Biggest Loser: Gold Team Thread

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  • Alright, I ran I think... 30 min maybe today... did good with eating. Didn't go out with my freinds tonight, save calories! Plus I'm sick so I'm ready to get better! So - today was a good day I guess tomorrow ill be good to! I won't have a loss for this week, maybe a gain... but - all I can do is get back on track tomorrow. How is everyone with exercise minutes? So far I'm at 120 min
  • im at 220 does everyone feel about weighing in Monday?
  • Hey girls where has everyone gone?
  • Hey everyone! well, I had a LOT of food over Thanksgiving I am pretty sure I am going to see a gain on Monday. Just thought I would warn everyone! I am definitely down to do the exercise challenge...I never exercise! Mostly because I have to run outside in the cold...but I will try this week!
  • Hey girls!! Sorry, I was a little sucky at keeping up with 3FC while I was home for Thanksgiving because there was just sooo much to do! But it's good to be back. The next couple weeks are gonna be CRAZY-hectic because it's the end of the quarter and I have finals coming up - yuck! - but don't worry, I'm not planning on slacking off or anything, heh. I'm really unsure of what to expect at tomorrow's weigh-in because even though things were looking good on Friday, I just realized that tomorrow will be my first day of TOM so god knows I'll probably puff up like a balloon, heh. I was good yesterday and today so I'm just hoping I won't have an overall gain from since last week's weigh-in, but yeah, here's your official warning that I might have gained, too... But I always have crazy metabolism during TOM (I lost 6 lbs in one week over my last TOM, no joke) so if my weigh-in sucks this week, at least it should be pretty good next week!!

    Good luck to all of you ladies! I'll be back here tomorrow to report my results!
  • thats ok girls im suffering for tom as well, so im sure i gained also, i guess well see! I hope you all had a good week!

    good luck on finals meredith!
  • ohhh boo, i gained .5 lb. Actually thats good because i swore i was going to gain about 10 with all of the delicious thanksgiving foods i ate. But the exercise this weekend is probably what stopped that from happening. soooo
    SW: 230
    CW: 229.5
    GW: 160

    i'm not even going to include my exercise minutes because they are not very good haha. But starting today i'm going to try and do a little better, it should be easier since i'm not at home. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • OMG I am officially a HEFFER!!!
    I was a naughty naughty girl this weekend, and the scale reflects it!!
    i didnt exercise once and ate a ton!
    So I am SOOO sorry Girls, my numbers are horrible!!!!
    UGHHH so here we go
    It is crunch time for me to train for this half marathon.
    Well here are my sad and embarrasing numbers....

    LW: 147
    CW:149 ( Sorry girls!
  • hey guys i gained .4 , im kinda happy i didnt gain alot, but im realy depressed to, i worked out so much this week i thought i would have lost something! Im blaming it on TOM

    TW: 200.4
  • alright, so today is going alright, i didn't eat breakfast because i woke up late, and it was either dont eat breakfast, or get mcdonalds, ahh. i'm waiting for my lunch to get here, its subway, i'd rather be having some soup but subway isnt too bad and i think my total meal comes to like 400 calories or something like that so i'm not concerned. i got my 30 day shred and i'm super excited to start it tonight!! the vending machine has been calling me all day, but i keep ignoring it anyways, its a good day so far after the initial sadness of gaining weight since last week. i was going to post this on one of the other threads but i decided i know you guys a little better so why not just tell you haha.
  • Hey girls! Just checking in so I can give you my numbers at a decent time... Unfortunately, I gained weight, too!!! Stupid TOM. I know it wasn't Thanksgiving, because if you remember, the day after Thanksgiving I was only 194.2 lbs. Today I was 194.8 lbs! Booooo. I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed. But honestly I attribute this to TOM. I'm hoping to pull a huge loss this week!! Maybe even get into the 180s? (Haha, yeah right. ) So it looks like so far this isn't the greatest week for us, LOL, but that's okay, ladies! We'll get through it and be back on top next week!!

    Summary of my stats for this week:
    SW: 199.0
    W1: 194.2
    W2: 194.8 (grr!)
    GW: 150.0
    This week: +0.6 lbs
    Overall: -4.2 lbs
  • Okay, well you guys shouldn't feel bad AT ALL, because my scale said 222.8 today!!!! I gained 4.8 pounds!!!! I am pretty sure it is mostly water weight from all the fat and sodium I GORGED on during thanksgiving most of it will fall off. SORRY LADIES!!!
  • well i guess we had a tough week huh girls? thats ok seeing as this week is a new week and i know were going to kick butt this week!
  • Good morning Girls!!
    How was everyones day yesterday?? Today?? Are we all back on track and kick some butt next week???
    Does anyone have goals for this weeK? My goal is to run 10 miles by sunday! We will see though I have a busy weekend ahead of me, 2 xmas party's and I am throwing a baby shower= Yummy food! YIKES!
    Good luck ladies, lets hop back on schedule!!!
  • I'm so ready to kick butt this week!!! I started the 30DS yesterday so hopefullly that helps. My abs are killllllllling me and so are my thighs, guess that means its working right? lol i'm also trying to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and keep a journal of what i eat and calories and all that jazz. We'll see how that goes since i have a tendency to be the least organized person ever.

    hope everyone else is doing good today!...should it be doing well...because either way i think it sounds stupid lol