Daily Check-In: Support for all chickies

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  • /Day 2, not perfect, but not too bad. Just a little bit of a chocolate attack, but no bulk stash in the house, so it's all good. I went to get a haircut today, and the place wasn't open yet, so I was forced to go look around in Kohl's while I waited. Got some sweet clearance deals... Anyway, now I feel that fresh start that I apparently needed.

    Carol, nice to hear from you again! Having that Hawaii trip to look forward to should definitely help keep you on track now. Of course we should be motivated by our health, but a nice tropical island vacation sure can give an extra push! Good luck with your Easter dinner - that's quite a crowd you've got to feed!

    Marie, another pound already?! You are on a roll! Woo hoo! I'm definitely feeling more inspired now from your success. And "settled" may be just the right word, otherwise. I sure can't say that I'm over the hump of all the issues, but I suppose I am adjusting to the new way that things are. Who knows, it could change any minute again. So I've got to do what I've got to do in the moments that I can. Does that make sense?

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • Hi, I came back to change my ticker and voila, a couple posts. Carol, I agree with Auntie a tropical island is a great motivator. Auntie, way to go and keep your paws off the chocolate. That you care to be on track is awesome and I'm betting on you.

    I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and really pushed. I LOVE that machine. After I was done afew minutes, I looked at Blizzard and said, "Blizzie Bee, I feel great". Isn't that neat?

    Time for m allotted ice cream cone.
  • Auntie - The logging is going very well, thanks. It was just a matter of getting into the habit again. I think I've lost a pound but my 'official' weigh in is on Sunday. I use the log on Sparkpeople as they have a very large database. They also just started including items entered by members in the database, so now almost every kind of food you can imagine is on their site.

    Carol - Good to hear from you again and, yes, we CAN do this! Wow - 19 for Easter dinner. I hope you have a great time. How exciting that you're off to HI in the fall to see your family.

    Marie - I'm glad your new elliptical machine is working out so well. I have a new favorite snack - 12 almonds and 12 Ghiradelli 60% chocolate chips. I savor one almond and one chip together and I keep this snack (143 calories) handy throughout the day so I can have a quick treat.

    Judy - I hope you're having a nice time in Frisco.

    I had a busy luncheon/meeting yesterday and managed to stay on plan. I feel much more in control now I'm logging again. My DH is off to Europe on business for two weeks on Friday. We've had some really warm weather - it was 75 deg. the last couple of days - but today it's clouding over and the rain will soon be back. It was lovely while it lasted and I did quite a bit of yard work without managing to wreck my back!
  • Hi, Carol, I'm glad you're back. Hi to all the chickies. Sounds like everyone is feeling focused on losing weight

    It's been an exhausting week (four hotels in six nights) and it will be good to get home Saturday evening . I got to Seattle last night. I won't have much time to hang out. Tomorrow afternoon I should have time to go over to Pike Place Market and get a box of seafood to take home .

    I was doing pretty well on eating until this evening, when I mindlessly munched through a bowl of tortilla chips while waiting for dinner. This last hotel has a kitchen--frig, stove, the whole nine yards--so I bought some groceries and will have most of my my meals "at home."

    Happy Friday!

  • Hi all! I made it through day 3, but on day 4 it all fell apart again. So Monday will be day 1 once again. We're driving 90 miles tomorrow morning to go to breakfast, so I do plan on misbehaving. Then of course there's the Easter dinner (which is ham and pineapple pizza for us!) and my birthday cake on Sunday, so there goes the weekend. At least it's all clustered in one weekend, so then maybe I'll be able to get it together. I hope.

    Marie, I wish I could be as excited about exercise as you are. You make that elliptical sound so fun! I hope you're having a good week!

    Penny, I'm glad your logging is working for you! I sure do like the sound of the 12 almonds and 12 chocolate chips. I'm just not sure I could stop at 12. Maybe if I bagged them up in individual portions and kept the rest in the freezer. Hmmmmm... Hope you have some good "me time" while your DH is away!

    Judy, I'm extra tired just thinking about your travel schedule. I don't know how you do it! If you made it through the week with only a bowl of tortilla chips off plan, that's pretty dang good! Have a good trip home!

    Have a great weekend, and Happy Easter, everyone!

  • I'm happy to be at LAX, on the last leg of my trip home. But there's a heck of a lot of kids in the gate area, which means that it will be a long, long flight with whining, shrieking, seat-kicking children, and frazzled parents pleading in high-pitched voices ("Even the pilot has to wear a seat belt! Don't you want to be like the pilot?"). I really want high-quality chocolate to get me thru this, but tuna, an apple, chocolate-covered almonds and a Balance bar should do the trick.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • Hey girls wow all this busy stuff and it will be all over with at the end of the meal. Crazy huh? But in the end hopefully everyone will have a good meal and some fond memories of Easter 2009. Grandpa filled the plastic eggs 45 of them and the kids will enjoy a cold hunt in the yard. That is a long tradition that they look forward to yearly. I just mixed up some ref. potato rolls and they are resting for 2 hrs. Tried to buy some heavy cream for a peanut butter choc. pie non to be found in my town all sold out. Living in a smaller village with limited stores isn't always so great. Judy hope you survived your trip and just think they were all flying to see family that makes it a little easier to take. Your all correct HI will be a good incentive but my health is the thing to really think of as without that where are we? So yes we can do it. Part of my exercise was trimming my apple trees reaching high with the new 15ft. cutter stretching as high as possible. I am going to get that little orchard under control this year. My trees are to high and once I get them reachable their staying that way. Lots of yard work for exercise and its so nice to get outside.
    Marie good for you with the dieting. You are an incentive for all of us. I
    am going back to my Sonoma diet ideas after today. The whites are finding there way back into my life and I was doing so well without them before. So my thoughts are to refresh myself with my book and recipe book as well. Take care I am so organized today just have to pull things out to cook, bake the ham etc. It was nice to get things done in advance makes a world of difference and I just love to be in the kitchen. Everyone have a lovely day and relax have a nice dinner Monday will come quickly. I might go for a walk after dinner when everyone leaves. We have dinner at 2.
    Take care and enjoy your day!
  • Hi everyone. Happy Easter to all those that celebrate the holiday.

    Carol, I'm thinking of you as you host the grand soiree. I hope all goes well and that after today the white leaves your life. Me, I love white. BTW, I don't believe that weight loss will maintain if the reason for losing is an event or to be slender. I think only health is the real motivator. I really don't care if I'm slender or that I'm going to Thailand in a couple days or Minnesota this summer, I only care that I'm healthy and happy. I think that's why it's working for me. In the past that was not my motivator. It is now.

    Judy, eeks. The description of the potential flight has me fearing this coming Wednesday. But i'm doubting that many kids will be going to Bangkok, and after today's MSNBC headlines, I wish I weren't. Oh well, DH and I talked about it DD and my return is delayed what he will need to do. Regardless, I do believe in the power of chocolate on an airplane. I bought 2 bags of dark M&Ms for my trip. I'm allergic to soy and peanuts so I'm not sure of my diet in Thailand. So I thought at least I could enjoy my favorite chocolate in rationed amounts.

    Auntie, I saw facebook that you're off to the mountains. I hope you have a great b-day and that you enjoy every bit of your cake.

    Well, exercise did me in again. I'll be going to the dr. for x-rays either today or tomorrow. I fell rollerblading and landed on my wrist. It's in its traditional splint but as I'm leaving the country for 3 weeks, I figure I can't procrastinate. If our local walkin center can cast (if broken which I' sure it isnt'), then I'll go today. If they can't and would just tell me to see my ortho I'll call that dr. tomorrow. I wish I didn't like exercising so much. Oh, but when the dr asks the usually questions, "Were you wearing a helmet?" I can say, "Yes as well as wrist guards."

    Food and exercise right on track. DH and I are going to take the doggies walking today and I have to do the knee weight lifting. No big plans for the day other than starting the packing - after I finish the wash.
  • Auntie - Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Judy - I hope you had a good trip home, despite the rowdy kiddos!

    Carol - Wishing you a wonderful family get together.

    Marie - Sorry to hear about your fall - you don't need that right before your trip! I hope your wrist is soon better. I hope things calm down a bit in Thailand before you leave on your trip. I don't think there's an actual travel advisory issued - so it's probably not going to affect visitors too much. At least you're not sailing past Africa with all those pirates about!

    I'm having some "me" time with my DH away in Austria. He called and said it was unseasonably warm today (75 deg) and very picturesque. He took a 4 mile walk around the lake and I think he's enjoying a well earned break. He's staying on lake Wolfgangsee and will meet up the the clients tomorrow in Linz. The locals are busy celebrating Easter with parades of geese, etc. and all the kiddies dressed up in their finest. The church bells (right opposite his hotel) started at 5am! He could actually hear the choir singing from his balcony.

    Have a great Easter everyone!
  • Wrist Update
    Hi all, I got to see the shape of my wrist bones and there's 2 areas where the wrist was pushed into the arm bone. Basically picture a budding flower and my wrist is the bud. The arm bone moved out a little on each side. Not horrible, but there. Splinting should do it. So my perfect record of no broken bones isn't entirely intact anymore. But as it didn't "break" it's iffy on the record. Two fractures should not ruin my record.

    Penny enjoy your alone time. At least our weather is improving from the end of last week. I totally agree about the Africa statement. I wouldn't have gone there regardless. And I noticed Bangkok is not the headline anymore.
  • I'm spending my Easter Sunday puttering around my apartment and avoiding doing my taxes. Well, I've pulled the right records out, and I have all day Tuesday to work on them (since I'll be on vacation). I've also been working a bit on a big project that would go faster if my Excel skills were a little stronger. But at least I'm learning about Twitter and Facebook. I can see where social networking can be fun, but I just don't have a lot of time for this stuff!

    auntie, I hope that you're having a great birthday, and that you thoroughly enjoyed each of your special meals.

    Marie, I'm sorry to hear about your latest spill. I'm glad that your were padded and helmeted, or your injuries would've been worse.

    Carol, you're right, most of the kids on the plane were returning home after visiting family for spring break. The plane has TV channels, so after a bit of fighting over the window seat, the kids just in front of me zoned out in front of their little screens for four hours.

    Penny, I hope you had a good weigh-in today. Thanks for the chocolate snack idea. I like to have my almonds with raisins or cranberries, but chocolate would be even better.

    I was looking forward to working out today, but I'm feeling limp and sneezy. Monday will be a frantic day, so I'm going to pick out my clothes and pack my lunch tonight, and go to bed super-early.


  • Marie your right guess we should concentrate on the long term reason and that is our health. Maybe I will work on that idea and see how it goes. But when I gave up whites I felt great and less tempted to have cravings. So I will try to combine those two ideas together.
    The dinner went well. I signed off with a piece of lovely choc. pie piled high the end of my bling swing! So sorry to hear about your wrist you sure have had some boo boo's related to exercising never a dull moment huh? Hope it is just a sprain but sometimes that is worse than a break. I have heard.
    Penny nice quite time huh? How are you doing with the gardens? My spring flowers are out and my daughter and the kids helped with cleaning up this spring so everything is looking good. Tonight I plan on working in the little orchard to continue trimming my trees control out there is so needed.
    Judy thank goodness for those tv's . Hope you had a nice quiet day for Easter after a trip its always nice to get home.
    Well I am planning in my exercise to my schedule this week.
  • I'm trying to wind down after a long day. I didn't sleep well, so I read late into the night (Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen, really good!) and was ragged by time to go into work. Feeling sluggish, and my sinuses are really acting up. I thought I'd watch a little TV then drift off to bed, but I made the mistake of watching the documentary about American Indians on PBS, and now I'm too mad to sleep

    My sister lost 11 pounds in a week, on some combination of an OA-type group and no sugar or flour. Guess I'd better get details!

    Carol, what's your exercise plan look like?

  • Well I am trying to work in 3 days at the gym easier said than done. I end up on the wrong side of town today. But I think hitting the lake might be in order today so walking around the lake will give me 3 miles. Then gym on wed. friday and hopefully saturday. I have packed my sneakers in the car. Last week forgot them for a few days and that wasn't smart.
    I have a bit of a stressful day have to tell a client he needs to move to a ranch style home away from his buddies sure they will still be in touch but its not the same. That part of my job is tough. I broke it to the family last week and they sure weren't to pleased. But we have to think of safety, care and needs Dementia isn't so nice to my down syndrome people it makes them age quickly. I will make the most of it and try to work some magic to make it the best it can be. Well just made my lunch with whole wheat pita, egg salad and some lettuce. Packed some melon nice and healthy. I did manage to get into that choc. pie last night it was my naughty of the day. I was so tired last night I read a book and then went to sleep. Judy your book sounds good I just finished Honor Thyself by D. Steele it was really good. I might see if I can get the one you have at the library I need something different. Stops the munchies when I am busy. More jewelry to make another party June 6th I still have several pieces from my stock but need more styles. I am making a wedding necklace and bracelet for my friend for her wedding. Just got the crystals and freshwater pearls. That keeps me busy and out of things I shouldn't be eating as well.
    Well take care and do share what is your lovely sister on for a diet I have the need to know. I guess my no white went out the window with that dang pie yesterday but otherwise did good. Sure felt bad for having it later on think before putting in I guess.....
  • Marie - A couple of fractured bones don't seem to keep you down! You remind me of the old Timex ad "takes a licking and keeps on ticking"! I hope your wrist isn't awfully painful and that it heals quickly. You must be getting ready for your trip today. I hope things have calmed down in Thailand. I'll be keeping you and your DD in my thoughts and prayers.

    Judy - My weigh in was so-so. I'm still the same weight, but at least not gaining. I've heard about the Twitter and Facebook craze but for the life of me can't understand why people would want to discuss the minutiae of their lives all day. I even dislike talking on the phone unless it's something important or business related. Just an old fuddy duddy I guess! I much prefer to come here and chat with my 3FC buddies. Wow - your sister is doing great on her diet, although it seems a bit drastic to lose 11 lbs. in one week. I also read Water for Elephants a couple of months ago and liked it very much. Right now I'm reading the P.D. James detective mysteries. They are very well written and thought provoking.

    Carol - Your job is so challenging, having to deal with real life crises every day. It takes a special talent and empathy to do what you do. I hope your jewelry party goes as well as the last one. Your packed lunch sounds yummy and healthy - it will more than make up for the piece of pie. A little indulgence now and then is ok so long as we make up for it by getting back on track right away. I had a little splurge for Easter - a couple of pieces of very good chocolate but I did pretty good otherwise.

    Auntie - I hope everything is well with you.

    I've been keeping pretty busy with my DH away. Doing some housework, a little gardening between rain showers and taking care of the business while my hubby is away. That's what I like about working from home - I can squeeze in the fun stuff between work. I'm having some girlfriends over on Thursday afternoon to help with some soap crafts for our group.