20 - 26 Apr -- Lifters Meals/Workout Accountability

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  • Quote: Depalma, I love your babbling too , :
    Thank you,

    Never did get around to stretching or foam rolling last night, so a bit of a slip up there but today was on plan.


    Meal 1: 2 egg omelet with italian style chicken sausage, onions, and peppers.

    Meals 2 and 3: 8oz of 96% lean ground beef, 3 bags of frozen stir-fry vegetables, and 1/2 cup of rogan josh curry sauce.

    Meal 4: 99% extra lean turkey breast, guacamole, romaine, and taco sauce rolled into a low-carb, flax enriched lavash.

    3 cups of coffee with sugar free french vanilla coffeemate througout the day.

    Today was a rest day so no exercise.

    Hope to get to some static stretching and foam rolling work before bed.
  • Today was a good news-bad news day today. Food was not horrible but was definitely not on plan and definitely still showed that I have binge control issues. Luckily my binges are confined to healthier foods.

    Plan was:
    Meal 1: 2 eggs, buffalo chicken sausage, 1 cup of blueberries (this went to plan)

    Meals 2 and 3 (half recipe each meal): Stir-fry veggies, 8 oz ground turkey breast, with red curry simmer sauce. (Not to plan) I changed the plan to a turkey rollup with an apple for meal 2 and that set off a fruit binge. 7...yes...7 apples later....anyway, I ended up considering the rollup as meal 2 and the apple binge as meal 3 and a snack.

    Meal 4: Plan was for a turkey rollup. Since I had one for meal 2, opted for tuna rollup with miracle whip and romaine.

    Meal 5: Plan to be some turkey pepperoni and some almonds before bed (I usually allow myself an extra meal on Friday and Saturdays as this is my weekend and I am under maintenance during the week and at about maintenance or a bit above on weekends).

    Calorie wise and food quality wise, it is only a slight slip up, and actually very close to plan. However, the lack of control is disturbing.


    Went to plan:

    Warmup: (1 set of 10 each except where noted)
    Scap Pushups
    T-spine extension/rotations
    Band assisted pistol squats
    Plank circuit (front, right side, front, left side, front) 30s each
    Overhead squat with broomstick
    Med-ball cleans

    warmup sets of 5 reps at 40%, 50%, and 60% of 1RM then
    1x5 @75%, 1x5@80%, 1xas many reps as possible (6)@85%

    Circuit (3 rounds)
    A. Pullupsx10 (still switching to band assisted at end of round 2)

    B. Hanging Knees to chest (a lot of rest-pausing on these). Haven't done these in a long time. Too long, apparently, I think I used to be better at these than I am now. I haven't done a lot of specific core work before this program and it shows.

    C. Front Squatx10 (switching from cross-grip to clean grip so I went about 20lbs lighter than I normally would with the cross-grip). These actually felt really good, my wrist flexibility is coming along well.

    Stretching and some foam rolling planned before bed.
  • Depalma, do you design your own programs?

    Lemme try to remember what my program looked like last night. I should really write them dowm.

    Leg extensions on the machine
    4 sets of 10 squats with the bar, still working on form, but I think I got it last night
    cable rows, supersetted with band pullbacks and sledpull (260 lbs)
    landmine rows supersetted with incline dumbbell rows
    There was something else I think but now I can't remember....not enough sleep in my life!

    1/2 bagel w/laughing cow, protein shake
    tuna sandwich, bell pepper strips
    protein shake, fruit
    fish (6 oz), cabbage, some other veggie
    run of some kind, maybe sprints at the track or park with the kids or 3-4 miles on the arroyo
  • Quote: Depalma, do you design your own programs?
    Yes, but I borrow heavily on principles and methods of people much smarter than me. This one borrows heavily from Jim Wendler's 5-3-1

    Today is on plan thus far. As long as I don't mess it up tonight.

    Meal 1: 2 eggs, 3 oz buffalo chicken sausage, 2 cups of green beans

    Meal 2: 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1/2 package SF chocholate judge jello pudding mix, 1 cup of blueberries.

    Meal 3: 6oz chicken breast, guacamole, romaine, taco sauce rolled into a lavash

    Meal 4: 8 oz of swordfish, 20 asparagus spears.

    Meal 5 (planned): 4 oz turkey pepperoni, 1 oz almonds


    4 rounds of:
    1/2 mile run with 1/4 mile recovery walks
  • Will Google Jim Wendler.


    3.5 mile run
    protein pancakes with blueberries
    thinking about a piece of frittata
    huge salad with protein & carb
    salmon, veggies
  • Today was on plan

    Meal 1: 1 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 pkg Chocolate Fudge Jello Pudding mix, 1 cup frozen cherries

    Meals 2 and 3 (1/2 recipe each meal): 10 oz ground turkey breast, 3 bags of stir-fry vegetables, 1/2 cup red curry simmer sauce.

    Meal 4: 6oz chicken breast, guacamole, romaine, and taco sauce rolled up in a low-carb, flax enriched lavash.

    2 cups of coffee with sugar free French Vanilla Coffeemate.


    Warmup (1 set of 10 each each where noted)
    Band Pullaparts
    Foam roll t-spine extensions (3 rolls each segment)
    Supine Bridge
    Reverse Crunch
    Overhead squat with broomstick
    KB Swing
    Medball Cleans

    Overhead Press
    warmup sets of 5 reps at 40%, 50%, and 60% of 1RM then
    1x5 @75%, 1x5@80%, 1xas many reps as possible (8)@85%

    Circuit: 3 rounds (rest only when needed)
    Pullups x 10 (still need to go to a light band to finish round 2 and beyond, but picking up a rep, here and there.)
    Incline Situps (30, 20, 10)
    Pushups (20, 15, 10)

    Static stretching and roam rolling planned for before bed.