Need websites to find caloric contents...

  • Hi everyone....I am just started counting calories this time around on my journey and was wondering if any of you could tell me of any websites other than diet power and where I can find calories for foods such as potatoes, fruits, veggies, etc.???
    If any of you that follow calorie counting as your weight loss plans can offer any good ideas/suggestions...please do....thanks!!!
  • caloric contents
    Hi momto2boys

    There is a show on the food network site called cooking thin that has caloric calculation tool. web site, then click onto the cooking thin site. Go to the cooking thin forum and you will see it at the top of the page. I don't count calories, but have used it a couple of times.

    hope this helps
  • Hi Mom,
    I hope all is well. I have been hanging out on the low carb forum for a little while and met some really nice people... anyhow... . I use it to look up foods that i cannot find other places.

    Good luck on the calorie thing...hope this helps
  • Hi There

    I found this website very handy when I was counting calories:

  • Mom: Here's the mother of all calorie databases, at least in the U.S. it's generally where all the calorie sites, books, etc., get their figures.


    You might also like There's a searchable database that is pretty much identical to the USDA's. The Calorie King is dietician Allan Borushek and the site is Australian. You can also buy a really substantial little diet guide he puts out: "The Doctor's Pocket Fat & Carbohydrate Counter." IMO, this is the best calorie guide in print. It's updated each year and I've bought them for approximately the last three. It's the U.S. edition and it's also got lots of capsulized info on diet, exercise, and various things such as diabetes, osteoporosis, fat, fiber, high blood pressure & more. You can also buy software for PC and Palm with all this stuff on it, but you don't need it as the site is so comprehensive and FREE!

    There's also something called The Calorie Control Council. I don't have the address but you can find it. It's got a database, or did the last time I saw it.

    Dietwatch and used to be among my favorites. They also have lots of tools for calorie counting (based on the USDA data, though they don't tell you that). But they're now a paid site and I don't intend to pay for things that are free elsewhere.

    There's a ton more, but the USDA is probably the most useful, in my opinion, especially for basic foods.

    Happy hunting!
  • Also
  • Many thanks to you all for your suggestions on finding good sites where I can find the caloric info on truly helps....

    L....hey are ya? I havent talked to you in a long time....hope all is going well with you and the family!!


    Take care all...Lisa