which celeb inspires u to lift weights?

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  • I know I really became obessessed with the way muscles looked and started noticing more when I started buying Oxeygen Mag. or should I say my DH bought my first copy I always bought Fitness and Womens Health but he picked that up. But I would have to say JIllian Michaels.Now it is the first thing I notice on women, ITS SICK
  • Gwen Stefani, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Garner. Especially Gwen Stefani because she used to be quite a bit heavier and now looks fabulous. I always think that if Gwen can do it, so can I!

    And I could not survive my cardio workouts without Beyonce.
  • Quote: The way I feel inspires me to lift. Celebs don't do much for me. Just me, I guess.

    DITTO!!! Although there are a few that have nice arms, I like mine better. They don't inspire me, I inspire me.
  • Also, Dara Torres! She is hot! And since I consider myself a swimmer and she's actually a couple of years older than me and has a kid...well, heck, I have no excuse!
  • I've always admired Brittany Daniel

    and also gwen stefani
  • Arms - Michael Obama
    Abs - Janet Jackson
    Squats and Lunges - wanna be bootylicious like Beyonce
  • Jessica Biel. She definitely does weighted lunges and squats.