February 2009 ~ Monthly Chick Chat

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  • Howdy Girls.

    Well this will probably be my last post for a while. This is my last night (23/24th) at work and then I start my vacation and moving.

    DH measured all the windows and got blinds for all the windows. The landlord is putting them up for us. The landlord also got us a brand new dishwasher and fridge, the fridge will be delivered this Thursday. He said he got a nicer one for us. He also installed a new light in the dining area. Not exactly what I would have picked, but at least we didn't have to pay for it and we can always change the glass part that goes around the bulbs (sorry don't know what they are called -- lol) to create a different look.

    Well I suppose that is about it.

    C-Ya??? I dunno when. lol.

    Take Care Everybody.

  • just here...so I guess that is a good thing since my head is not spinning and green stuff coming out!!! Been a good few days!!!

    Catch you all lata
  • I cant even catch up with all the post here today....Tooo much to read..HAHA...catch you all another day!! LATA
  • Morning All!

    Well my sleep schedule is back to "days" now. DH and I were up at 7 am! lol. I have my coffee brewin'.

    Its gonna be nice being apart of the "living world" for the next week and a half! Even if we will be workin' our behinds off!

    DH and our friend are going to get breakfast then they are going to bring me something back. I have laundry to finish up.........

    Well that is about all from my end.

    Have a Great Day!

  • Morning everyone,

    Welcome to the daylight Sassy!! Have fun with the move.

    Hi there momof4, sorry you were alone in here yesterday. Hope today is a good one for you.

    I'm not doing so hot, woke up panicing. Would love to crawl back under the covers, but can't today. Its been snowing and blowing for a couple of days and the driveway needs to be cleared. Windchill of -31*C so its going to be cold. Oh well, no choice have to go out and do things today.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Don't forget its anti bullying day, wear pink!

    Take care,
  • Hey All. Haven't been here for a few days now. Not much going on here. I've been doing pretty good. Nothing major or stressful going on. So that helps out immensily. Just wanted to drop by and say HI! to you all. I'll try and stop in later.
  • I posted this on the other forum I started checking since hardly anyone comes in but if anyone checks this advice would be great!!

    Ok I wanted to check something to see if this is realistic or possible. I am leaving on vacation on June 6th. That is 14 weeks from today. I did 4 lbs a week...that would put me at 160lbs. If I work really hard is that a doable goal? I know its a little hi per week but I know people that have lost that much each week! Let me know what you think. I totally want to enjoy myself at the beach. The last time I was at the beach I weighed 150lbs and I was self-conscious because I am totally white and dont tan very much. So that automatically makes me stick out!!! I dont want to have to worry about my weight to I really want to have a good time.

    Any good advice on loosing the weight and keeping on track would be great!! I know if you dont drink your water you dont lose very much. Should I cut down on salt?? What are good things to stay away from and good things I should have more of???

    Ok thanks guys!!
  • It easier getting up now that it is getting lighter earlier!!! makes me kinda want to get up now!!!
  • momof4 I think trying for 4lbs a week is a little much as you know "they" say its best to aim for 1 - 2 lbs a week. I think that would be a little more realistic especially since you already have so much going on in your life.

    Cutting back on sodium and drinking your water is always a good thing and sure won't hurt. For myself I find when I concentrate on eating mostly vegetables and some lean proteins and cut way back or cut out all the simple carbs, thats when I have the most success. (hmm, seeing it in print, maybe I should start doing that again )

    Good luck. I'm wanting to lose a good chunk before heading back to my old hometown, but I've been giving into hormones and binging, so not a very good start I'm afraid.
  • Momof4: 4 lbs a week is ambitious. It can be done but you'd probably have to resort to drastic measures to keep it up. (biggest loser type stuff) Buddly is right, 1-2 lbs is probably more realistic. I know how you feel about planning for something like that though. I always sit down and calculate how much I can possibly get off of me before the event. This year should be my 20th high school reunion. I don't think I'm going. I hate to be that way but there is no way to lose this weight by then. I'm heavier than I've ever been and to top it off, I was most likely to succeed and I work retail. Yeah, not going....

    Buddly, I just can't believe how cold it is there! Wow! Sorry you are feeling panicky. I'm a little out of sorts as well. It's that time of the month and I'm going from annoyed to teary. Joy.

    Sassy, good luck with the unpacking. It will be nice when it's all done.

    I'm actually off today and we are going to see 'Taken' at the movies in a few minutes and then it's off to pool tonight. I would love to just stay home later but that's not happening. Have a good day everybody.

    PS: my shivering little guy was meant for Buddly, don't know how he got up there!
  • ok so maybe 3....LOL....you guys say 2 I say 4 3 is in the middle...LOL...I did ok at lunch. I made the kids some ramen noodles I only had a little bit. Then I cut them up celery they could have peanut butter or ranch dip (fat free). I had cauliflower and dip. I drank water. I have the big jug that is the 8 cups of water your to drink in a day. SOOOO I am really going to try to drink that every day...I think the little bit of warmth and sun is helping me. My house is pretty clean the downstairs is beautiful!!!! I am ready to excercise...I really want to read a book BUT that wont help me lose weight. Now that I put in perspective about the beach and I can atleast lose some weight before then being there is time I think that will help motivate me!!! Ok well I am gonna go do some stuff!! lata girls!!
  • Hi all!

    Doing pretty well here, thank goodness!

    Mom, I'm not going to tell you what to do, or argue with you, but I will say this: be VERY careful about setting goals that might not work... and you KNOW some weeks you'll lose less (and maybe some weeks a bit more!)... that is the road to depression, my friend... and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!

    Here, we all know what it's like to WANT it, to try, to feel we've 'failed', even when we haven't. Slow and steady, love. Slow. And. Steady.

    Wishing you strength and success!!


    PS - Hope, I skipped my high school reunion - I was still 'too fat' according to me. I wish I'd gone. Sort of. Okay, maybe not... but I'd go NOW! you can do it too - slow and steady. Like my ongoing theme tonight? How's the kitty??
  • Momof4--- Yes up the water intake and keep eating those veggies. As for reading, I read when I am at the gym. I've foregone the ipod and took up reading then. With kiddos... that is my only real quiet time. I am now addicted to books, and knowing I read the majority of them at the gym while on the Arc machine, it helps me to keep being motivated to going to the gym. (does that make sense?)

    High School Reunions... hahaha.. Nah, never going to attend one. NEVER! Our class seceretary didn't plan the 5, scrambled for the ten, then didn't have enough $$$ for it, so it bombed.. see a pattern. Not that I'd of gon to either. I am not friends with anyone from my high school years, and I rather like it that way. We have a igh School Reunion webpage, and my info isn't even updated. Ummm, no not sharing that info either. Not that HS was the pits... it's just that that was the past and this is the present/future and I don't want the two intermingled.
  • Good morning everyone!

    Hope everyone is doing great.

    We are fighting off the plague that is commonly known as a simple cold in this house. Lots of hacking, sneezing, blowing and squeaking! Only DdB has avoided it some how. I"m sure we would all like to curl up under a blankie with a cup of hot tea, but no such luck. Well DdC can, keeping her home from school again today.

    Take care everyone and have a good one! Its Friday!!
  • BLAh.....yesterday was a good day but today has not turned out to be.....HERE are the differences
    Yesterday I was up at 8 took dd to appt. went to the grocery store got healthy food came home and cooked a healthy balanced breakfast...did school, made a good lunch then had them lay down for nap.

    Today sleep in till 10 and (dont anyone judge) I was too lazy to make something good to eat so I ate oreo's and milk for breakfast...and doing the boys school now...

    I think it has to do with the sugar crashing my system and making me have mood swings...and the fact that I over slept made me feel lazy and then irritable with myself for not having my act together. (depression like)

    Today all I have done is yelled at the kids...yesterday I was patient and handled stuff very well...

    ERRR I guess I am going to have to be like you guys and plan my meals and set whatever I can up the night before (since I am a night person)

    My husband tried to wake me up earlier this morning but i just grumpled and fell back asleep..

    This totally sucks can I go back to bed and start over???

    See when I sleep in is when I feel lazy and want to take a nap too but when I get up early I dont want to take a nap!!

    Ok boys need help with their worksheet...lata