Maintainers Chat: April 6 - 12

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  • Happy Monday morning everyone,

    My end-of-week munchies last week carried through until Saturday. Sunday I woke up and said no more! Of course the scale seems to think I ate enough extra calories to bounce up the 5 lbs I'd bounced down the week before (I didn't eat that much, I assure you!). Oh well, what am I going to do but work out and eat healthily today? I'm sort of glad - someone brought brownies into our office again today but at least they did it on a Monday. I'm much better at resisting brownies on Mondays than Fridays.

    Tonight I have a book club meeting with my friends. We take turns picking books and this month's book was/is "Twilight". I'm terrible, I was so unenthusiastic about reading it I started it yesterday and am only half done, and I don't feel bad at all. We're going to watch the movie anyway. I felt more guilty over checking the menu with my friend who's hosting. I didn't want to be rude, but if it was pizza or french fries I would have brought my own dinner. I can handle venison, potatoes, and salad (minus potatoes for me), thankfully.

    Anne, congratulations on all the progress you've made since DS's birth! Sounds like you're getting right back where you want to be.

    Shannon, are you having as much trouble as me staying upright? It's not as cold here, but sheesh, this wind! Hope your head is better today.

    Robin, yeah, scales are totally illogical. That whole 3500 calories = 1 lb. formula just doesn't apply... I think mine is more like 500 calories = 1 lb. Today is a new day!

    Michele, beat that fat girl down, tie her up, gag her, and stuff her in the closet! Don't listen to her! Good luck with all your projects.

    Kery, I don't think the Yum-Yum soup was very aptly named. The package looks like Ramen noodles, but I'm guessing the Yum-Yums aren't deep fried like Ramen. Actually I think Ramen noodles taste good when you're hung over... How are the protests this week?

    Jessica, sounds like you're also suffering from the illogical scale... darn scale! (I love how we personify the scale, especially in the accountability thread).

    Dagmar, sorry to hear the pants-o-meter isn't cooperating, but I'm sure you'll get it turned around in no time.

    Meg, way to resist that Easter candy! I'm still avoiding CVS and the Cadbury creme egg display by the register.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • Jessica - Thanks. Things have quieted down now, so I think it'll be allright. The area where I live in wasn't the one where crap really hit the fan anyway, save for that Saturday morning protest (well, actually, the crap was carried to the frontier, where the two ID checkpoints were burnt down as well, but I'm not crazy, I didn't even try to set foot there).

    Shannon - I'm not sure if it's the same thing as ramen noodles, but it may very well be. Anyway we just like to call them "yum yum" because we find that brand's name funny. ^_^;

    Megan - I don't think it's deep-fried. There's a pack of 'flavoured oil' to pour in before adding water (which I never use fully, since it's quite spicy), but it doesn't look fried to me.

    The protests due to the NATO summit should be over for now. Of course, we'll have others due to the whole strike, firings, angry teachers etc. I guess we always have to protest against something, huh.
  • Ramen noodles are deep fried? How did I eat a gazillion packs of those things in college and not know that? Wait, maybe it has something to do with the 'better when hungover' factor...

    Kery - glad you made it through this round of protests safely! I was thinking about you this weekend watching the news.

    Megan - we have a little break right now from the wind, but it is supposed to be back with a vengeance soon. They are calling for the 40+ MPH to be back right around the time I was planning to go run at the park... The lighter ones this morning were bad enough, I don't think I have it in my to go against 40 MPH...

    Allison - glad your foot is feeling better. Red spots after the pedicure seem a little odd to me, though.

    Lily - I totally agree on baby registries with really expensive items for the family to buy, even on first babies I think it is a little inappropriate, but especially on fourth! If they want the more expensive items they might have to buy them themselves, or have multiple family members contribute. I know some people see the registry as a wish list and will buy gifts not on it, or not expect to receive everything on it if they were the registrant, but a lot of people these days put big ticket items on there and then get really upset when they don't get them from someone. I had a friend who had her second baby ten years after the first and she had a $300 video monitoring system for the baby's room on there that she wanted, and lots of really expensive baby items. I went in with a few other women and got her the monitor and she was offended that we didn't each get a gift... Next baby I might just RSVP 'no' for the shower...

    Iris - I know I've seen what you are studying written somewhere, but can't remember... What degree are you almost halfway finished with?

    Salad for lunch. So far no snacking. Woo hoo!
  • Hi,

    Today is the second sunny day here in I don't know how long. It's beautiful and supposed to be in the upper 60's to low 70s the next two days. <cough-cough> I think I'm coming down with the flu. Haha! I'm taking Friday off to go to Oregon for Easter, so even if I was sick I'd have to come in the rest of the week.

    I went and ran some errands at lunch today, and on the way back I almost stopped at Arbys, but I talked myself out of it. With being on the road this weekend, I'm going to have too much fast food, so I need to behave this week.

    Kery, glad things have quieted down in your neighborhood.

    Megan, have fun at book club- I love books and always thought it would be fun to be in a book club, but now that I think about it I'm never good at letting others pick books for me.

    Allison, glad your foot is finally beginning to heal!

    Lily, the beagles sound adorable! Can't wait to see pics. We already have two more pets than DH would like us to have (we have a cat and a boston terrier). He puts up with them, but would freak if I even suggested any others! Those do sound like expensive gifts for a 4th child. I have difficulty buying things for people who don't take good care of them, so I'd probably have the same attitude.

    Iris, I'm with you on choc chip cookie dough (or any cookie dough) Why does it taste so goooood before it's cooked? I know people who bake, but never eat the stuff. Not me, I can't bake without eating half of it in "little tastes". Congrats on the half-way point to your masters! wow! What are you studying?

    Shannon, your DH and mine would get along well! He's a sports fanatic too - well, second only to music. He has like 4000+ CDs, but sports are a close second. He doesn't have parties, but when his teams are playing, nothing else matters!

    Anne, congrats on getting back down after pg! That's always tough to do!

    Robin, only a few nibbles? Your willpower is amazing! I'm terrible about tasting everything I cook. Have a great Passover!

    Michele, thinking of you today - let us know how you're feeling after the biopsy. When will you get back results?

    I'm out of time, but HI to everyone else!


  • Shanna - I don't know which love is stronger with my DH between sports and music, he is very into both. His current music focus is on vinyl - I got him really nice turntable for Christmas (to replace the not as nice one I got him as a whim a few years back that resparked his vinyl habit...) and he now has somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 albums. We also have 3000+ cds, 500+ cassette tapes...
  • Iris-- I am taking classes towards my masters degree in Library Science. I am a children's librarian at an elementary school. I am slightly over halfway done but I'm only taking one class a semester since I work two jobs.

    I am back from my biopsy and fairly crabby. I will get the results in a day or two but it is very likely that they will have to do surgery to get a better sample as they still had trouble reaching the problematic area. After 3 biopsies, multiple ultrasounds and a mammogram, the doctor was very unsure she had gotten sufficient tissue for sampling. I asked if it was difficult because I have so little breast tissue and I was told yes! Downside to weight loss in my case....I now have a giant ice pack (the ultrasound tech joked that she could give me a matching pack for the other side to even me out) and strict instructions not to exercise, do housework or any lifting today. I had hoped to exercise today but that is out of the question. I keep missing my Monday night gym class (boxing boot camp) and it is the best workout-- makes me grumpy!!

    Megan-- I really enjoyed the Twilight series after my two daughters read them. The movie is nowhere near as good-- it is really cheesy actually-- low budget..... I would love to be part of a bookclub too!

    Lily-- that would bother me too about the baby shower. It would horrify me to think that someone wasn't happy with whatever present I gave them, big or small. A baby shower for a fourth baby does seem extreme.

    Guess I should do my schoolwork now as I can't exercise or do housework....
  • Michele, SO glad you are home and doing okay. I hope you heal quickly. That's awful that they have to keep doing this over and over.

    Shannon, wow-our DHs really are alike! When he was in his 20s a family member took all of his vinyl out and broke every one of them, OUCH! So he's only collected CDs since, and now he's ripping a lot of them to our NAS (2 gb network server). The four tall cabinets he keeps them in were overflowing! He buys and sells on ebay a lot, does you DH do ebay? If so, they've probably bought or sold to/from each other. LOL! Wouldn't that be funny.

    It's way too sunny outside to sit in my office. I want to go home!!!!

  • Hi guys! Just a flyby!

    Glad your son is back in the States, Lily.

    Hope your foot is 100% soon, Allison.

    Megan, I laughed at the venison, but certainly mushroom ravioli is a must on a Twilight book club dinner! I read the first 3 and started the 4th, but never finished. Just read City of Thieves. Great book. Disturbing yet hilarious. Pretty sure I'll never complain about anything in my life ever again.

    Michelle, I'm no breast cancer expert, and maybe it is technically challenging to get a good biopsy for you, but your weight loss has given you some advantages. Obesity and breast cancer are linked, plus masses are a lot easier to feel on a normal weight woman than an obese woman. I'm crossing my fingers for you too.
  • Shanna - DH has done more buying than selling on Ebay, particularly lately , but he is getting into selling some more. He has sold equipment on Audio Advisor, I know. They might have crossed paths out there!

    Michele - sorry you had so much trouble at your biopsy. Get some rest and feel better, there will be plenty of time for exercise and housework later!
  • Michele, ouch! Hope that they find out they did get enough tissue to sample, and that the results are negative. Sorry you had to go through that plus miss your boxing boot camp.

    Two pages already and it's only Monday. Quite a chatty group!

    We're enjoying several days of good weather so I made the most of it. This morning I walked 3.3 miles to my favorite coffee place, got a blended latte, drank it there while I read the paper and walked back home. My son called while I was at the coffee shop, wanting to take me out to lunch for my birthday, but I said that I'm a busy woman and he needs to schedule these things in advance. So he's taking me to lunch Wednesday instead, which is good because a restaurant lunch might do some damage after my blended (skinny) latte.

    Hoping for good weather for all of you still experiencing a prolonged winter!
  • Hi Had a busy weekend and never logged on at all. Saturday I was at a church council retreat most of the day, and they we went to the hobo square dance in Anchorage. I did get some photos and will try to find time to post them. Sunday was laundry, church, groceries, more laundry and taxes. DH had brought back a final K-1 from from his mother's estate which significantly reduced our taxes, more than doubling our refund, and making us eligible for the rebate a lot of folks got last year, so we're pretty happy. Just need to double check the figures and get it e-filed so they'll send us $$.

    Lily - hope you find the beagles a home. My nieces husband has beagles that he does competitions with (I don't know what kind) and they have a chocolate lab who is one of the most spoiled dogs I know, but great with the kids. And I agree, you shouldn't be asked to spend that much on a present for a 4th baby. A person might volunteer to buy that, but that's a whole different proposition.

    Michele - sorry the biopsy didn't go any better this time. I could donate some breast tissue of that would help? What school are you taking your master's classes through? One of my employees is getting ready to do this and is investigating schools.

    Gotta scoot, it's a busy Monday as usual.
  • Sheila,
    Is today your birthday?!?!
    Happy Birthday!!!

    What is a blended latte? I always get a nonfat latte or a nonfat vanilla latte but I don't know what blended is?
  • Pat,
    I am taking my classes through TWU (Texas Woman's University). I am able to take 100% of them online, the program is ALA, and it isn't just for women. I have found the program to be awesome with great professors.
  • ugh, some people can be such SNOTS about baby and wedding gifts and things like that... I'm glad my friends have all been pretty down to earth so far. At least no complaints about a few of us splitting a large ticket item!

    Michele, sorry to hear about the biopsy pain. I hope all comes out well.

    I'm doing my master's in public health. I still want to apply to medical school, though. I think I just want to stay in school for as long as possible to avoid going back to dealing with a real job!
  • yeah, I think I was suckered into that expensive gift cause my MIL went shopping with me. Her exact words were "I'll buy the crib and you can buy the stroller/car seat thing". Since this whole set of stuff is pink I only hope her future baby #5 will be a girl too! I used to wish she'd stop having babies so ofen (four of them in 5 years) but now I just quit worrying about it and think "oh well, it's too late now so she might as well have a dozen of them". IMO she uses staying pregnant as a means to keep from ever trying to get an education or improve her life situation.

    Shannon, the really bad thing was that I had already bought her 5 beautiful baby outfits and a case of diapers! So, I ended up having Lacy and Shelbey put their names on the gift tags for the clothes and diapers! The sad thing was I felt like the ladies at her work were roped into having her a baby shower! (they acted less than enthusiastic about it all).

    Pat, one of the men that works with my DH wants the beagles if the owner doesn't claim them. They are very cute and loveable and seem very content to stay here and fatten up. Lol, I've always been good at the fattening up part! Plus, my 2 chocolate labs are very spoiled animals but excellent with the grandkids.

    Midwife: thanks having my son back is wonderful. He is so happy! It sure seems like he's matured more from being in the military. Just very respectful of me and the girls now.

    Michele, I hope they got what they need and you don't have to have surgery.