
  • Hello all - I'm somewhat new to this. I used to go on this site years ago when I lost weight and loved it. Sadly I've gained it all back. I just turned 40 a few months ago and I have two small boys. I know if I don't lose this, and just get healthy in general, I won't see them grow up. And that scares me! So i need lots of help. I'm not following any special diet. I just try to watch my fat intake and count those calories. Any help or incouragement I can get will help me tremendously.
  • welcome back and hope you will join us in the daily thread. Let us know what we can do to help you get started!
  • Welcome back! I too am trying to find motivation in my baby. I want to be able to be a healthy mama for him and just be there for him. I don't think I'll be a good example to him of healthy living if I weigh over 300 lbs.

    Just take it one day at a time. You did it before, so you know you can do it again!
  • Thanks for your warm welcome!

    dgramie - I took your advice on the weekly posts. I think they will really help me!

    Mama2Alex - I don't know about you but my kids keep me running non stop! But I wouldn't trade them for the world. As much as I'm trying to get healthy for me, it's mostly for them!

    Take care-
  • Welcome back Christy! You can do know you can! I also have 2 small boys (3 years and 21 months). They certainly keep me busy. I've lost 55 pounds since August and I'm feeling a million times better. I have the energy to run around with them and play more with them. I am going to do this for me and to be the happy and healthy mom they deserve!!!!

  • Welcome back, Christy! I, too, lost a bunch of weight a few years ago with the help of 3FC and then gained most of it back. Even though it's disappointing, I learned a lot the last time around that I'm applying this time. This is a great site and a great bunch of gals!