thanks 2cute

  • So glad I found this site, I knew I needed something to get my head screwws back on, and boy are you right!!! I think maintaning weight lose is as hard as dieting, theres just something that says OK you've done this long enough it's time to relax and get eating, but we all know the results are weight gain, and feeling bad about ourselves again. I will try and stay strong with all your support and thankyou all again. Jill
  • Jill... I heard this somewhere and I think it was good advicee.

    "Don't run away from being fat.
    Instead focus running TOWARDS a new healthy life style."

    What is the difference you may ask.
    When you are running away from being fat... once you get there your incentive is less. You become less fat and thus your determination is lessened.

    But if you run towards better eatting habits, better exercise habits, better health... you always are moving forward.

    Just some food for thought.