I need support! No more low carb for me!

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  • I tried Atkins some years back and thought it would work well because I love to eat meat.

    I lost some weight, though pretty slowly after the initial big drop and then stalled out for a couple months. Looking back I'm sure i was consuming too many calories because even though I carefully stayed under my carb count, I consumed a lot of food. After awhile I got really tired of how inconvenient I found it. I didn't really have cravings for carbs but going through all the work of figuring out was in food that others prepared was a lot harder counting carbs than counting calories. Carbs were sneaky little buggers who would turn up in some unexpected places.

    Anyhow the bottom line was that I personally found carb counting to be hard to do and live "normally."

    And actually one reason I avoided calorie counting up until a few months ago was that I thought it would just be carb counting all over again.

    But for me, for whatever reason, calorie counting is a lot easier and has tons more options. It's just more flexible and conducive to my lifestyle.

    I personally am really glad I don't count carbs anymore - but I want to stress that if it works for you, then do it! As long as your doctors checkups show you're body is healthy or becoming more healthy and you're getting enough nutrients, then I think any diet/way of eating is acceptable.

    EDIT: I forgot to add that my inclination is to eat fewer carbs these days because flour based products are calorically dense. I prefer to eat more meats and vegetables. When I do get some carbs it's more often from more natural sources like agave nectar or fruit. So I think getting away from highly processed carbs like in white bread is a pretty good idea in general.
  • Thanks everyone for the encouragement!!

    I lost the initial 120 by calorie counting. I know it works for me. I know my body. I know the balance I need of veggies/fruits and whole grains. I conditioned myself to like brown rice over white rice....white bread doesnt taste the same, I like whole grain bread. My tastes have changed and I make healthier choices. About 6-7 months ago, I gained 20 and thought low carb would help me get back to my "fighting weight" quickly. I basically shot myself in the foot. So calorie counting, here I come again. Calorie counting is my comfort zone. I find I have more energy and the right attitude when I calorie count. For some reason when I was low carbing, I could not find the energy to work out. I don't know if that happened to anyone else.

    Right now I dont have to worry about hidden sugars and etc... I dont have to beat myself up if I eat the "wrong" salad dressing. I can have ketchup and barbeque sauce. I can eat foods and things I enjoy. I hold myself accountable. But food has held me captive too long. I am so tired of getting beaten down by food. With the calorie counting I had found freedom.. The low carb just made me feel oppressed and subject to food all over again. Anywho, not for me but maybe for others...

    THANKS everyone for the support. I wili stick it through and one day I will post that I made it to onderland! I pray it so!!
  • For me, the perfect combination is Southbeach and calorie counting. Southbeach for the ultimate healthy way of eating....tons of fresh veggies, lean meats, healthy fats in moderation, whole grains only and fresh fruit....and calorie counting to make sure I don't overeat on the healthy foods. Other than phase 1, Southbeach is merely a whole foods diet and should not be considered as "low-carb."
  • You have to ask yourself: What way of eating can I do FOR LIFE? Some folks can stick with a particular program, like South Beach or Atkins, for life. Not me. It puts me in a "diet" mentality and that is the kiss of death for me.

    This time around, I am calorie counting. I've actually logged food in every day this year so far. I'm making it a game to see if I can stay within my calorie range. It's fun!
  • South Beach isn't for everyone... I myself have tried it and while I did lose weight, it just wasn't something I could maintain.

    I do calorie counting now and love it because it is more about a healthy lifestyle change that I can stick to... I can have treats but I just plan around them. There is no food that is specifically off limits.

    Just stick with it; you'll get there. I know there are a lot of us who gain and lose the same weight over and over again... but things will easier now that you have a plan that you feel you can live with.
  • Quote:
    I'm all for counting calories - makes me feel like i'm spending money, and i have to decide what's worth it, and what's too pricey!
    Yes! That is a great way of describing it. I really like calorie counting.
  • Me me me!!! I did Atkins, and it was great, I lost lot of weight, gained a like for a few extra veggies that I usually wouldn't go near. It was great until that 1 french fry turned in to a plate full. I am learned I am WAY to rebellious to tell myself I cant eat something. In my head I hear "oh yeah, well watch me" and watch how much of it I can eat" I started switching to healthier foods in Dec, then over to calorie counting last month. I don't feel deprived at all, added even more veggies in that i use to dislike, my taste for some junk has changed, like I now really don't like the taste of milk chocolate Hershey Kisses when I use to eat the bag full. I have developed a taste for Dark Chocolate and because of its strong flavor it only takes a piece or 2 to satisfy me. I am amazed at how calorie counting became a life saver, I never thought I had the patience to do it.
  • I get it, RoyalAthena. I totally get it.

    This may just be how it feels to me, but some diets have made me feel as though I'm pledging myself to a religious sect when I embark upon them. There are texts to consult, to interpret the true words of the diet's leading evangelist. If I don't adhere strictly to the ritual or if I lapse in my strict practice, I feel like a failed acolyte. So it's less like science to me -- which is what I am kind of hoping for -- than like religion.

    Numbers & counting feel more objective & rational, somehow.
  • Quote: But food has held me captive too long. I am so tired of getting beaten down by food. With the calorie counting I had found freedom.. The low carb just made me feel oppressed and subject to food all over again.
    Quote: I get it, RoyalAthena. I totally get it.

    This may just be how it feels to me, but some diets have made me feel as though I'm pledging myself to a religious sect when I embark upon them. There are texts to consult, to interpret the true words of the diet's leading evangelist. If I don't adhere strictly to the ritual or if I lapse in my strict practice, I feel like a failed acolyte. So it's less like science to me -- which is what I am kind of hoping for -- than like religion.

    Numbers & counting feel more objective & rational, somehow.
    I am astounded at how much our thinking effects our eating. You can be on two diets which are almost identical-- whole grains, veggies, lean meats, fruit. Then on one "diet" you have a slice of pizza and it totally derails you, while on the other "diet" you eat a slice of pizza, and it's no big deal. All a difference of perspective.

    I think the mental aspect of dieting is the toughest part. I can learn to eat differently, but learning how to think differently is a whole 'nother ball game. That's why you have to find what works for you. I'm definitely a calorie counting gal.
  • Calorie counting is just so reasonable to me. And logical. It just makes sense to me.

    The second I started counting calories, automatically my *choices* became instantly better. I wanted to get the very most from every precious calorie going down my throat. So IT forced me to be very particular and CHOOSE the best foods possible - ones that would satisfy me and not leave me clamoring for me. It forced me to choose 100 calories worth of veggies instead of 100 calories worth of, well - 100 calorie packs.

    Another thing calorie counting does - IT sets my portion limits. IT tells me when to stop eating, because, like it or not, my intuitive eating valve is missing.

    It also makes sense to me that I should be tracking and keeping tabs on what goes in my mouth. How in the world was I leaving that up in the air for all those years (decades in fact)? It's just sooo important and leaving it up in the air now seems ridiculous to me. Oh hindsight.

    And yes, I can have the occasional splurge without screwing everything up.

    I also for the life of me can't figure out why any "diet" would elminate totally HEALTHY foods from their *allowable* list. I just don't get it. All those delicious, incredibly HEALTHY foods.

    Oh yes calorie counting, how I love thee. (insterts a big KISS-Y smile here)

    Ann, you sound EXCITED and I'm excited for you. I have no doubt you'll be posting that ONEderland post before you know it.
  • Yes, as others have said, I'm sure the most important thing is to find something that is going to work for you in the long run, that you can live with without feeling overly restricted. I love carbs too much to do any low carb, but again, if you know how much you're eating and you try to get enough exercise, you can still make things work for you if you find what works for you.
  • I agree with everyone, it's so weird, how these ideas are in our heads!

    I am doing something similar to south beach with my calorie counting. lots of whole foods and whole grains. but it's not religious. I just try and keep it that way, sinc eI"m not doing 'south beach' I dont' feel like I"ll die if I have a french fry. :P as long as it fits into my calories.

    I have high sugar though, so I *need* to do the low glycemic index thing.
  • Quote: Calorie counting is just so reasonable to me. And logical. It just makes sense to me.

    The second I started counting calories, automatically my *choices* became instantly better. I wanted to get the very most from every precious calorie going down my throat. So IT forced me to be very particular and CHOOSE the best foods possible - ones that would satisfy me and not leave me clamoring for me. It forced me to choose 100 calories worth of veggies instead of 100 calories worth of, well - 100 calorie packs.

    Another thing calorie counting does - IT sets my portion limits. IT tells me when to stop eating, because, like it or not, my intuitive eating valve is missing.

    It also makes sense to me that I should be tracking and keeping tabs on what goes in my mouth. How in the world was I leaving that up in the air for all those years (decades in fact)? It's just sooo important and leaving it up in the air now seems ridiculous to me. Oh hindsight.

    And yes, I can have the occasional splurge without screwing everything up.

    I also for the life of me can't figure out why any "diet" would elminate totally HEALTHY foods from their *allowable* list. I just don't get it. All those delicious, incredibly HEALTHY foods.

    Oh yes calorie counting, how I love thee. (insterts a big KISS-Y smile here)

    Ann, you sound EXCITED and I'm excited for you. I have no doubt you'll be posting that ONEderland post before you know it.

    You and me babe? We share a brain. I'm serious. Hey! Get out of my head!!! lol!
  • For me, I'm not following any single "diet". And I didn't make my dietary changes all at once. It's been years of tweaking, and will probably be in a constant state of change, as needed.

    But basically, I eat "clean" now. No processed food of any sort. That immediately eliminates excess sugars, salts, chemicals that get in the way of me just digesting food. Because I seem to be insulin resistant (PCOS), I eat only whole grain carbs that have a low glycemic value.

    The veggies and fruits I eat tend to have low glycemic value as well, with higher amounts of fiber. I try to get in 30 to 50 gms of fiber per day, mostly from veggies.

    I eat about 100 gms of protein a day, mostly to keep up enough protein intake for building muscle, but also to manage hunger. I do weight training and I need nutrients available to repair muscles after training.

    Fats are where I fall down on the job, but I've made healthier choices so that the fats are beneficial. There are no man-made fats in my home, no spreads or margarines. I use butter, but sparingly. My fats mostly come from high-quality Greek or Spanish extra virgin olive oil, avocado and fresh, unprocessed, raw nut butters.

    I don't use much dairy. I have a huge weakness for cheese, so when I've had it in the house, it's been my go-to snack of choice when I'm emotionally stressed. I get my dairy nutrients (calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin D) from other sources, including almond milk and supplements. I will use Greek yogurt. I go for the full-fat kind, but that's just because I love it so!

    Because of my size, according to "the experts", my basil metabolic rate at rest requires 2100 calories to maintain itself. I can tell you, if I eat that much, even if I exercise an hour everyday, I will gain weight. In order for me to lose weight, I have to eat less than 1800 calories a day, and I have to do a nutrient mix of 40% calories from protein, 30% calories from carbohydrates, and 30% calories from fat.

    I also have to eat in a certain pattern. I have a completely balanced meal, but I have to eat protein first so that my muscles have a constant source of nutrition, to manage hunger better and manage my blood sugar better. I also eat every four hours. If I go longer than that, my blood sugar drops and I can't seem to control my eating when that happens. And each meal is around 450 calories.

    This seems to be working best for me, for now, and I've gotten some good results. It's not low carb or low fat or low cal. It's just my diet.

  • Quote: ROFLMAO!!!

    You and me babe? We share a brain. I'm serious. Hey! Get out of my head!!! lol!
    Any possibility we're long lost sisters?