The stuff they don't tell you!

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  • I knew that removing sugar from my diet would, over time, cause sweet things to taste SOOOOO much sweeter to me, since I'd given up sugar before.

    But I don't remember it previously changing my salt tastes as well. Salty things are now SO salty, and I need much less salt added to my food while cooking--nearly none now.
  • I never thought that i could actually eat 1-2 pieces of pizza and be satisfied. Well actually 1-2 pieces of anything...brownies, bowl of ice cream, tacos..... HmMm I always thought i would just die of starvation if i didnt get that second helping
  • Also, no one told me that, unlike when I was a plus size, I will find many items that fit me in a store, and therefore do NOT need to buy something that I don't LOVE just because "it fits!".
  • No one told me I'd be able to fit enough clothes for 4 days in my small suitcase and still have room left over.

    No one told me that I'd ever be able to throw away food or walk away from leftovers in a restaurant without guilt.

    No one told me that I'd crave exercise like I used to crave potato chips.

    No one told me that I'd want to train to run a 5k.

    No one told me that I would feel healthier - I was already pretty healthy to begin with.

    No one told me that one day I wouldn't "match" my ID and people would doubletake.

  • Quote: Shannon - I'm so jealous, I love the Wicked soundtrack, but I've never seen it live.

    I was telling someone this morning how I was rubbing my upper arms last night trying to keep warm while the dog was finishing her business, and I felt this strange bump running up and down my arms. I went and looked in the mirror thinking it must have been where the seam in my shirt had creased my skin. DH asked what I was doing, so I explained. He started laughing, and finally told's where I'm finally getting some muscles in my arms built up, I was feeling the line of my muscles. I probably spent 20 minutes flexing in front of the mirror after that. You can't see the muscle, but I can feel it.

    Also, no one warned me that working out was addictive. A day without the gym is now what I used to feel like when I went a few hours without chocolate. If I had to give up one of those things, gym or chocolate for the rest of my life, I'd choose to give up chocolate.
    I can relate to the gym over chocolate thing, I can't believe how long I have gone without craving it and how I have to talk myself into a rest day from exercise.
  • No one told me that the grilled chicken salad i just ate with out any dressing would ever be so satisfying. I always thought i would need to drench it in dressing.
  • I didn't know my shoe size would go UP! I went from a 8.5 reg. to a 9.5N! The New Balance store said it's common when a sedentary person gets active?

    I wasn't (and still am not) prepared for men--even attractive ones--looking at me.

    I haven't seen a certain friend for over six months now. The other day I walked into her store and she looked up at me and then continued reading. She didn't know it was ME. I wasn't prepared for that either.
  • Quote: I didn't know that I would develop "caves" in my armpits and have a devil of a time trying to shave them!
    Oh yeah, I DO wish someone would have told me about this. I didn't what the heck was going on. I was a bit frightened by it, in fact. I never get a good shave anymore. It's simply impossible to get in there. They need to develop a narrower head on the shaver. When I go to the beach, I actually have to ask one of my daughters help me to shave.

    No one told me lots of stuff. Just a few that come to mind:

    That I could actually gain control.
    That just because there's food there (available) - doesn't mean that I HAVE to eat it.
    That I could live without ice cream and nothing terrible would happen to me.
    That exercise is not the devil.
    That by elminating practically all added sugars, my tastes for them would greatly, GREATLY diminish.
    That my tastes would change andI would actually crave healthy foods.
    That shopping would be so much fun.
    That I would have so much extra room in my underwear drawer. Small sizes take up waaaay less space.
    That being thin feels better then any of that "stuff" ever tasted.

    And the biggest one of all:

    That I had the ability to lose weight the whole time. The whole freakin' time. That I was CAPABLE of it.
  • Oh, here's another one:

    That I could have a box of homemade chocolate truffles sitting on the table next to me and not feel like I had to eat all of them RIGHT NOW.

  • I got another couple too -

    That I could actually go to the Pharmacy without buying a candy bar at the check out.
    That just because I wanted to eat something, didn't mean that I HAD to eat something.

    Man I wish I would've known some of these earlier.
  • ya know, i really think the body can get addicted to exercise very quickly. i start off hating it, not wanting to do it, but now im thinking about what to do tomorrow after ive finished today.
  • Oh, that's a good one!

    Losing weight doesn't fix all of your problems!

    Also, unfortunately, be prepared to deal with some drama as people adjust to the new you.
  • Quote: Also, unfortunately, be prepared to deal with some drama as people adjust to the new you.
    No one mentioned a thing about that, but lo and behold. And be prepared to explain the difference between "obsession" and "dedication"

    No one told me I would become a total lightweight. One glass of wine and ... thud.
  • Can we print it on business cards?

    "Thank you for your concern! I love my new life so much, and intend to stick with it pretty much forever. And I'm happy about that! So maybe now that I've found MY new life, you can get one too!"

    (Ooh, I'm snarky today..)
  • Inspired from another thread (again):

    Your stomach shrinks. Incredible.