G2009 - This Takes More Than Luck - Challenge #2

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  • Quote: im just letting dinner settle then heading to the gym. oh and i have my new glasses!! i will post a picture now i think... first i must take one! brb!

    and... back.. witha surplus of pictures of the same thing.. hehehe new glasses! do i look SMRT yet? hehe

    The second pic is my favorite! Something tells me that this is just how you are naturally! We would get along great!

    Sugarbowl -
  • Hi girls!

    Welcome sugar!

    Abby- Love the glasses!

    sprkle- Finally, a face with the name. Cute haircut

    Well, todays been a crappy day. I have managed to keep my eating pretty much under control. A bank in town got robbed today. Who does that? Seriously? We are a really small town so everyone knew about it and the bad news my grandma was back in the hospital and now they think she has cancer . Still waiting for definate results. Well its getting late so im off to bed. NIght!
  • i had 4 tags to finish to complete 10. i finished 2 tags on my elliptical yesterday and i did run around with my daughter for 2 hours at open gym... if that counts for anything... if not.. then i will be finishing the last two in a bit anyway.

    so i tag NIXMOM twice

    i totally forgot about the fruit/veggie thing. i feel bad. i do want to get a pomegrante when i go to Kroger next time, if they have one. i have had everything they have their, except for the whole pomegrante (only had it in juice etc)

    fauxtini- love the glasses

    i am glad to hear that the elf stuff was ok. i just looked up the Nordstrom's page and saw that and figured i should share it, just in case. it was from last summer tho too. it is good deal tho!!!!
  • Mini-Challenge #3 Announced!
    Mini-Challenge #3

    Secret Number Challenge!

    Hey everyone! I hope you ALL enjoyed the "TAG YOUR IT" challenge! Please remember to still work off any tags you may owe by the end of the over all challenge....you have two weeks...so YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Also....let us know how it is goin'! You can still PM me when you complete 10 tags for your sticker....you just can't tag anyone when you complete a tag

    Okay ...now on to the "SECRET NUMBER CHALLENGE"

    What in the world???? Well.....I have PM'ed a number to ENY......it is a top secret number that will only be reveled at the end of the challenge!

    Your challenge should you choose to accept it....is to lose as much weight as you can over these next two weeks.....the PERSON (or people if they lose the same amount of weight) who loses the amount of weight CLOSEST to this secret number WINS!

    Also.....if you lose MORE weight than the secret number...you automatically WIN!

    How do you make SURE your a winner????

    ***Exercise daily....at least 30 minutes or as much as you can!
    ***Work off any tags you owe!
    ***Stay within your calorie/points budget
    ***Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies!
    ***Come here to give and get support!
    ***Drink plenty of WATER

    Remember...only two more weeks left in this challenge!

    Warm weather is QUICKLY approaching us...I know we all want to be ready for short sleeves and swim suit season!

    Tagging is now over...you may work off tags that you owe but as of 12am this morning you may not tag anyone when you work off a tag!
  • Wooo hoo! i love secret numbers!!! hehe.. Im gonna WORK IT.... race you to the win, guys!! good luck! hehe
  • I'm a makeup nut... I got tons of the ELF stuff! I snoped it first and realized that the low prices are their everyday low prices, but that was no big deal to me. I'm actually kind of glad! That means whatever I like from what I'm sampling, I'll be able to always re-order very inexpensively. I've used all kinds of makeup from low end to high end and I've seen some good in all, and some bad in all. I am so excited and anticipate getting my first order. I'm really really hoping the minerals stuff turns out to be good, Bare Minerals is so expensive! That would be a nice alternative.

    By the way, did anyone ever here from DixieMae?
  • Yeah... where is she? I knew it was quiet around here for some reason!! i hope she's alright..
  • Morning all!

    I hope Dixie is okay... was there anything she mentioned last... I think it was about her daughter... hope everything is okay there.

    Faux - I didn't work out last night. Instead I was on the computer working on a slide show of my in laws wedding. In August is their 40th anniversary (they were married when they were 18 & 19 -- can you imagine!?!?) It was a little frustrating at first trying out a new program but then it all worked out & I was able to burn DVDs for everyone in the family. I have to admit that when I started to get frustrated I grabbed a bag of almonds & started eating. Then I noticed that I wasn't paying attention to how much I was eating so I stopped and grabbed some water. Eating like that doesn't even "take the pain/anger/saddness/frustration" away anymore. Which is a good thing. SO -- today I am going to get my work out in. I think I'm getting bored with the work outs I've been doing lately. Tomorrow I'm taking my big dog to the dog park with my neighbor & one of her friends. I've never been there but maybe they have some good trails to walk -- at least it's something new. The weather is getting nicer here, maybe I should look up places to go on little hikes... I don't know... I kind of hate doing things like that by myself. Just like I hate going out to eat by myself -- it just seems wrong on so many levels!

    Alright - back to my 40th anniversary projects! I'll see you all later!!!

    BTW - I got to pull again from my 5 lb. box (3 from previous weigh in & 2 of the 3 from this weigh in) and I pulled a purchase from Pottery Barn I'll start looking online to get some ideas of what I can get myself!!
  • I have been thinking about Dixie, too...have we heard from her since she was thinking about driving somewhere in the snow?

    Quote: Hi girls!

    news my grandma was back in the hospital and now they think she has cancer . Still waiting for definate results. Well its getting late so im off to bed. NIght!
    I will be praying and wishing the best for her. Keep us updated.

    Quote: Morning all!

    The weather is getting nicer here, maybe I should look up places to go on little hikes... I don't know... I kind of hate doing things like that by myself. Just like I hate going out to eat by myself -- it just seems wrong on so many levels!
    I am the same way! I hate going anywhere alone...but once I get there I am okay, it's just the getting there that is hard sometimes.

    Sugarbowl--- I am doing okay, just a busy weekend as usual.

    Faux...awesome glasses! And Sprkl I love the haircut! Nice to put a face with the name.
  • Evening ladies....

    Sneaking on inbetween veggie cooking for dinner sessions! So typing quick!

    Quote: So im a little delayed in the whole.. ' eat a new fruit or veggie challenge' but i just spent like 20 mins waundering around like a lost puppy in the produce section trying to find a new and unique thing to eat that i havn't before.. at wallmart is is a hard feat.. but i settled on a tomatillo... no clue what it tastes like.. but gonna google what to do with it.
    My BF JUST made salsa verde with tomatillos last night. It was fantastic. He eats it with tortilla chips - but since I am going to win the "secret number" challenge, I eat it on my baked potatoes, or with fish! There are some great recipes out there. Good luck!
    Quote: i had 4 tags to finish to complete 10. i finished 2 tags on my elliptical yesterday and i did run around with my daughter for 2 hours at open gym... if that counts for anything... if not.. then i will be finishing the last two in a bit anyway.

    so i tag NIXMOM twice
    I'll take it! I cleared 5 today. worked outside for 4 hours, but some of it was light raking. The rest was walking 1/2 acre of hillside brandishing my 20lb weed wacker, THEN climbing that same hill side and plugging it full of new ice plant. I was sweating, a pinch sunburnt and my feet were ready to quit in the 1st hour!

    Quote: I'm a makeup nut... I'm really really hoping the minerals stuff turns out to be good, Bare Minerals is so expensive! That would be a nice alternative.
    We'll have to compare notes! I am super excited myself!!! I love Bare Minerals too... and have a bunch of stuff I just bought from Sephora. So I only did the $1 stuff my ELF order. Would love to hear how the ELF mineral is...

    Quote: BTW - I got to pull again from my 5 lb. box (3 from previous weigh in & 2 of the 3 from this weigh in) and I pulled a purchase from Pottery Barn I'll start looking online to get some ideas of what I can get myself!!
    What was it like? That moment that you got to pick. I can't wait. I still need to complete my box!!! THAT'S what I'll do for me tonight. You are going to share your choice from Pottery Barn with us... RIGHT?

    Okay... gotta run, again. Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your Saturday!
  • What's the deal with allthe make up? Did I miss something?
  • Hey! Just checkin in..

    Purple- Thanks!

    Melissa- Purple posted that she heard about a good deal on some make up by ELF. Turns out the make up is always cheap. I guess it was just a email that started getting circulated or something. I checked it out on snopes like someone mentioned. Oh well, I still have some make up on the way and for under $20.

    Now that everyone mentions it, I am kinda concerned about Dixie, shes usually always on.

    Well everyone have a good night.
  • Hey all!

    Okay no exercise again tonight. Ended up having a busy day with my neighbor's girls. We went to The Dollar Tree, Big Lots, HEB, dinner at Carino's, then Barnes & Noble. When we got back to my house we watched Open Season. TOMORROW I'll work out. Plus we're taking the dogs to a dog park so I should get some walking in. I never got around to looking at Pottery Barn. I should do that now. I did find a dress I want from Old Navy for my in laws anniversary party in August... lets see if I can post a pic of it. My goal is to fit into a large (12/14) by then. It just may happen if I stop getting bored with my work outs!!

    Hope you all had a good day!

  • Well I looked online at Pottery Barn and nothing really interested me. Maybe they'll have something cute at the store. I want to make sure it's something I really like because this is supposed to be a reward... not get something to just get something. I don't think I'm going to be able to go until next paycheck. Did enough spending this time around. Budget budget budget!!!