~night Owls #42~

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  • PJ............love the pictures of the house! Can't believe you are that settled in already. My favorite room would be the outdoor shaded patio, what ya got in those hanging baskets?????

    For some reason I thought you were in a big old 2 story country type home. Guess since I live in the mid west and in the country and a 2 story that is what came to mind. (our house is over 60 years old!) So thanks for taking the time to put the pictures up now I can see it in my mind. You have been a busy little bee getting all done that you have! Looking forward to seeing more don't kill yourself, take a rest! Think of PJ.................Jump in the pool and take a nap!
  • Candice your house is that old? It must be gorgeous.
  • Judy - Yes my Li'l Judygal.....I did it for you and Candice.
    I LOVE your little schoolhouse. I can't find the "favorites" (bookmark) where the site for the signatures was......could you let me know what it is again? I know, I ... am....a....P.I.T.A.

    Candice - You little cutie-pa-tootie......I started giggling to myself when I read "what cha got in those hanging baskets? LOL LOL LOL ....I almost pee'd my pants because I KNEW you'd ask and I was going to tell you but I thought I'd torture you a little first. Heh-heh. I'm going to go outside and take a picture of our lillies that are FINALLY coming in. They went into shock and I wasn't sure they were going to make it with the heat spell we had but they're starting to bloom now. You think it looks like I've done alot? Oh Geeez, I think it looks like a pig-sty and Bill AND the kids are really impatient for me to get things done. I know, I know.....they can get off their butts and help out too........YEAH RIGHT! They're great with cleaning up but as far as putting up pictures, window treatments, border, plants and all the "Mom stuff".....I can forget about any help.....unless of course I point my finger and say "put it there". But then, that would have to be on the weekend when Bill is home and he JUST got back from Canada last night around 10pm......nope, wasn't going to ask then.
    I'll have to try and nab him tomorrow since he's taking the day off and I'm going to have him do alot of errands with me that I've put off. Besides, we really need some time alone. Even if it means having breakfast out after the kids are off to school. I've been so tired by 6pm lately that I don't think I'd make dinner and a movie no matter HOW badly I wanted to.

    I've been a good W.W. lately. AAaaaand YES....I have drinking atleast a gallon of water a day. I think I should buy some of those POISE pads because I've got to be "going" atleast every half hour. What a pain in the A**. Atleast my skin looks good now. Hee-hee.

    Ok the rest of you MIA's Owls out there. Report to the thread a.s.a.p. before I come after you on EMAIL.

    See ya all later.....I'm going to take a little nap before Bill gets home. I'm too pooped to cook dinner so it will have to be take out tonight. Probably Subway. And yes, I'll be getting the veggie sub on white. LOVE THAT ONE!
  • Pammy, it's a delphi forum called Creative Signatures.

    Yawn... I'm bushed. 10 days left of school. I wonder why I teach when we get here.... I NEED my 10 weeks off!
  • I'm tired just listening to you two!

    Got my tomato plants replaced and few flowers in the ground but it is raining now and will for a few days. Hope we do not get another freeze/frost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Judy........our house is ugly and we did not want to live hear but My FIL told us we had no choice if my DH was going to manage the farms for him so we rent it from the farms..I like being in the country but the house needs tons of work and my FIL will not do it and we are tired of putting our money into it since it will not be ours. ( it was supposed to be ours but my FIL is an @ss and wants to control us so he changed the agreement and made my DH sign it!) Any money we have put into it is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate my In-laws can you tell!

    So PJ what cha got in the pots???????????? You didn't answer me yet! If we had to move with all the crap we have here, 20 years worth, I think I will have a break down!
  • Candice LOVE the sig!

    9 more days of school left. Yup. 9.
  • Wow, great pictures Pamela. Sure is alot different than your other house. Looks like it has a lot more room than the other place. I'm sure that you will get it into shape in no time flat. It's hard though, trying to get it all done and deciding how you want things. I do remember the nice leather couch that you had at the other place, is it the same one in the pictures.

    Rob was reminding me of Scott and Billy around your pool when we were there, listening to them talk. Billy was showing Scott the little cherubs around the pool and Scott wanted to know why all 'art had to be naked'. They had a good giggle about it too.

    I also have a reminder everyday of when we went to Florida. I had taken a picture of Scott on the beach, and had it blown up poster size and it's at the bottom of our stairs, so I see it everyday. Lots of people havve commented on it.

    We're heading down I-75 again at the end of June. We're going to Columbus Ohio for a friend's son's party.

    Thanks for posting the pictures of the house. I was looking forward to seeing it.

    Write me a letter some time. Would love to hear from you again and hear how things are going. [email protected]

    Take care

  • Some of my begonias are starting to rot due to the cold and the flats can't dry out, we have some sun coming this weekend so hope they are not to far gone!

    Well the shoes went back and I got a store credit and they sent a catalog of the new fall shoes home at my request, not sure I can wear any of them since my foot is so narrow and I need a strap or a tie! I love my clogs but have to wera thick socks with them, my fet got so skinny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Worked in the yard today too, it was cold and damp but got a lot done, no planting ,but there is so much other stuff to do so I kept busy. Didn't go to bed at all yesterday tired and was anxious so I have been up a loooong time

    Hi PJ, Suebee and Judy............................
  • Hi guys.........Hey Candice - They're FAKE pink roses with philadendrum leaves....I pretty much made them up myself. <grin> I knew you'd freak when I told you I had FAKE stuff hangin out there. I just can't deal with anything else right now. So......to keep the two hanging plants looking nice.......I made sure they were "forever" plants. Heh-heh. Anyway, here's a picture of me and a few freinds on a nice long trail ride today. I'm the BIG ONE in the white T-shirt on the far right. ........"See" you all later.