Looking for some weight loss buddies=)

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  • I've been looking for a Wii console for a couple weeks now just so I can get the Wii fit. No luck so far. So when I do get it can I trick the game by saying I am 6 foot tall? ..so I have a better looking character. LOL
  • lol Dela! Not a bad idea...I wish I would have thought of that.
  • Great idea! Let me know if it works!! lol
  • Way to go all of you on your great numbers to say you have lost. I wish I could say the same. I have only seemed to keep two pounds off and thats it. I have not been getting water in some days I do not drink water at all! And I was starting to get pretty bad headaches from no caff. I did go back to drinking pop, but ONLY diet. I really like diet dr. pepper. I tried drinking a reg. on Tuesday and felt sick and my teeth gritty! So at least I have accomplished one goal and kept it by sticking to diet.

    I know am going to work on the water. I still have not been working out. I know my self way too well and if I try all at once I give up. I feel like I am already slacking I don't even sign on here everyday, and there's so many pages to read once I am on here LOL I have missed alot.

    Lindy_ I don't even get a sweet tooth but those treats you mentioned sound super!!

    Tiff. Congrats on your success, I have to ask what does DF and NVS mean? I am sorry I will try to get better at the lingo...lol

    I plan to go through some of the prior posts to look into some of those recipes. They sound great. I have only tried the turkey burgers and they were xcellent.

    I am about to start another job in a few works, this will be job 3 just for the tax season. I figure I have a chance to make a few extra bucks, I should do it while I can. I will get even less sleep then I already do. But, I need to do this.
    Enough blabbing. I will try harder to check in before lunch during the week as that has been my toughest time to stay on the wagon!! I will be (hopefully) eating leftover chicken from tonight tomorrow for lunch. And continung to make healthier choices for dinner and therefor will have the leftovers for lunch the next day to stay on track. Then once my schedule is not soo crazy I plan to start doing some dvd exercises I have. Since I insisted on buying them I should try them out.

    Again, has anyone really had results with pilates, I don't think it will do enough for me, and just don't wanna waste my time. Please let me know if anyones tried what they thought. Thanks.......Keep up the good work!!
    I wish I could do the same
  • Kity: You have done some great work. A two pound loss is better than staying the same, or gaining for that matter. And the fact that you have given up regular soda and lost the taste for it takes a lot...trust me I know. I haven't had soda in 3 weeks (had to today, but it was diet coke, and it was awful). You just have to take little steps at a time, just like you said.

    Keep in mind, with all the working and stress, it will probably be harder to lose weight if you don't plan your meals ahead of time. Set yourself up for success...put snacks in your car, in your purse, and plan menus for the week. That's how I've found to get through it. I know it may take time out of your sleep (and it sounds like you need it! ) it will be worth it when you're feeling better about your meal choices.

    Good luck!!
  • Kity
    I'm a Diet Dr. Pepper junkie...and I used to go some days on just that...no water and would get headaches...the thing I am grateful for now is the appeal of it is starting to wear off...it doesn't taste as good as it used to...as far as water goes...I love water, but can only drink it if it's ice cold...and a lemon wedge really helps me...you could also try crystal light...my absolute favorite is the raspberry lemonade..its fabulous...and only 5 cals a pack...0 pts...but I use more water than on the directions because I like the flavor to be a bit lighter...but I'd say go buy yourself a hefty water bottle..or the WW cup (I love mine) and fill it with tons of ice every morning and add water to it throughout the day...maybe a lemon...maybe some crystal light...the rest is history lol
  • yesterday was the food day at work. i did way better than in the past, but still not so good. i ended up being out very late the night before so i didn't make the black bean dip. i picked up some hummus with pita chips instead, which i didn't eat too much of. there was a WW angel lush cake, and i had 1 piece. my downfall was the sausage balls w/dip someone brought in. soooo good. but because of that and a couple other things, i am swollen this a.m. and there is no way i am weighing today because i know it's not pretty. so i am back on track today and will eat my oatmeal this a.m. and leftover tomato chutney chicken for lunch then something light for dinner.

    kity - i wholeheartedly agree with MaddiesMom. hang in there and just try to watch what you are eating cause stress will squash your 'diet'. keep healthy snacks like she said and drink that water! water is the best thing you can do. if you think you are hungry and craving something but don't know what, it's usually because you're dehydrated. drink 8 oz of water and wait a few. it will usually go away.

    sorry i can't address everyone right now, i should be in the shower..haha! i will check in tonight. and welcome to the new people!
  • Kity - some of the reason on why you may not lose as fast as others here is because you have the least to lose (as of right now), I had a nutritionist tell me, the less weight you are, the harder it is to lose. Nonetheless, don't give up! I think your road block is pre-planning. It is SO important in being successful. I have tried diets before and without pre-planningI would easily grab for quick (and unhealthy snacks). There are ways of not giving up what you love and still dieting, you should just google it. I.e.: I LOVE chicken quesadilla, so I googled "chicken quesadilla, healthy" and got a GREAT recipe that is only 200 calories for a descent size portion. I also was addicted to soda (sometimes 5-6 a day) and it was not diet soda. I gave up pop all together and allow myself one on Sunday as a treat, I too got caffeine headaches for about 3 days but thereafter, I was done those. Just focus and keep your eye on the prize - we'l help you get there!

    Sylvena - I am going to try the crystal light pink lemonade, I LOVE lemonade ( it even says, lol.

    Takeadeepbreath - way to get back on the wagon! I love sausage balls, my mom makes great ones, but fortunately my family is super supportive. If they know I'm coming over, they make healthy alternatives for me to eat. I.e.: my daughter and I went over my moms for breakfast this past weekend and my step dad made egg white, turkey sausage, fat free cheese and salsa burrito (on wheat tortilla) for me. It was delicious!

    I had oatmeal (plain) with a banana cut up. It was so good, almost like a natural sweetner and only 200 calories and I'm full.

    Ok...I apologize, my post is long and self centered - sorry, its my way of relating.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Ok so I know its not Sunday and I dont plan on changing my ticker until then, but this morning I weighed and I am down 2 more lbs!!
    Just had to share that with everyone. Dont have time to type more this morning. I will check back this afternoon. Have a good day everyone.
  • Awesome Burgundy! 2 pds. is exciting. I want to weigh myself so bad but am going to stick to weighing in on Sunday.

    Once again (for all the newbies). I am not illiterate, I just use my G1 cell phone throughtout the day to check in and write in the forum so a lot of times there are missing words, missed punctuation and mis-spellings; please forgive my fat fingers and bad eyes for the oversights. Lol.
  • Uh-oh...I think today is going to be one of those days where I am starving...here's to hoping I can control Hungry (Hungry like on the WW commercials where he's a little orange hairy monster) I keep thinking I see hime out of the corner of my eye.
  • Lol - tiff, your too funny. I had one of those days two weeks ago (think the taco bell saga). Try eating peanut butter, that always fills me up. peanut butter on celery? Although, I dont think I could eat just peanut butter during my saga. Do you have a subway by you? Try a 6 inch turkey sub on 9 grain wheat bread with lots of veggies, that may help.

    good luck!
  • I had peanut butter on a waffle for breakfast at 9 and was hungry at 11...so I ate a yogurt...I'm doing ok for now. I have a smart one in the freezer...potatoes, cheese, and broccoli. Plus I have a banana sitting in front of me and some baked cheetos in the drawer. I am just trying not to stuff them all in my face at one time and be starving at 2pm. Hopefully after I eat my smart one I will be satisfied.

    Lol, I feel like a fatty cause everytime people walk past my office, I'm eating something. Granted, they are healthy foods...but still...Fat girl eating making herself fatter is probably what they are thinking. Or just what I thinnk they are thinking. I'm trying to limit my spending on eating out, so I'm not gonna go to Subway, but thanks for the idea! It is basically where I started my diet. Buying a 12 inch ham and turkey at lunch and eating half for lunch and half for dinner. Too bad I don't like more of the veggies to make it more filling...I just get mine with tomato and mustard. I usually like lettuce, but I have some weird thing about shredded lettuce like that. Peppers, pickles, and onions...NO WAY!
  • Tiff - I'm not a shredded lettuce fan either! your comment about the Hungry monster made me laugh...those commercials crack me up lol..Eat that banana!!! I just got a great forward from my aunt about all of the supposed benefits of bananas...perhaps you've seen it before...they're fabulous...who woulda thunk!?
  • Lindy-I will have to get a wii fit now. I have wanted it for so long but now hearing how fun it is, I want it more than ever. I need something fun to do for some workouts, I get bored with the same thing all the time. And I will have to try the strawberries and pudding!!

    Neesy-I try to stay away from the scale but every morning when I go in the bathroom, there it is, staring at me. Oh well, as long as it is the same or going down, I am happy.

    Maddiesmom-Hopefully all your bruising will be gone soon. Good job on he 2 lbs. This is so exciting, seeing everyone succeed. The recipe sounds yummy, I may have to make it for myself sometime for lunch, my hubby wont eat it, but I will.

    Syvena-I keep my scale in the same spot in the bathroom, and I did add the six pound difference, as long as I am heading down, its ok.

    Kity-2 lbs is awesome, It has taken me almost a month to lose 6, but I am doing it the right way this time. Drinking water gets easier and easier everyday. I used to get heartburn with water, but that is going away. Just keep trying and you will be drinking more and more everyday. Good luck with job #3, I dont know how you do it. I tried pilates a few times, I have a Pilates for Dummies DVD. I like it cos they explain what you will be doing and exactly how to do it. I tried a more advanced one the other day and couldnt do some of the things they were doing.

    Takeadeepbreath-Good job on getting back and track and not letting one time knock you off the wagon.

    Tiff-You can make it through today, dont let HUNGRY get to you. My husband asked if thats what I felt like when he saw that commercial. At least you are making healthy choices when you are hungry.

    Thanks for all the encouragement from everyone, hugs to you all.