What is your trigger?

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  • My trigger is probably fatty CREAMY foods. Even healthy fats.. I can eat just one nectarine and I'm fine, but I ate half an avocado and it took all my willpower to resist the other half!! Usually fatty CREAMY foods, like fat from milk, like cream sauces and chowder... and ICE CREAM! Those kind of foods just get me. I'm trying to learn to control it by eating smaller portions though, since I don't think I could ever cut out these foods completely. I love them too much! The only other LOVE I have after creamy foods would be cakes. I include things like zucchini bread in there, because that's cake to me. Not pie so much, not brownies unless they are really soft and more like cake, and not cookies unless they are soft and more like cake. It's definitely the cake/bread-that-should-really-just-be-called-cake. I just can't stop once I start... it's SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD.
    I don't crave candy at all though.... not one little big. I think it's more fatty foods I crave, even fatty WITH sweet, but not JUST sweet.

    Honestly, my actual biggest triggers aren't food themselves. One is seeing other people eating more than me!!!!! It makes me want to eat more, even if I know I'm eating what I should. I'm not on any 1200 calorie diet either, but we had spaghetti today with my family and grandparents and I actually felt I put a LOT of pasta on my plate - at least 2 cups worth, maybe even three, and I also had a piece of bread with a dab of butter on it and milk. But the rest of my family literally filled their ENTIRE plates with spaghetti and my brother even get two helpings. Seeing my plate next to their's made me feel like I wasn't eating enough, even though I actually WAS. It really messed with my mind.
    My other trigger is non-set portion sizes. I have the MOST trouble not overeating when you give me a whole plate of food, because I will want to eat until it is gone. For me resisting eating after I've had the right amount of food is the HARDEST of anything. I have to set out one portion size and put the rest away, because I often fail resisting the urge to clean my plate, unless I'm like STUFFED.
  • It has to be emotional eating in general. I can limit /do without anything until I`m angry/disappointed/loneley, etc. I still fall into the trap of soothing such feelings with loads of sweet foods (ice cream, biscuits, cakes, etc) and then feeling soo guilty about it! I finally need to learn how else to deal with my feelings. Once I can do this, I`m sure that the above foods will not be a problem for me.
  • Well my trigger is depression which results in emotinal eating... It's quite a challenge when I can't seem to kick the depression but I'm having better days and am making some changes so that I don't feel deprived but can have tasty things that I enjoy eating...

    Thanks for asking the question!
  • My trigger is anything with sugar. I can't keep anything that tastes too good in my place. The way I handle this is by having only moderately yummy foods in my house so I don't binge, for example:
    Fudge bars instead of ice cream sandwiches
    Regular popcorn instead of Kettle Corn popcorn
    Another trigger is cheese. I can keep over-processed Velveeta cheese in my place because it's not that good. But any other cheeses? No way! It would be gone in a day!
  • Pasta and mexican food
  • Weekends! It was out ritual to go out to dinner on Friday night. Which usually meant the rest of the weekend was shot with mexican, chinese, fast food. Now we may do something like the Mongolian Grill or Subway. But my downfall is french fries. So now if I crave french fries I'll get some frozen ones from the store and bake them. Its only like 140 calories for 13 fries. Perfect!
  • my trigger is basically... bread.
    soft, tasty, wonderful bread, maybe with olives or some strange seeds, even with wholemeal... SLURP! :-))

    And it's very difficult to resist because here in Italy that bread is everywhere, on every table, in every corner of the house! :-D

    But I'm learning to eat it with control... before I tried to avoid it totally for some time, it worked for few days, but after that I freaked out and came back to my old habits, even worse...

    So now I just assume that I'm eating a little bit of bread anyway... and I compensate it with NO pasta or rice AT ALL... which is very easier for me.
    And I try to choose wholemeal bread instead of the refined one... I try to limit the damage, let's say, ehehehe.
  • My emotions!!
  • white rice. I have to have it AT LEAST once a week. it's always in the house, with the rice cooker on the warm setting, waiting to be gobbled up
  • My trigger is anxiety, creamy,gooey foods,homemade whipped cream, homemade chocolate pudding (warm), fresh italian thin pizza, fried eggs and homemade toast,cocoa (with above mentioned whipped cream), sadness, lonliness....but lately mostly pizza.
  • divinechaos, I LOVE white rice. I have trouble seeing it as "bad" though, since I lived in Japan for 10 months and they eat it at almost every meal (and look at how skinny they are! I actually lost weight there without trying, and I was eating a LOT of white rice).
  • Quote: divinechaos, I LOVE white rice. I have trouble seeing it as "bad" though, since I lived in Japan for 10 months and they eat it at almost every meal (and look at how skinny they are! I actually lost weight there without trying, and I was eating a LOT of white rice).
    lol, I know, my mom eats a TON of white rice every day and she's weighed like 115 lbs her whole life. It's just right now I'm on a low-carb diet so white rice is something I'm supposed to stay away from x_x
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
    Cheese, Salami and Crackers

    How could you lighten it up?
    I rarely buy oreos, skittles, and starbursts. For cheese, I just buy the veggie slices that I use to make grilled cheese and string cheese for snacks. No blocks, or I'll just eat it! At pick up stix I order brown rice and terriakyi chicken

    Have you made an action plan to avoid this food/place?
    I just avoid the candy and cookie rows in the grocery store!

    If you don't avoid it, how do you control yourself?
    I don't, which is the problem! Lol. Once I eat one of these things, I immediately start craving more, so avoidance is key. If I don't eat them I usually don't get cravings too often. Except right now, my coworker is eating pick-up-stix and the smell is making my mouth water.... mmmm....
  • Ice Cream. I need to learn to just not buy it. If it stays at Giant, I can't eat it!
  • Mine is not a certain food or place. It's more of after I ate something really healthy but is just not satisfied I start rationalizing by saying if I ate xyz it's okay...this is why I can not cut out sweets or crabs because I go crazy.