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  • I just got back from visiting my boyfriend in San Francisco. I haven't been doing well lately to start with either. When I left I was 125.8 and when I weighted this morning... 130.2. I was only there for 5 days! I know some of it is probably water weight, air travel always makes me bloated, but it's still depressing. It just seems like nothing I do is working the way it used to anymore.

    I keep putting off posting because of the gain, but now it's time to bite the bullet I guess.

    But I am going to restarted the 30 day shred tomorrow morning! I will drop these last 15 pounds and keep them off for good! I've worked way too hard to gain it all back.
  • A couple years ago I went to Puerto Rico for 5 days and gained 8 POUNDS! I wasn't too hard on myself thinking that it was some strange travelling bloat and I'd be back down in a few days... except it never went away and eventually I gained another 15 lbs on top of it.

    So yeah... start soon! Sometimes those vacation lbs are made of cement or something...
  • From my other trips out there I think (I hope) about half of it will be water/bloat, and the other half is there to stick around.

    But I'm really close to TOM too, so who knows what's really going on. Just have to wait, keep OP and working out and see.
  • dont let it get you down! just get back on track and you will lose those 5 pounds and then some in no time!
  • You know what's weird? I got up to 226 and I can gain about 5-10lbs of water weight over night! I've been on plan for 10 days, drinking at least 48oz water a day, and I am down to 217! And I'm staying there. I'm not having odd fluctuations that can be up to 10lbs. Maybe just a pound or two, but I'm back down to 217 in the morning (I was .5lbs less this morning ). I think I lost about 2-3 actual pounds since Feb9. I can lose up to 3.5lbs a week if I am really good.

    If you were only a little bad for 5 days, I am sure you'll be fine in two weeks! I was bad on and off for two months and now I am back on track after two weeks.