Herbal Magic #3

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  • No problem for the confusion! First day back to work and my mind is apparently not back with me yet!

    Almost eveything else I eat is fresh, so not overly concerned just thought if there was a way to get the pounds off faster I wouldn't mind giving it a shot!

    Didn't receive a frozen foods guide... guess I'll have to ask for it next time.

    Haven't heard of Blue Menu products either, but haven't specifically looked for them. Let us know how it goes tonight and where to get the products if they are approved!

    Thinking about picking up the second cookbook. Anyone know how much it is by chance?
  • btw you should not be skipoing ANY food on the program...the basic idea is when you hit a plateau, then they can start to remove some food...do not skip your f.e's..that is planned food for you

    yes the b.m ketchup type sauce is something I was told to use very very sparingly....lots of salt and sugar..not a good thing.
  • I am afraid I misspoke about peas and corn. That would be another school of thought... not HM philosophy. I apologize.

    Regarding the removal of Free Exchange... that was centre regulated... not my own doing. I don`t play with my calorie intake but rather try and stick as close to program as possible.

    Yams and Sweet potatoes are my favs too.

    My food for the day:

    1/8 cup rolled oats w/flax seed
    1 yogurt cup (100 gms)
    1 1/2 cup fresh strawberries
    1/2 hard boiled egg

    1/2 c spaghetti squash
    1 med tomato diced and sauteed with lots of garlic and 1 tsp olive oil
    4 oz lean ground beef
    1/2 oz cheese

    1 c garden salad
    3 egg whites
    1 tsp olive oil
    1/2 c grapes.

    Again, I apologize if I confused anybody. I only know what I have been told and what works for my body. Sorry.
  • Oops... I forgot about 2 slices of Wasa as my starch at lunch and apparently.. with that in mind I am short 1/2 a starch today but I am done eating anything further as it is 8 PM
  • Yay! I hit 50.2lbs lost today at WI, im SO happy!!
  • skipping any part of your program is not good..you need to eat allt he food so when you hit a plateau they have something to work with taking away..

    good weight loss ladies!!! be proud!!!
  • Blue Menu - Answer
    OK so about those blue menu items...

    I was told to try out the Turkey & Chicken in a can... since it's WAY lower than those deli meats. Those will be great for the weekend, to pop in a salad...when I'm on the run!

    The canned veggies... Fresh is best. So I'll keep the ones that I have on hand...but eat them only when it's my last option. Frozen is better. It's all about the nutrients (someone here said that in an earlier post too).

    Ketchup - although it only has 1g of Sugar and 120g of Sodium...it's still a no-no. I'll survive!

    Minestrone soup - NO NO... i'll feed it to hubby
    It's still better than the other ones he likes...
  • Monday WI
    So after one week on HM, I've lost 6.6 pounds.
    It's also the time of the month for me...so who knows if that's playing a role!
    I'm happy!

    Can't wait to get measured on Wed!! I know I've lost serious inches around the waist. WOOHOO! Next week, I need to start moving. Might go back to Curves...I'll see.

    Friend: way to go for your weightloss. Can't wait to get there myself!

    Meme: I don't think you confused anyone - no worries!
  • Can I tell you guys that I CAN'T WAIT to get a ticker?!?!?
    20 days is a LONG TIME to wait for a ticker...
  • UFF: CONGRATS! Now if the house thing works out you will be on cloud 9! When did you start your weightloss journey with HM? Your results are AWESOME!

    Chantal: Way to experiment and try and make the program work for you and your lifestyle. That is a great approach. Congrats on your loss too! You should be proud! Way to go!!!!! Feels great doesn't it!

    It took way too long for me to get a ticker too... but once I got it I was happy. It is worth the wait!

    How is your week going Lady? Are there any tempting cookies around at work to torture you?

    I am thinking I am going to go in for a checkin at my centre tomorrow. Normally I am a 1/week girl but I have to get out tomorrow anyway. Wish me luck. I want that 2lb gain to be gone!
  • Thanks meme! my official first day on HM was on Dec 1, 2008! I am still waiting on a call back about the house so i am not getting my hopes up, just kinda sucks that I could essentially lose my 'dream/perfect' house twice in 2 weeks OH WELL things happen for a reason.

    I have posted a few pics of my progress but at the 50lb mark i wanted to find something that was really comparable so i have found one...thanks to my mom for the HORRIBLE before pic she took while quadding last summer....and as all good before pictures should be, i am eating...lol beef jerkey ha ha oh how i miss its salty goodness

    Hopefully this link works.

  • UFF: You are so beautiful! You look happier in the recent picture. Thanks for posting it! I know how hard it can be sometimes to look back at where we have come from.

    I got married in January and there are some pictures in there that make me very unhappy because I look with my self-critical eye and see the parts of my body that I hate. What a shame. Here was one of the best days of my life where I am absolutely glowing and dressed like a princess and I focus on my body? That is just silly!

    ... but in the long run having those pictures will help me see where I have come from and that is a very good thing!

    How goes the exercise people? I wish I was well so that I could get in my minimum 20-30 minutes/day.
  • Thanks meme....and it is hard to look back but i LOVE doing it, I love seeing how far i have come and where i never want to be again! Its humilating posting these pics in some ways but i know everyone on this site is in the same boat so i find it comforting to post. I just look forward to the day that my after picture is my next before pic! It really is an amazing journey and I think when I am all done I will feel THAT much better about myself. I do feel a lot happier in the second pic than I did in the first!! The strange thing for me is when the more recent pic was taken I was thinking in my head "Oh god this is going to be a horrible pic" taken from the side and all, I figured my butt would stick way out (much like i was used to seeing in the before pic) and then a friend posted it on facebook and i was like "WHAT?! thats what *I* look like.....!!" it really takes a while before you feel the changes!!

    As for your work out question, I try to do something every day, usually half an hour at the gym in the am before work, and something smaller like taking the dog for a walk after work, now that its sunny!!! And then Tues thurs i go lift weights for about between 1-2 hours!
  • I called in to my centre to ask about Crystal light. Does anyone know why that doesn't count as a water exchange? I asked the girl why not and she said she didn't know. I thought that was an unfortunate answer indeed. I checked my packages and found that they range from 0g-10g in sodium... which is low... so why the issue? I mean I know aspartame isn't the best for you supposedly but with moderation I think that Crystal light should be considered ok! 1 / day (as in 1 individual package) is what I was told. I think that is dumb.
  • Meme - ask them about flavored water... they too have some sodium...Regular bottled water has 20G OF SODIUM! I mean... let's not go nuts here.

    I never heard about a restriction for Crystal Light... but I didn't ask either.