What exercise do you do?

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  • I get bored easily, so I try different things. I have fallen in love with Spin class though...I also run and do the elliptical...Yoga is also one of my favorites...
  • Melissa-

    I bought some hand weights and a Wii Fit Mat so that I get interested again. I hear you on getting lazy and bored with it But the same thing happens when say, I join a gym. So this way, I can at least watch TV and step
  • I have to say that I need to get off my butt and start doing the exercising. I have a treadmill and a Total Gym downstairs that I was using fairly often but started slacking off. I also have a DVD of Pilates for the Total Gym that kicks my butt.
  • Steen -

    if you think running may be causing your knee problems there are a few things you can do to help! two summers ago, i had to see an orthopedist about calcium deposits that had formed on my knees from running - ouch! i had some pt and my dr. gave me some great advice...

    if you're running outside, make sure you alternate which direction you are running your loop, and which side of the road you are on. sidewalks are slanted for drainage and if you always run in one direction on the same side of the road you are putting more strain on one knee than the other.

    secondly, you may have out-of-shape running shoes. your shoes should be replaced every 350-500 miles to prevent injury.

    lastly, you need to be sure to strengthen and stretch your hamstrings and ankles. they both help to keep you aligned and in proper-running form when you hit the trail. and remember to increase intensity with time... don't shock your knees : )

    hopefully this helps! my knees used to kill me every time i ran and just today i ran four miles! i also love pilates dvd's -- a great core-strengthening, low impact workout!!
  • That is very helpful advice. My doctor told me when I went to see her about my knees that it was my low-quality running shoes. I just haven't bought new ones yet, but I really should. I'm just not sure what to buy.

    I didn't know about the sidewalks and the way they slant. That makes great sense. And I never stretch first. I'm going to have to change that habit.
  • Jenn- which wii fit game do you use to do high intensity with?

    I second turbo Jam! LOVE IT!
  • I used to only walk. Then I joined the gym and started using the ellipitical., I have just recently started jogging and although I am not a huge fan of it, I find it challenging enough to push me harder. It is getting easier and easier.
    I now LOVE working out. Especially with my iPod.
    I just bought some new running shoes from New Balance and LOVE THEM! What a difference!! I went to a New Balance store and they helped me pick a pair that was right for me. They were expensive, but worth every penny. No more aches and pains in my feet and legs.
  • Ever since starting SBD diet (and going to a running store to wear a GOOD pair of shoes), I have been a 'runner' as well. Well, maybe only a jogger .

    And someone pointed out to me, how many runners do you see with knee replacements??!?! (I used to have sore knees too...not anymore!!)
  • I have trouble with my knees when I try to run (and with asthma, but that's another issue). I'm going to physical therapy to do a lot of exercises in hopes that it'll help my knees. Turns out I'm pronating (rolling my feet in) and that's the major reason for my knee pain. Orthotics are helping with that. I think it's definitely worth seeing a good sports doctor or physical therapist for help when you are ready to start jogging again, Steen.

    I second the vote for New Balance. My MIL's doctor told her that they are the BEST shoes for your feet, at any price, and I've heard that said in several other articles or from other medical/sports people over the last year or so. I've been using them for a while and they really help. If you find the kind that you really want (getting fitted at a store can be really helpful, if the people know what they're talking about), you can often find them on sale at stores (Kohl's has great sales) or online. That might help.

    Glad you checked the WATP videos out, Steen! I was pleasantly surprised with how easy they are to follow and what a good workout they are. I got one for Christmas this year and am glad to have it for rainy/yucky days.

    I hated exercise when I started SBD. After talking with chicks on here (especially those in the Exercise forum and maintainers that really use exercise, like Meg, Mel, and Amanda) who really use it in their weightloss, I became convinced that it's not only essential to weightloss and much easier than cutting more calories, but can also be enjoyable! Plus, it feels sooooo good when you finish. It's definitely worth pushing yourself to get going.

    I am planning on doing it everyday after I get some more energy - which I think will be happening soon. I have noticed that every day I feel better and better.
    Melissa, I'm so glad you're feeling better and better! If you're in P1 and haven't been exercising, don't push it until P2. But if you're already in P2, be aware that exercise can really GIVE you energy...it sounds counter-intuitive, but it's true.
  • Laurie, I am still in P1 (day 4!) and have really felt more energized each morning. I am not pushing the exercise thing for a little bit. I am going to check the WATP DVDs I have been reading about. I remember looking at them at the store but I just never picked it up. And I know that exercise can give you more energy. I used to love walking and always felt better afterwards.
  • Rikki -- any of the advanced levels of aerobics are considered "high intensity" when I log it into sparkpeople. I do 6 mins boxing, advanced step, super hula hoop (3 mins, I can't imagine doing 6 yet!) etc. on top of the yoga and strength training.
  • I need to get my WiiFit out again. Now that I figured out how to trick the weight limit thing I can actually use it. Although, in a few months I won't have to trick it. Hee hee. That's a NSV I can't wait for!
  • I put my little on (16 months old) in the play pen and do aerobics from DVDs and I also lift weights. Right now I'm doing a strength rotation by Cathe Friedrich. I only work out at home...I can't stand public gyms. Yeck!
  • That superhula hoop is tough. I love doing the advanced step and boxing too. I've just gotten lazy. Brian wants to watch TV and so we haven't been using the Wii Fit. Since he (and Don) will be at camporee this weekend, I think I will plan on going to the gym. I am walking the dog quite a bit which has to help some.
  • I must not have unlocked the boxing on ours yet- I definitely havent' used it as much as I promised myself I would