"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Time to crack down!

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  • Saramommy - You're doing great with your no eating past 7 and drinking water challenges. I hope the pizza was yummy so that it was worth a pause.

    I've got the County Fair coming up this weekend....Gonna have to figure out what the best food options are so I don't use a week's worth of points in one day. At least I'll be doing a lot of walking.

    Journal and Stay within points - 3 pauses left - Day 10 completed.
    Gym or walk at least 25 minutes - 2 pauses left - Day 9 completed.
    50 ab exercises - 1 pause left - Day 8 completed.

    Here's to a great day for all of us!!
  • not good....
    I have had a past couple bad days. I am so in need of a rest. These last days at the office are horrible and I am feeling ultra bad because my weight is way up and rising and because...well, because of everything. Please, please, give me the strength to get through this. I couldn't believe it but the worse I feel, the more bad things I do. Drinking, smoking, eating junk food. And I am worried about finding work. Yesterday, I went to the employment agency but they had nothing good. I couldn't believe the low wages. It's all just too much. More shocks of disbelief at work yesterday when we find out that the company is hiring temps at a rate that is more than double what most people make and perhaps the highest paid of all. The blows just keep coming while at the same time personally I am stuck in a vicious cycle and do NOT have the time to get to the gym, which always helps me break the cycle. Soon, though, soon. Please, somebody, send me some words of strength, hope and faith that I can get out of all this.

    No fast food or deep-fried foods Day 1 completed 1 pause taken
    No alcohol Day 4 completed 1 pause taken
    Minimal sugar Day 4 completed 1 pause taken
    No smoking Day 5 completed 1 pause taken
    Journal Day 6 completed no pauses allowed
    Caffeine Cut (Round 2!) Day 15 completed 0 pauses taken


    Shad -- Hope the time off helps. I really, really need a break too.

    Sara -- How'd the friends over evening go? You could always freeze the pizza. no?

    diyana -- Hope you can stick to your points at the county fair. You have to be vigilant this week because of your pizza indulgence, right? That's great going on the weight loss! Congratulations! Must feel good!

  • Red, Diyana, Shad, Sara, rock on for your perseverance despite the curveballs that life throws.

    Red, especially - sounds like you're passing through the ring of fire - but if you can do this and come out on the other side, you'll be so much the better for it. Just imagine how much stronger you'll be after having conquered this week, with all its stresses and triggers. There's a great Arab proverb: write the good things that happen to you in stone and the bad things that happen to you in the sand. Empower yourself to live up to the good moments so you can remember and cherish them!

    I'm keeping it simple. 21 days of not eating after 9pm. That's it.
  • naughtylittlemonkey -- Thanks for your words of encouragement and welcome! Your support was/is much appreciated!! I feel better just hearing it!
  • clear!
    Ok, made it through on all fronts. Good night...zzzzzz.

    No fast food or deep-fried foods Day 2 completed 1 pause taken
    No alcohol Day 5 completed 1 pause taken
    Minimal sugar Day 5 completed 1 pause taken
    No smoking Day 6 completed 1 pause taken
    Journal Day 7 completed no pauses allowed
    Caffeine Cut (Round 2!) Day 16 completed 0 pauses taken
  • hey Red! great work. you've got a lot of challenges going on at the same time. that is impressive.

    By the way, I feel a little silly jumping in like this when it's almost the end of the month. do you ladies start new threads at a certain time....? or just keep going?

    Day 1: Finished eating @ 8pm. In the words of Ali G: Booyakasha!
  • naughty -- Thanks! I don't feel impressive. I just feel exhausted...but that's not because of the challenges. Sigh.
    No reason to feel silly. The end of the month or anything else for that matter is irrelevant when it comes to these challenges. They are ongoing, never-ending. I just start a new thread usually when I finish one of my own challenges or when things get too long, basically just when I feel like it.
    So dig in! (oops, no pun intended!)
    Good for you for a successful liftoff!

  • Day 9 completed- 2 pauses taken

    I feel guilty about these pauses, guilty about how much I looked forward to it. Grr..

    I bet I've gained 4 pounds this week, I feel like a hippo. I look like a hippo. I couldn't figure out what to wear this week because everything made me look so fat. Then I rethought that one - nothing makes me LOOK fat. I AM fat. Duh. and to think that I was about 15 pounds lighter last year this time. Sheesh. I';m in a bit of a funk-could you tell?

    Book review: I liked Jeffrey Archer's book "Prisoner of Birth" very much. <Just thought I'd mention that>

    Red - I still am poor on the protein. I don't like dairy,and legumes mess my stomach up. I love curry and dal, but my insides don't. And I don't love eating nuts all the time, although this week I made a fantastic shake - frozen bananas, strawberries, milk and almonds (read: protein). That hit the spot. The blender also leak as I turned on the thing and shpritzed milk all over te kitchen, and myself of course, and that was after settling on something semi-decent to wear... Hahahaha

    funny your comment on sinking the boat... My mother once went with a friend to visit another friend who had given birth. Both these friends being very large ladies... They were both sitting together on the hospital bed when the wheel came flying off! Each one was trying to convince the other that she was at fault. But is was a rather humorous situation And if we sink the boat - at least I know how to swim......

    diyana - your weight is coming off steadily! WTG! Send some good weight-loss wishes my way...

    Welcome naughtlylittlemonkey and good luck on your challenge!

    shad - hope you're feeling better. I used to get manuka honey too from my grandmother. It has great healing properties, and worked wonders with sore throats.
  • My challenges are as follows (each are separate):
    -Only eat 1200 calories --Day 10 (1 pauses left)
    -NO fast food --Day 10 (1 pauses left)
    -NO eating past 7pm--Day 12 (3 pauses left)
    -Exercise Daily--Day 11 (2 pauses left)
    -Drink 5 glasses of water or more--Day 12 (3 pauses left)

    No time to write...catch y'all later! Good luck this weekend!!!
  • Wow Saramommy - you're more than halfway there...
  • I'm starting back tomorrow morning.

    No snacking - 3 pauses
    1300Cal per day - 3 pauses
    1 litre water per day - 3 pauses
    100 abs and crunches per day - 3 pauses.

    Back to my normal self now. It's been a hard road and painful for a week but I hope I have now built up enough immunity not to get another cold for another 5 or so years.
  • Hi, everyone. I have been really busy, so haven't gotten back here to post. Starting over on everything even the water. I haven't had my water since Thursday. I was doing so good, I have even lost my habit of posting on this thread. But I'm back, because this really challenges me which is a good thing.

    1. Journal my food daily, every bite.-2 pauses allowed-Day 0
    2. Drink 24 oz water-1 pause allowed- Day 0
    3. No eating after 10:45 p.m. unless it's fruit-3 pauses allowed- Day 0
    4. 1 fruit minimum daily-3 pauses allowed-Day 0
    5. 1 vege minimum daily -3 pauses allowed-Day 0
  • Day 2: Just snuck under the 9pm deadline and rejected popcorn and diet coke as I was on the couch: a MONUMENTAL FIRST.

    Sounds like every one is on track!

    Miriam - I understand your frustration - as a lactose intolerant, gluten-sensitive individual, I've had to take modify my diet in ways that super suck.

    But a blender saved me: I am now queen of smoothies. The best is if you get some frozen fruit packs and blend the fruit with protein powder. The fruits mask the taste and you get a cold, slushy-like treat that fills you up. There's tons of great protein out there; Syntrax makes AMAZING flavours, which you can get on www[dot]netrition[dot]com(they won't let me post the direct link, but you can search under the brand Syntrax)

    You can also get Soy or Rice protein if Whey protein doesn't agree with you (although they isolate it so that there is no lactose).

    Favourite smoothie combos:
    Kiwi + Strawberry + Protein fruit-flavoured
    Mango + Tropical fruits + Protein fruit flavoured
    Strawberry or raspberry + chocolate protein
  • ...just found this thread and thought I would start with two related goals!

    1. No caffeine - 2 pauses allowed - Day 0
    2. Drink 32 oz water / Propel - 2 pauses allowed- Day 0
  • utterly disgusted!

    All right, I am thoroughly disgusted with myself. Really, really disgusted. I have basically not been getting to the gym because it's so damned hard too. I am exhausted in the mornings and can't get up. But I have to. My weight is the highest it's been in years and people are commenting. OK, there is a LOT going on in my life and I could have sunk into worse, but this is horrible.
    I canNOT do the minimal sugar. It's already snowballing...along with my butt. Enough is enough.

    I'm changing my challenges around a bit and cracking down on food and cutting out ALL sugar again. I also have decided to stop all consumption of alcohol FOREVER, but will continue with the challenge from where it was (even though I took a pause). I was at a flute concert yesterday. It was a salon concert, just a flute, bass cello and piano and there was food and drinks served partway through. I had only fruit juice. I felt good! Wish me luck on everything. Any words to help me not beat myself are needed. I am really in a state of self-loathing.

    Good foods challenge -- Keep foods the closest I can to whole foods, meaning keep any sort of processed food to a bare minimum. -- Day 0 completed
    No sugar in any form! Day 0 completed
    No alcohol Day 7 completed 1 pause taken
    No smoking Day 8 completed 1 pause taken
    Journal Day 9 completed no pauses allowed
    Caffeine Cut (Round 2!) Day 18 completed 0 pauses taken

    No time for personals. Paula, welcome Jazzy, good to see you back Heh there, Shad, miriam, Sara, monkey! diyana, you around?