Positive Uplifting Notification: One positive thing about me today

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  • Good Morning ladies..

    noggy glad to see u again!! Great job on walking the dog, keep it up!

    aggs where to begin with u! You dropped 5 minutes off of your walk and you released 2 more lbs?! You are a ockstar!!!!!! I am soooo happy for your success and so very proud of you! Great job!

    learning I'm glad you survived the kiddies! Steps can be a killer, but you got a killer workout in, that rocks!

    CJ I was running 30 second sprints at 6.0 and then I would run 60 seconds at 5.5 or somewhere around there. I always mix it up. But the other day I ran for 2 minutes at 5.0 twice then I ran 2 30 second sprints at 6.2. I just mix it up a lot. I have had 2 surgeries on my ankle, very delicate parts of the ankle, so I gave up on running. I used to play basketball so I am used to being in shape, so one of my goals is to be able to run consistently for 30 minutes, then an hour and so on. I am building up endurance then get back to softball and basketball again.

    bite it must feel great to have a little extra!

    maria thinking of you dahlin

    Okay, my positive for today is that last night was a rough night with my son. We had a real heart to heart and he is a teenager and it can be frustrating, but I resisted the urge to 1) kill him and 2)eat a cheeseburger or three and a pint of ice cream. Instead, I went to the gym, with him in tow and ran sprints at different intervals for an hour. I ran anywhere from 5.5-6.5 every 2 and 5 minutes. Some sprints were just 1 minute, but the 6.5 were 45 seconds, so I increased my time again!!
  • noggy,
    So happy you came back and with another positive, I might add. You Rock kiddo. Also, I am happy you feel so comfortable here with us ladies, we ain't got nothing but love for ya baby......so settle in, take your shoes off and stay awhile, we are happy to have ya.

    I think I need to do that, have a heart to heart with those two of mine that have moved back home. Gotta love 'em. You did outstanding, glad you did not kill him, I would have bailed you out though, just make me your one call, and I'm your girl. Then you had a showdown at the Okay corral, and you won, the cheeseburger and ice cream are being fitted for their coffins as we speak. You are Mack of all sista's fighting back and kickin' butt. WTG!!!
    You are the Energizer Bunny!!!!You just keep going and going and going.

    My positive for the day is: After I get my walk on, I am going out to buy a movie and I am just going to chill.

    Alrightie darlin's,
    Back later too see what's happenin' captain's,
  • hello all! i am sick not feeling well at all-but i just wanted to wish you all a GREAT SUPER FANTASTIC day my positive for today is..i dunno lol..maybe later?

    ags-thanks she is 5 and her name is aliyah-she is having dental work done today she lives 4 hours away and i so wish i could be there!

    shia-thank you-i love having a little extra-but i cant figure what i need to spend it on-so im saving it
  • Bite,
    I am sorry you are not feeling well, but if you send me half of it, I will share your sickness with you. You are so thoughtful, not feeling good and still coming here to wish us a fantastic day. You get the LADY OF THE DAY award.
    You crack me up, I loved the i dunno, got to remember that one.

    Okay, you have already made about three positives, let me help you,

    1) Looking past how you feel and still wishing happiness for others.
    2)Wanting to be there to give comfort to your sister
    3)Not making any rash decisions on money

    Oppps, did I say three, well hot dang girl, you've got 4 already. By this evening you might be knockin' on 20. Not bad for someone who is not feeling well. YOU ROCK....

    Hope you feel better REAL SOON
  • awww ags thank you so much
  • bite-get better and save that money until you meet one of your goals, then you can buy yourself something fabulous!!!
  • Good early evening Ladies,
    So far so good, sounds like everyone is having a great day, well almost for bite. You feel better girl and like devs suggested, save it for a special treat when you reach a goal.

    Ags- enjoy your movie and your chillin' out time, you deserve it.

    Devs- You have an awesome relationship with your son, but teenagers will be teenagers, right?

    noggy- nothing like a walk with a gals best friend on a beautiful sunny day. Glad you got a chance to enjoy the weather.

    O.K. here is my positive for today. My knees are killin' me from all the stair climbing, but it's a good thing cause I got a lot of extra calories burned yesterday. I know I promised pictures, but I spent quite a bit of time with my one knee up and under a heating pad, I promise I'll get to it soon.

    I hope everyone has an awesome evening and positive dreams tonight. Until tomorrow.

    Later - Learn
  • a special treat is a great idea thanks for all of the well wishes..im fighting but man i feel like caca.
  • Hello Rootin' Tootin' Cowgirls,

    When I was a kid I always wanted to be Annie Oakley and every Sat., I would put on my guns and holster, cowgirl boots, cowgirl hat, with my wrangler jeans and plaid shirt. You could not tell me I wasn't Annie Oakley. It was a pleasant memory I had today and wanted to share a piece of my childhood with all of you. Wow, how things have changed, kids today probably don't even know what a cowgirl or boy is....LOL

    Well cowpokes, I got my third walk in for the week. I pushed my self to go because my knee was hurting, but after I say my daughter run her 3 miles, I gave it a shot. She has a 5k in the morning and my positive will be to attend and watch her start and finish. She thinks I miss calulated my first walk being 22 minutes, since the second was 15 and today's was 10, or is it possible that I am getting that much better so quickly. I was out of breath today, so I will rest for a day and walk again on Sunday.

    Take care of those knees and get to the pic's whenever you can, We'll be right here. All those calories burned, yeah baby. Muy caliente, chica!!!

    Oh my poor Bite, not caca.
    I'm gonna send you some good health dust your way.

    Kay cowgirls,

    Have an outstanding evening and I may be back. Oh yeah, I'll be back.
  • awww this is a really good idea makes me smile
    my positive thing for today is that my best friend's mum told me how good i looked and how she'd noticed a difference in the way i hold myself
    also i really want to start kickboxing class how difficult is it futuresurferchick?
    love and happiness xxxxxxx
  • Hey there Ladies.

    I am going to spend sometime tonight to read this thread. So many things happening with all of us...still hoping everyone is doing well--love this thread and the inspiration I get every time I come..Ag, you are such a dear...way cool you are going to support your daughter at the 5K..support is so important which is WHY I come here..ya'll help keep me in check

    Okay my positive today is that I have planned for my Friday night Pizza today...I have had lots of coffee, one california roll, and some raw carrots. I am in shape for a nice hunk or TWO of pizza tonight and a tall glass of iced down diet soda...MMMmmm...I guess I am still not over my love affair w/food..not sure I ever will be since I consider myself a true FOODIE..

    Have a great weekend Ladies. Ya'll Rock. I am always here if anyone is down for some PM.

    Hey P.S. AG---NRG means ENERGY!
  • Mary -- you have done so great managing your pizza. Good for you, gal!

    -- welcome! welcome! Glad you're here.

    Ags -- you know, you are on a roll girl! You lost TWO MORE POUNDS! You've been walking really well! You're supporting your girls in all the right ways! You're visiting your sister! BTW, I am older than dirt if dirt is around 60! I am lucky I have good genes and look much younger than I really am. Probably when I lose weight I'll get wrinkly or something, I hope not.

    Bite -- do you have a cold? I am a firm believer in Zicam (the stuff you swab around your nose -- sorry if that's gross). I have not had a cold or flu (knock on wood) for probably 3 years since I've been using Zicam at the first sign. Hope you feel better soon.

    Shia -- I know why your took your teen to the gym -- you wanted to wear him down! Or out! BTW, I so admire your running and sprinting. I think I need to up my cardio, you are making me feel like an also-ran, LOL. I live in the Florida Keys and tomorrow is a big day for runners here -- it is The Seven Mile Bridge Run. We have a bridge that is 7 miles long (actually 6.8 miles long). It is the one that appeared in the movie True Lies with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis a couple of years ago.You could run in that next year.

    --take care of those knees, they have to last you a lifetime.

    Noggynay -- hi sweet thing. It sounds like you had a nice walk. So glad you're posting on this thread, can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow.

    gggirls -- How many miles is 5K. I'm pretty sure I couldn't walk that far but I sure admire those who do. Or maybe I could and it would take me 10 hours! I like the treadmill, it is easier on my poor injured back. I am up to a mile on it.

    My positives--
    Cardio - check!
    Kept on food plan - check!
    Washed clothes - check! (well, most of them, sigh)

    Soooo....my new positive is that I'm cooking more. I've got to tell you ladies -- I'm not much of a cook. I'm sort of being forced into it because it's easier to stick to a plan if you actually know what you're eating because you prepared it. I've always eaten lots of salads which you just throw together. Now that I'm doing Atkins, I have to prepare meats and fishes and stuff like that.

    I do know how to broil a steak, but that's about all I know about how to cook meat! I bought some sliced pork loin and need to do something with it that's low carb. I guess I could just fry it with some onions and roasted red peppers? (On Atkins, you can use olive oil and butter). Any thoughts?
  • Hello Ladies...it sounds like everyone is having a good day...always a good way to spend a Friday.

    Ags- you are right most of the kids I know would not know how to play cowboys unless it was a video game...cute story!

    Shia- I also have a teenager and I feel ya!!! Mine is driving me crazy, she graduates and turns 18 very soon, so she is thinks she is an adult when she is still such a child in most every way.

    Learn- Stairs...OMG...u rock...I hope your knees feel better!!!

    Here is my positive for the day: Usually on Friday night my daughter is off with her friends by the time I get home from work, so my normal routine is to stop at some quick restaurant, go home and shove my face full of an extremely high calorie meal followed by an equally high calorie dessert then I plop myself on the couch with a book and the remote. Today I came home and prepared a quick healthy meal and actually felt satisfied...now I am off to walk the shih tzu princess, before I plop myself down on the couch with the book and the remote...lol!

    I hope everyone has a great night!!!
  • Hey darlin's,

    First things, first.

    We love new folks here, so settle in and stay a while, I think you're gonna fit right here, it doesn't take much. Stay positive!!! Now you know, it's just something about feeling better about yourself-you seem to have a new presence about yourself, you smile more, you walk with your head up, you might even change your hair, you radiate confidence. And the compliments always help too. LOL AIN'T LIFE GRAND!!!!!


    I told you, you were nutz. Okay, okay, so we both are older than dirt, I'm lovin' dirt right now. What about you? But you, WRINKLY? I don't think so. Now, here is something I do know, One mile is a wonderful thing. Sometimes I wish I had a treadmill at home, at least if I get tired, I can just get off and seat down. Walking in the neighborhood, if you walk to far, you have no choice but to keep going, or you will never get back home. LOL LOL
    Sweetie, being forced to cook will certainly keep you eating healthier because you get control what goes in it. Proud of you. Now, I love to cook and will send you some recipes. As for the pork loin, make fajitas or you said sliced, a great Cuban sandwich, both are great.

    FANTASTIC---YOU ROCK!!!!! I am smiling my head off reading your post. I am so proud of you. Told ya, it gets easier all the time. NOW GO PLOP!!


  • Hello all!

    Ags- I am so glad you wrote to Paula - and I cannot WAIT for a response! By the way...I meant to respond to you awhile back - we don't have a Costco near me. If we did, I'd certainly support them!

    Chudge - Welcome! So glad you found this thread - you will find lots of encouragement and support here.

    Noggy - You had a great day preparing your dinner and walking your dog. Good for you!

    Bite - hope you are feeling better soon!

    Learning - I hope your knees are feeling better! I have always had knee problems, even as a youngster so I am hoping getting some of this weight off will help that situation.

    Thighs - You continue to be such an inspiration!

    Shia - You really sound like such a good mom. I know I must sound like a broken record, but it's true! I am in awe of your exercise regimen - you go girl!

    As for me...let's see. I released two more pounds on weigh in day (yesterday, Friday). Woohoo! HOWEVER, yesterday and today have not been good eating days. DH and I were busy yesterday and ended up picking up sandwiches (and dessert...shhhh) from a shop on our way home from errands. I only ate half the sandwich and half the dessert...but still it was too much. Today hasn't been too much better. But, my positive is that I know that, and I made the choices knowing that I would work harder next week to compensate.

    Two more positives - we got the new microwave up (it was one of those under counter type - so I got a little extra movement and eight training, lol! doing that) And, I got my hair cut yesterday. I got a perm almost a year ago...and as you can see from my picture, the ends are still pretty frazzled. I got another 1 - 2 inches cut and the stylist said one more ought to get rid of all that bad perm. Yay!

    Hope you all are having a terrific weekend! Goodnight, friends!