Slim Down Sisters: Version 2009!

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  • shari - way to go!! the first step is admitting you have a problem. just kidding, it's not like you're an alcoholic or something. But it's good to not go crazy over what the scale says. at least you still have that one pound lost. what is it that you used to have on ur siggy....3 steps forward, 2 steps back is still one step forward??? i don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm sure you get me

    aimee - as you can see on one of my fb arms are HUGE! I hate them!! I'm prolly exaggerating but they are mos def bigger than what they used to be. They were the last place that got fat, so I'm pretty sure that's where I'll lose the weight first. are so brave to do south beach. I'm a horrible person when I restrict myself from certain foods, so for the sake of my sanity and my loved ones, I won't go there just yet. My bf's aunt was doing SB and you could totally tell. Maybe when I'm more in control of what I eat, I'll dip my toes in that pool. What type of recipes are you in search of?

    I did day 1 of 30 day shred last night. Go me! I even got in 30 min of tennis. I was so on a role yesteday. gosh, I hope it continues onto today. My eating was so-so. Today's too. Scale was up this morning by .2 but I think that's because of TOM. I'm feeling pretty portly so I'm hoping it's just temporary.

    Not much else going on. Im planning a baby shower for bf's sister in 2 weeks so that's pretty much where my thoughts are. I'm so cool.

    Take care ladies!
  • Shari - How's it going with getting back on plan? You definitely seem in good spirits about the gain, and once you are on plan I'm sure it will be a temporary thing!

    Rosario - I can't say I was looking at your arms in your facebook pictures I don't know that I'm brave to do south beach, it feels pretty natural when I'm doing it, I also planned in advance, so I have tons of snacks for staying on plan, cooked 7 lunches/dinner ahead of time and froze them. So I should be pretty good for a few days! It's all about planning! Plus, I hate that my cravings control what I eat/drink so I almost feel empowered by doing this. Not sure if that makes sense! I found two recipes, lazy cabbage rolls and meatball casserole, they both turned out okay! Congrats on doing the shred! Let me know how day 2 goes!

    Not much going on over here, working, and not sleeping enough! Thank goodness I get to sleep in tomorrow! I am very much looking forward to it. It's been really hard for me to get a good sleep lately, I haven't been able to sleep in my bed, only on the couch... and I can't really go to bed earlier than Josh if I need to. But hopefully I can catch up on some sleep tonight! I am off to work! Have a good day!

  • Ok girls if you are all on FB you have to add me, send your info over!!!

    Home from Mexico and with renewed desire to lose the weight, darn college kids in bikinis everywhere, and to top it off there were ladies in their 60's that look better than I do, and they were in bikini's too!!!!
    Nice and relaxing holiday! =)
    I'll catch up on the posts tomorrow1
  • Phew! After 2 days on South Beach I am back down to 257! I am very relieved, I didn't want to be so close to the 260's - I am DONE with them! It's been shockingly easy, I guess that has to do with all my prep work.. now I need to go find MORE recipes!

  • everyone!

    I hope you all had a great weekend! We drove Kittie to Houston yesterday morning and I spent the night at my friend Desi's new house out in the country last night. I LOVED IT! It reminded me of when we lived out in Pleasant Grove which reminded me of when I first tried to lose weight the healthy way. All I wanted to do was walk around forever. It was BEAUTIFUL! I want a house out in the country.

    Ro ~ I know what you're saying. I just need to get in that forward mode again!

    Aimee ~ WTG sweetie!

    Wendy ~ Good to see you! I'm glad you had a good time in Mexico....even with all the itty bitty bikinis around.
  • Shari - Thanks! The 2 pounds may have come off fast, but it was a lot of hard work, mostly mental stuff! I used to live in the country too! I used to take my dog out every day for a run, or hike, I was definitely in better shape! Plus there was no fast food so everything was homemade. I do miss those days a little, or at least the small town living! Where I live now its so easy to be lazy, you can't walk anywhere, and walking where I live isn't an option thank to bears!

    I am having a lazy Sunday, got up made breakfast with Josh, we watched a little tv, I had a nap, after 11 hours of sleep last night.. not sure what came over me! We went shopping this afternoon for some stuff to make low fat alfredo sauce to go on zucchini, which I'm going to cut into strips. That was the recipe I found today! It sounds super yummy, and NOT like diet food at all! I bought a couple ingredients for south beach cheesecake... not sure if I should make it yet though. It might be evilly good! Wish me luck with my cooking! I'll need it!

  • aimee - ah...lazy sundays are the best!! but so are errand sundays! that's what I had yesterday. I drove around looking for baby shower stuff. mmm...replacing pasta with veggies is tres yum. Zucchini is awesome with a marinara sauce too. SB sounds good with all the meat you can still eat, but I just can't give up bread! It's too hard!! congrats on being down on the scale. it seems we are almost neck and neck!!

    shari - the country sounds nice...but only for a while. I think I'd go'd be way too quiet.

    wendy - what part of mexico did you go to???

    well, I didn't work out again after thursday. I've just been extrememly lazy. Had a gorge fest with the bf this weekend. But surprisingly, the scale was down one pound this a.m. It was probably a fluke, but whatever, I'm counting it. I have a dr's appt this upcoming weekend and I'm really dreading the whole "you need to get on a diet" and blah, blah, blah.

    we'll see how it goes

  • Hi!!!
    I was in Puerto Vallarta, LOVED IT!!!!

    So back on the wagon after the all-inclusive 2 weeks, to bad I love food so much otherwise this weight loss thing would be a cinch!

    So very busy these days getting back into the groove of things, but I'll try get here as often as I can. Like some of you I am on FB more than here!
    Catch ya later!
  • Aimee ~ I LOVE living in the country! I hate the bugs and various creatures but that's what exterminators are for!

    Ro ~ My friend is a city girl so she loves and hates living out there.

    So some things have came to light that explains alot. You know I was telling yall about how me and my BFF Nikki were having these fights and not talking. I talked to her today and she told me that she had stopped talking to me and our friends because her boyfriend had been beating her. I feel nothing, which is scary because I know that means I'm internalizing and I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
  • shari - that sucks about your friend. I don't have any advice really because I've never gone through something like that, but all you can do is just be there for her and really talk to each other. it'd be good therapy for her and for YOU.

    wendy - sounds like it was fun!!! glad you had fun and your getting back into things!

    I didn't work out last night. I was all dressed in my workout clothes and ready to go. But the tv I was using doesn't work without a remote. I was going to switch to the big t.v. but me and the bf started watching vids on youtube. You guys have to check out this comedian Pablo Francisco (if you haven't heard of him already). He is effin hilarious. me and bf saw him last year at some comedy club but I didn't find him nearly as funny then as I did last night. Me and bf were cracking up all night.

    Eating was better yesterday than I have been, so the scale was down this a.m. I hope I can keep this going because I really want the scale to go lower and lower.

    I am still dreading this saturday's doc appt.

  • Rosario - did you say you were the host of the baby shower? Sounds like a LOT of work! I have to admit I haven't been to a baby shower though.. but I've seen pictures! Are we neck and neck? What are you weighing these days? Congrats on the 1 pound loss! My doctor's have never talked to me about my weight before, I bet it's because I always talk to HER first!

    Shari - thats a toughie! I hope things work out for her!

    Wendy - two weeks of vacation sounds GREAT! I could use some warm weather! Although I am looking forward to my trip to Winnipeg in a couple of weeks, but I bet we'll be freeeeezing our butts off!

    I am still going steady with the diet stuff, exercise isn't really happening, ugh, I gotta get on it, but I am still in a lot of pain. I will soon though! Unfortunately not much else is going on with me, working, planning our ladies event, I am excited for the weekend, and for getting paid! Tomorrow I weigh in, so keep your skinny fingers crossed for me!

  • everyone.

    I have a huge decision to make concerning my job. With the economy in the crapper and people losing their jobs/homes/etc right and left, my mind is screaming to keep this job no matter how emotionally and mentally draining it is. It doesn't help at all that working for the VA is basically my security blanket. I'm trying to wait till I get my first project from the WAH position but this new boss.....I have several people I need to talk to tomorrow before I make my decision. I'm 22 and too young to be this stressed!
  • I am VERY excited to report I am down to 255.7 this morning!! Not enough to move me down to 255, but maybe tomorrow?? I have to weigh again for my wii weigh loss goal.. my goal is 255.5, so hopefully!!

    Shari - the economy isn't the GREATEST, but there is always room for more jobs to be had. I got offered a job this week, without even applying, so as long as you are a hard worker, I think there is always a possibility of work. If I lost my job today, I would expect myself to be working within a month. Its best to follow your heart, and have faith everything else will fall into place!

    I gotta run to work! Have a good day!

  • girls!

    Aimee ~

    So I talked to both HR and the union today like I planned. Found out from HR that I won't be career till my 3 year mark which is in June. If I quit before I make career, I won't be able to come back to the VA in my current grade. I would have to start over, at the bottom. I actually laughed because I had already promised myself that if I didn't get another position in the hospital by my birthday (July 29th), I would quit and now I know I can. Went to the Union with some of my complaints and he's going to have a meeting with the new asst chief and the supervisors. If this continues, we're filing a EEO grievance. We'll see what happens.

    Mama's birthday is tomorrow. Not sure what to get her....
  • aimee - that's awesome about your loss!! I weighed in at 255.8 this a.m. yes, I am the host of the baby shower! and yes it is A LOT of planning. Or maybe I'm just making it into a big deal...whatever. I'll be glad when next saturday is over. What's the ladies event you are planning for??

    shari - my advice about the job would be to make sure you have something before you quit your current job. It's tough out there right now. You should see how many people have been at the Department of Labor, looking for jobs and filing for unemployment. I'm not saying you won't ever find a job, but there's no guarantee on how long you'll be out of commission. And right now, you should try sprucing up your resume and all that jazz. I'd be terrified of getting laid off right now, I SUCK at interviews . But on a good note, I've been hearing that with the economy being so bad, it's making people change their careers or do something they normally wouldn't do, and they are better off than they were before.

    the past couple of days have just been ok. I've been playing tennis, so I've been getting in my exercise. But my eating hasn't been the greatest. <sigh> I could never put the two together.

    Scale has been up and down but I only count what I weigh on Monday a.m. I'm trying to start 30 DS but with the tennis has been pretty draining. But they've been good workouts. THe weather is getting nice here, so I plan on playing A LOT more.

    ummm...let's see...I think that's about all that's new...still going on with the planning of the baby shower and still dreading the dr's visit on saturday morning. Pray for me.