Are any of these affordable?

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  • Family planning centers are in most cities or very close.They provide free birth control or at least very low cost.This is probably the most available free or low cost medication.I am seriously disappointed with your PC office for not informing you of this.Other medications might take a little more work.(but still doable)
  • doomed to be fat and ugly forever
  • doomed to be fat and ugly forever
  • Be careful with hysterectomy, it can have bad consequences and it's not done unless it's really really really needed. Like: you are in or close to menopause, you have some bad sickness like cancer...
  • doomed to be fat and ugly forever
  • In my experience, there are three main things to play with when it comes to, fast, and healthy. You only get two at once. You can get healthy food cheap, but it takes time to prep. You can get healthy food that is quickly prepared, but it isn't cheap. Cheap, fast food is almost never healthy. One of the variables has to give.
  • It sounds like you may have found the answer to your problem.Call your doctor and tell him/her that you have decided that its in your best interest to be SPAYED.
  • doomed to be fat and ugly forever
  • doomed to be fat and ugly forever
  • Quote: endometriosis and pelvic pain seems a good enough reason to remove it. Risks associated with pregnancy are also a good reason.
    Actually not because cancer is worse than endometriosis and that's a possible side effects of hysterectomy.
    Unfortunately the option for endometriosis is what your doc said that uterus lining thing, I am sorry but I don't remember the name.

    And honestly, it'll be impossible for you to get hysterectomy for the risks associated with pregnancy, if so, the max they can offer you is tube ligation, BUT they likely won't do it if you are below 30-35 and unfortunately it's not a matter of paying, I've tried that myself but they won't do it. It's all an ethical thing of doctors on your 'you may change idea' and they stubbornly don't understand your body is yours and it's your right to what you want with it.
    I also think they do it with dogs and cats, so why it should be so difficult for us, but unfotunately that's it.

    The calorie counting is a good idea, at least you can try it with what you are eating right now. Try it out for just one day, see how many calories you eat tomorrow, eat normally and just calculate, then you'll see if it's over your needed calories or lower.

    And more than eating only, also consider exercizing, you don't need to join a gym, but you surely take out your baby girl for a walk, keep on doing it, at least 30 mins per day, you'll both love it.
  • doomed to be fat and ugly forever

    Here is a list of Title X Family Planning Clinics in Ohio. You might have to travel to them to get your initial prescription, but I know that our Planned Parenthoods will mail oral contraceptives to women who live outside the area and cannot travel in to pick them up.

    Also, you might see if Walmart offers an OCP for less than you are paying now. OCPs where I live range from $25-$40 a pack most places, but Walmart has a generic monophasic and a generic triphasic for $9 a pack here.

    The reason I mention the Title X programs, however, is that often OCPs from Title X funded clinics are no-cost.

    I remember life with a 3 month old---babies take a lot of time and attention. Remember though that what kids need most are healthy happy moms, and that means we must find ways to take care of ourselves.

    A quick way to make chicken is to slice up a breast, toss seasonings and a little olive oil on it, and broil it. In my oven that takes ~ 5 minutes....when it is cut up there is more surface area than if it is whole. A little BBQ sauce, lettuce & tomato on a bun, and there's dinner. Chicken in the crock pot is another thing I do often. And the bonus for that is, it is ready when you are. Even if you have to delay dinner to attend to the baby.
  • Oh, I also wanted to talk a bit about the shakes you are considering. Certainly, yogurt, fruits and veggies have some good nutrition in them and I think shakes for part of the day would be fine. I'm not sure I could live on shakes alone though--I'd get really hungry and when I'm hungry I eat junk food. But I think a couple of times a day, that might work. The Daily Plate in an online calculator, so you could add up all the ingredients for each day and see how your nutrients pan out. Try not to go less than about 1200 calories a day. I believe that The Daily Plate breaks down your protein, fat, and carb levels (remember that we need some healthy fats everyday) and you can see how your shakes hit those goals, and alter their contents or look at supplemental foods to make sure you are getting enough of each nutrient that you need.
  • Do you have health insurance.What are the income levels for food stamps in your state.Do you receive WIC for your child?
  • I'm pretty sure that it's Body for Life that suggests making fridge parcels. When you get home from the grocer, chop, cut, divide stuff into (I used snack baggies from the dollar store) containers.

    Besides supper which I prepare for my family, I pretty much snack all day. A half a cheese sandwich with a few celery sticks. A yogurt and half a banana. Get your $1 burger and take it home, split it into two meals with some crunchy vegetables in each. A hard boiled egg with veggies.

    What you don't use for your little baggies, you can throw in that shake. I'm not sure you even need the slimfast part.

    The trick is to learn to eat something good for you, not over stuff because you're hungry ... as if you were adding fuel to last until the next feeding. Mama's feeding

    You'll soon learn how many baggies you need to make it until the next trip to the store. And before you know it, that tiny babe will be sleeping longer periods and playing for longer times and you'll have your hands free to try some of these other suggestions