The Onederland Express - Hop on Here! #2

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  • You know what else is just a number?
    Weight! Today's my official WI day and I'm UP. I know it's not real because I've had a good week but I'm still peeved. Anyhow, I won't use it as an excuse to overeat today. I'm having a really good, productive day so far. I've actually got the day off because I worked Monday. Looking at getting through all the other chores I intend to do right after lunch and then just enjoying myself for the rest of the day.

    Auntie_g, I am recovering, thank you. It makes me feel quite pathetic to have to recover from a busy day but there you have it. I just went to bed early every night this week because I was so tired but at least I didn't get sick, which so often happens. How are you feeling?

    Carri, you're so right about the carbs -- I'm sure you could have just about cut and pasted what you said from a number of posts I've made in the past. So hard to make myself get started on it but once I do I feel good and the weight comes off. AND (I remind myself), I don't really miss the carbs. Even though I love them with all my heart.

    Anyway. I'm going to start something South Beach-y come Monday. And next Friday I WILL have a good loss.

    K, DH will be home for lunch any sec. (So glad I'm not fixing lunch every freakin' day any more.

    Have a fantastic OP weekend!
  • Oh, Arabella... our bodies just do not always do what they ought to, do they?! I've also been having a good week (food-wise, anyway), but I'm not feeling very hopeful for tomorrow's WI. My gut doesn't seem to be working properly, and I feel, for lack of a better word, crappy.

    I don't know how well I'd do cutting out carbs, but that's something I've never tried - maybe I should. I think I'll cook some chicken tonight and see how a grain-free dinner goes...

    Have a good night, and I'll check in after tomorrow's WI!
  • I cannot even believe it - 3 lbs down today! I had chicken and broccoli last night - no pasta or potatoes- and now I'm not feeling bloated like I have been. Hmmmm, maybe there is something to that low carb thing. But alas, I did have my beloved bran flakes for breakfast this morning, so we'll see what happens...

    I'm going to try to get some walking in today. That's the best I can do for now. I hope you girls have a wonderful, healthy weekend!!
  • Yay!
    Auntie_g, look at you go! That is excellent action.

    I figured out my gain -- I'd savagely oversalted a batch of veggie chili and had it for dinner Thursday night. I was reminded when I had it for lunch again on Friday. Seriously, it was almost inedible but so spicy that you could (almost) ignore the salt. (And yet, yes, I ate it the second time. It was... convenient.)

    NSV on Friday -- I treated myself to a wacky whack of nail polish colours inst. of a food-type treat. Liking this substitution idea. I've never used any of the wild new blues and etc. but got some. My toes are hot pink right now and I'll probably just touch them up again for now but... next time? Who knows! (Yes, I do need to get out more -- too bad I can't wear sandals. )

    Have a glorious Sunday, Goilies.
  • Morning. I had an okay weekend, I did have pizza yesterday for the COlts play off game but didnt have too much so I should be good, still feel bloated from it today though

    Auntie G - I am telling ya I feel so much better when I am not having alot of carbs...and here is what I try to do ( which might work better for you too )...I have most of my carbs for breakfast and lunch ( like cereal and wheat bread ) and then not have any at dinner ...seems to make the weight slide off ...try it for a while...and congrats on the 3 pds down !!!!

    Arabella - high salt items always gets that is probably what it was...also I am a nail polish fiend, haha ...I have like 40 bottles and still buy more ....I have a problem with it ....haha

    Well girls here is to a great week !!!

  • Yuck! What a day we're having here! Pouring rain and high winds. I just want to go back to bed! Alas, it's not to be... Cooking some chicken and veggie soup, and must get to the cleaning that never ends for my "day off" - ha!

    Arabella, yes, the salt, oh the salt... Thanks for the reminder before it's too late for my soup!

    Carri, yeah, I'm thinking I could cooperate with your carb plan. There's no way I'm giving up my cereal, but most days it would be easy to cut out carbs at dinner. Now, that means bread, pasta, potatoes kinds of carbs, but not healthy icky veggies, right? LOL, guess I still have to eat them. Now you've got to behave up til the Super Bowl, but you'll get a pizza pass for that day!

    Back to the drudgery. Have a great day!
  • right, at dinner you would have some meat and a veggie, or sometimes I have a meat and a side salad ....I think you can do it, and I think you will see results ...

    You are having rain, we are having lots of snow and cold ...brrrr
  • One day in
    And the weight has started to subside. I'm doing the South Beach intro -- there are some great-looking recipes in the South Beach threads.

    Two weeks into the Tabata training, I swear I can see a difference in my body. I'm firmer, tummy flatter and my curves are more refined.

    Carri, thanks for the lo-carb push. I needed it! Your plan sounds very doable. I'll be happy to get to the point where I can take a sandwich for lunch. So much easier! Yeah, nail polish... better than donuts, huh.

    Auntie_g, we've got your wind and rain today. kind-of like it -- it's unusual here in the winter. But I'm hoping it's not raining too hard for me to walk to the office later.

    Let's make this a good one!

  • Helloooooo? Did you weigh in today, Arabella? If so, I hope it went well!

    How's the weather out there, Carri? It's dry here now, but we got an arctic blast and today was unbearably cold.

    So, one of my health crises is almost over- I have an ovarian cyst which they thought may have been worse than just a cyst. It's very likely now that that's all it is. But there's been another nagging issue that's not been quite figured out yet, but it's beginning to look like a gallbladder problem. I'd been in pain for months, and lo and behold, it started improving since I've been back to healthy eating! Well, tonight DH whined for pizza for dinner, since we haven't had it in a looooong time, and now I'm in a lot of pain again. I knew we should have had something healthy! Sigh... And on the night before WI, too. Brilliant. Well, I'll face up to the scale in the morning, and hopefully have learned a useful lesson!

    I hope you girls are doing well!
  • Saturday!
    Auntie_g! Yuppir, weighed in yesterday down two pounds from the week before. I was three pounds down mid-week and am thinking I might start recording low weight of the week, whatever day that happens. I think it might help keep me motivated after I get a loss. Some weird mental thing seems to be kicking in and messing me up.

    Well, it looks like Christmas out there. We had a big snow storm yesterday after making it through January storm-free. It IS very pretty. And winter really can't last forever now... right?

    So glad to hear your health news! The other thing does sound like a gall bladder problem. Guess you'll get that checked out? My SIL had gall bladder problems for a year while her doctor swore that wasn't what it was and she developed some very serious issues because it was untreated so long.

    Carri, how you doin'? I took a day off the SB yesterday and saw an immediate gain of 2.5 overnight. Didn't overeat or anything but had bread, probably too much salt and then a late dinner. Totally not worth it, I'm thinking. I hate seeing that number go up.

    Part of the issue was that I didn't really have stuff onhand that I could grab when I was hungry. So. I've got chickpeas cooking for hummus and roasted chickpeas. I've got a cauliflower in the fridge to make "rice" for a dinner side-dish. I shall prevail!

    Let's make this a good one!
  • Happy Monday! (???)

    Well, I didn't have a loss at Saturday's WI, but I didn't have a gain, either, so that will have to do. I'm actually glad that I had that scale-foiling pizza Friday night, because that's what helped me unofficially confirm that my ongoing problem is gallbladder related. I'm going for an ultrasound on Thursday, so hopefully they'll figure something out then, but for now, my brain feels better with it not being such a mystery anymore.

    And so, healthy eating is the best I can do! Hmmm, good idea, huh?

    I bought the Dr Oz "YOU on a Diet" book, and so far, it seems that most of the junk in my kitchen that I THOUGHT was semi-healthy should be in the trash. "Healthy" cereals and granola bars- snacky type stuff are my culprits. Sigh... I guess I'm going to have to learn to eat real food.

    So... what's new with you two today???
  • Morning...I did okay last week, did have a couple of week moments over the weekend, went to a party on Saturday night, but when I weighed this morning I was only up 0.6 pds so I will take that.

    Auntie G - I agreet that does sound like gallbladder, my Mom had the same issue a few years ago and had to have hers out was a fast recovery for her and she felt so much better.

    it is funny to me how much stuff we get that we think is healthy and it isnt, for instance I like to get those 100 calorie granola bars but they have hydronated oil and sugar syrups and all that in them....I guess it is best to stay away from processed foods but it is just so difficult and time consuming.

    The weather is still pretty cold out here, high 20's to low 30's, still have snow covering the ground and a chance for more...but that is IN winter for ya.

    Arabella - I know how you feel, my worst moments are when I dont just have something to grab and make your own hummus ? I love hummus....I bet it is pretty easy to make...I like the flavored ones...garlic, red pepper

    Well girls lets all have a good week and stop letting this weight issue get the best of us, we are stronger than that...we cant let the food win !!!!

    Talk to you later
  • Made it to Tuesday
    I've backed off a bit on the SB -- too restrictive, especially if you don't eat a lot of meat. I think if I had the time to plan more fully and then stock the house with SB-friendly products, it would work but I just don't!

    So I'm going to a more moderate plan, just keeping low-ish carb and focusing on things with a low glycemic load. Oat bran cereal with blueberries and almond milk this morning. Was v. ready for a change from eggs.

    Carri, you should be basking in all that warmth -- it's -19 celsius here, windchill of -33 (-2 and -22 fahrenheit). We usually have weather like this or colder for two or three weeks of the winter. Nice and sunny, though.

    Auntie_g, I've got that book too. Healthy eating isn't usually my problem -- wish it was! Then I could just switch that around and see results. No, somehow I manage to keep the weight on just fine eating hay and straw. My doctor did point out to me one time that cows manage to stay bovine on that diet.

    I've seen people start losing a ton of weight just by stopping drinking soda.

    All right, wimmins, let's get out there and make this a good one!

  • Morning are you guys doing ?

    I have been doing well...havent been super strict over the last few days like I should be but not going crazy...trying to get back into the rhythym I guess.

    My dh made his famous chili last night ....that stuff really cleans ya out
    So I should be good for at least a couple pounds down by Friday, haha

    We are supposed to get about 4-6 inches of snow this weekend , hopefully we do I would like to be stuck in just for the weekend and relax, catch up on my reading, and just do nothing in my pjs

    Talk to you guys later,
  • Almost Friday and the snow's on its way!

    I've behaved myself this week so far, and it sure does make a difference in how I feel. Went grocery shopping tonight instead of my usual Friday night fun because of the snow that's supposed to be here by then. I bought steel cut oatmeal for the first time ever - now what do I do with it??? Do either of you eat it? Now that I've read the container, I'm thinking it'll be a big pain in the but since it takes so long to cook. I'm wondering if it can be made up ahead of time and reheated later.

    Carri, good luck with that dangerous double whammy of snow and the Super Bowl this weekend! I guess most of us will be watching the game, but it's just not party-worthy here, so I'm not worried about eating bad. So sad... The snow, on the other hand, does bring some temptations, but maybe I'll go out and make a snowman instead of staying in and making hot chocolate!

    Arabella, I agree about the SB problem- I don't eat much meat either, much to DH's dismay. I will use meat occasionally, but certainly not every day! And thanks for the cow image! LOL! I guess there's a fine reason that living on cereal and pasta hasn't really worked out for me... So did your doc give you any good suggestions for replacing the hay and straw? Low-ish carb and low glycemic sounds reasonable, but what do you actually get to eat?

    Well, stay warm, both of you! And have a healthy Friday!