sound like me. I usually have to worry about eating enough food, not too much.

    Dutch- Good job staying on plan. Hopefully those tomatoes will be edible soon.

    Got to get in a workout tonight. I'm already hot. Can only imagine what I'll feel like when I'm finished.
  • wooo! Gary and tiger. The race is's reallly close.

    Well, I had a better day. I got 1590 in. woot. I also roller skated and did yoga/pilates (not at the same time, though that would have been interesting)

    Dutch. Sounds like a garden to me. I have a nice one. Stupid white butterflies were all over the place though. I HATE THEM. They are disgusting. I tried using malathion JUST TO KILL THEM. I am Mrs. Nature too. But what they did to my brussel sprouts is horrendous. Probably why I didn't mention I had them.
  • JEN Awesome on the roller blading and yoga....Funny....on Sunday I watched a young girl, from my front yard, on rollerblades...with knee-shin-elbow pads and a helmet....learning to rollerblade...up and down the sidewalk...many spills but so cute...she had her i-pod going too....she fell numerous times and would stop when going too fast....then do something with her i-pod. I can see over 1/4 of a mile up my street...reminded me of my kids...many years ago.

    MINDY You are the winner of today...I was at 183.8....Hope your work-out is good anmd you are still hot

    BRAT...have a great time!

    DUTCH Yes beer is an essential food group! What the heck is square foot gardening?

    Angie's home gotta go do dinner........
  • Gary, check out, the concept is explained there. Great idea for people with dinky gardens like mine, or if for whatever reason digging is impossible or undesirable.

    The scale said 207 lb this morning.
    That is back to the weight before I hurt my back. So now the real work starts.
    I way underate yesterday, didn't even make 950 cals, soI will try to get a bit more food into me today.

    Oh no, it just started pouring down rain and I have to go to work in an hour on the scooter!YUCK!

    Have a wonderful day everybody!
  • hi all i am still working on it. one day at a time lately. but i am getting there. after gain 3lbs two weeks ago i managed to lose 2 of them last week so that is a good thing i am still trying to get back down to 180 preferrable low the next time i feel like an official WI.
  • Gary, that is sweet, I don't want to think about when my little guy grows up.

    and the scale is up? Did you try to fit in 5 more beers the night before?

    yay! Mrs. Augie, for getting rid of 2 out of 3. What's that song? "2 out of 3 ain't bad"?

    Wow dutch your ticker says 212 but you are already at 207! That is freaking awesome. And about the garden. It's soil outdoors with plants growing out of it? then it's a garden. There are even container gardens..same concept really.

    Well, I got some good calories in me today. 1500. I worked out way late though, but I was so busy! At least I got it done.

    How are you Mindy?
  • Quote: hi all i am still working on it. one day at a time lately. but i am getting there. after gain 3lbs two weeks ago i managed to lose 2 of them last week so that is a good thing i am still trying to get back down to 180 preferrable low the next time i feel like an official WI.
    Allright MrsAugie! You are going to wind up beating EZ and Tiger to the 170's at this rate.

    Quote: about the garden. It's soil outdoors with plants growing out of it? then it's a garden.

    Well, I got some good calories in me today. 1500. I worked out way late though, but I was so busy! At least I got it done.
    on the garden. You are so right, soil with plants outside = garden.

    Well done on the good calories and the workout!
    I can't wait to be able to move again. I asked the chiropractor last night and he said no, not yet. The treatments do seem to make improvements, though, I now no longer am in constant pain but actually have some painfree moments.
    The scale said 206 this morning.
    I don't understand my body at all, the weight is flying off at the moment.
    206 is a new low for me!
    This whoosh will probably stall sooner rather that later, but for right now I will enjoy it while it lasts. I am seeing Onederland in the distance and I am heading for it!

    GO TEAM!!!

    Have a fantastic healthy day,all!!!
  • woohoo Dutch...I am so glad the treatments are helping you and the scale is whooshing! onderland here you come!
  • The scale was back down to 182.8 today. Keeps fluxing between 182ish-183ish. The good news is that in July I lost 5.2 pounds. that is really good for me. If only all months could be so good. I would like 3-4 pounds in Aug. I would be geeked.

    Jen- I love roller skating and should do it more often. I don't roller blade outdoors though so I need to go to a rink. Fun stuff!!

    Gary- No roller bladers out here in the sticks. The dirt raod makes it a little difficult also. How'd you do today. I'm trying to get to those 170's before ya.

    Dutch- You are so like me. Today I splurged and had a half order of nachos. Hear that Gary?? Nachos. I only ate half of the half order. But they wer yummy.

    Mrsauggie- That last pound will be gone before you know it. Then it will be on to the 170's. I would like to beat you there. We'll see.
  • Angie and I just got home from Applebee's and a trip through Best Buy with our wish list. I did pretty good....with the eating...and only 2 beers...but I did 2 before we left....

    MINDY...You win JULY! I was at I am about the same as when I started July...dang!

    DUTCH....Interesting square foot gardens! Glad there is improvements with the treatments.

    JEN...Nah...I didn't get 5 extra beers in...which ALWAYS makes Angie happy! They grow up fast...those kiddos...but each year it gets better and better!...before you know it they are humans!!....wink

    MRSAUGIE...Anytime you lose 2 of 3 is a good thing!

    BRAT and SUPER J...I hope all is well in life and vacations!
  • Hi all.

    206 on the scale again.
    I did stay within my calorie range yesterday but had a couple of less than stellar food choices. I had a ramen noodle thingy for lunch, o.k. on the calories but oooh the sodium!
    And I went to see my mom yesterday. She lives in a nursing home and has Alzheimer. Usually she knows my face and knows I am someone belonging to her, even if she no longer knows she has had kids, but yesterday I kept catching her looking at me with this "who the heck are you?" expression on her face. I asked her at one point: "You have no idea who I am, do you?"
    and she just nodded.
    I took her out into the garden and bought her an icecream, and one for myself as well. 210 cals of junk. Oh well, at least I got my dairy for the day

    sorry about the long story, it just makes me kind of sad sometimes. She and I did not have such a good relationship when she was still herself (neither did my siblings, mom was quite a piece of work, veeeery difficult) and now that the really sweet side of her personality comes out she no longer knows us.

    Thanks for letting me vent.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • oh Dutch!!! That makes me want to bury my head in chocolate!!! I am so sorry. I want to move my mom closer, so I can keep an eye on her. If my mom does start to get incompetent, I want her out here with me Pronto!

    BTW, I had a fight with the scale and the SCALE WON!!! ugh. I also ate Ramen yesterday. Must be the Ramen Virus or something-I couldn't resist. Or maybe Ramen reminds us of childhood because we used to snack wildly on the cheapest food in the house. Usually, I toss the seasoning packet. Too much sodium. And I make my own seasoning..however, I poured the whole thing in and drank the broth too. Plus, I have been eating lemons and salt together. craving salt??? The adrenals signal the need for salt when the body is stressed. So I am pretty sure that is what is going on here.

    My chest feels like I am lugging around lead weights in my bra--so I'm quite sure that I am retaining water.

    Gary, I couldn't imagine my little man as a human! He still likes to lick his plate clean--and I do mean LICK. We snuggled up on the couch and watched a couple of Lifetime specials (he disagreed) and then we found a winner "Ace Ventura jr Pet Detective" funny and cute!!! My two cats snuggled up with us. So it was the 4 of us piled on the couch with the rain banging on the roof and windows...ahhhh..

    Tiger! lol on rollerblading on the dirt roads. Luckily we live in the countryish part of town, and the roads are paved with nice scenic routes. We have to be careful we don't go flying if there's some dirt in the road lol....there are lots of hills to stay away from too. 177 lbs flying down a hill with roller skate wheels locked forward--is not a PRETTY SIGHT