Xenedrine EFX-Without Ephedra

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  • Thanks for the continued advice! I've tried water, fruit, sensible snacks, bigger meals, and just plain pigging out but the hungry thing is just constant. I took one Xnadrine in the morning and one around 2 pm and so far I feel fine and less hungry. I did eat as normal and plan on consuming my normal 1500 calories, just without that gnawing nagging never ending PMS hunger.

    Thanks again!
  • no problem...glad I could help...
  • I used Metabolite once and after that tried the Xenadrine. The Xenadrine did not work for me and was very expensive as well. I know it has worked for some people, but did not work for me. The Metabolite did however work for me, but I gave it up because of the Ephedra in it. I know there is a new ephedra free form out there now, but wanted to do this on my own, with no weight loss supplements and so far so good. Iowasweet
  • I must say Beware
    I recently tried the Ephedrea Free Xenadrine and had a very bad reaction. I ended up breaking out in a cold sweat and jitters and even felt bad enough the next day to go to the doctor. I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. I did take the recommended dosage BUT I am a little sensitive to stimulants. Please, just use caution when taking this product. Even though it's ephedra free doesn't mean you still won't have a reaction -- to my surprise!
  • well the Green Tea Extract is a stimulant...that is something to consider if you deside to try out some of the other products on the market
  • Xenadrine-EFX
    I just started taking Xenadrine-EFX a few days ago and have started making entries in my journal regarding side effects and how I generally feel. I, too, experienced the jitters the first couple of days but that has passed.

    I agree with rochemist's comment about hard work...I view the Xenadrine-EFX as a tool that requires effort on my part to take advantage of; I know it's not some magic weight loss concoction. But I've read enough about it to give it a try just for its appetite suppressant capabilities.
  • New Xenadrine
    I heard too many bad things about the regular Xenadrine, so I decided to stop in at GNC and try the Ephedrine Free kind. The first two days I was on it, I lost 4 1/2 pounds (and that was during my period, when I usually GAIN more weight!)! I admit I did do the four caplets a day, but had to cut down to three when I got a little TOO energetic!
  • Label Warnings:
    If you read the label carefully-do not take if you are pregnant, nursing, at risk at or being treated for high blood pressure, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, spasms, suffer from pyschiatic diseases, suffer from migraines, allergic to tyramine or chocolate, have asthma or taking asthma medications or have renal disease.
  • Health Question
    Hi! I had a question about an ingredient in Xenadrine EFX. WHat do you know about synephrine? Is it safe? Any dangerous side effects? I get nervous taking pills, so any information you have would be really helpful! Please post any info! Thanks!
  • Here ya go from the Supplementwatch.com website...

    Supplement Synephrine

    Description Synephrine is the main "active" compound found in the fruit of a plant called Citrus aurantium. The fruit is also known as zhi shi (in traditional Chinese medicine), and as green orange, sour orange and bitter orange in other parts of the world. Synephrine is chemically very similar to the ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine found in many OTC cold/allergy medications and in a number of weight loss and energy supplements which contain Ma Huang.

    Claims Increases metabolic rate
    Increases caloric expenditure
    Fat burner
    Promotes weight loss
    Increases energy levels

    Theory Because synephrine is a stimulant, similar to caffeine and ephedrine, it is thought to have similar effects in terms of providing an energy boost, suppressing appetite and increasing metabolic rate and caloric expenditure. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), zhi shi is used to help stimulate the Qi (energy force). Although synephrine and several other compounds found in zhi shi are structurally similar to ephedrine and are known to act as stimulants (via adrenergic activity), zhi shi does not appear to have the same negative central nervous effects of ma huang (ephedra). Through its stimulation of specific adrenergic receptors (beta-3, but not beta-1, beta-2 or alpha-1), zhi shi is theorized to stimulate fat metabolism without the negative cardiovascular side effects experienced by some people with Ma Huang (which stimulates all beta-adrenergic receptors).

    Scientific Support The effects of synephrine alone or in combination with other ingredients such as kola nut and guarana (both are caffeine sources) or with salicylates such as white willow (a natural form of aspirin) generally fall into the category of acting as a mild stimulant. The extract of citrus aurantium, in addition to synephrine, also contains tyramine and octopamine. Octopamine may be related in some way to appetite control, as it is thought to influence insect behavior by stopping bugs from eating the citrus fruit (so if you’re an insect, this may be the perfect weight loss supplement for you). Importantly, each of these related compounds (synephrine, ephedrine and octopamine) can result in elevated blood pressure

    A recent study conducted in dogs suggests that synephrine and octopamine can increase metabolic rate in a specific type of fat tissue known as brown adipose tissue (BAT). This effect would be expected to increase fat loss in humans – except for one small details – adult humans don’t have brown adipose tissue.
    As it stands now, citrus aurantium extract exists as one of the most over-hyped ingredients on the weight loss scene. There are some interesting theories on how it might work to increase metabolic rate and promote weight loss, but most are couched in pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo and none are backed by any credible scientific evidence of effectiveness in humans.

    Safety Both isolated synephrine and citrus aurantium extract have been shown to raise blood pressure in animal studies. Until more studies are conducted on the safety, pharmacology and efficacy of citrus aurantium as a thermogenic supplement, it should be treated as an ingredient with mild stimulant properties and should be avoided by individuals with cardiovascular concerns such as hypertension.

    Value The most likely explanation for weight loss effects attributed to citrus aurantium supplements is the amphetamine-like effects of the alkaloids. Although this effect is likely to be somewhat less dramatic that effects induced by Ma Huang (ephedra alkaloids), users can expect variable effects including reduced appetite and heightened feelings of energy (similar to caffeine) – both of which are likely to result in weight loss.

    Dosage Because synephrine is but one small component of the Citrus aurantium fruit, a standardized extract is recommended. A dose of 4-20 mg of synephrine per day is a typical dose found in products providing 200-600 mg of a standardized citrus aurantium extract (3-6% synephrine).
  • I have been using Xenadrine EFX for about 2-1/2 weeks now and just bought my second bottle. I really like it and I have had no negative side effects from it whatsoever. While I have not seen any rapid weight loss, I have lost a few pounds while taking it. The most amazing thing to me, however, is that I have totally not been sticking to my diet at all for the last few weeks, and I have not gained any weight and have even lost a little. I really think the Xenadrine is really helping in that area. I would definitely recommend it.
  • There is an article about Xenedrine at WebMD http://my.webmd.com/content/article/59/66803.htm

    I'll copy just the part regarding EFX:

    Ephedrine-Free, but Risk-Free?

    Enter Xenadrine EFX, a newer, ephedrine-free formula.

    It's true that Xenadrine EFX has no ephedrine in it, but Rarback points out that it does have "bitter orange," a citrus fruit that contains synephrine, which is chemically similar to ephedrine. This product carries the same warnings for people with heart conditions and mental illness as the original formula does.

    As for the other ingredients in Xenadrine EFX, Rarback says none have been proven to aid in weight loss -- for example, green tea and ginger. One study published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2000 found that green tea speeds up metabolism and may be a useful weight-loss aid. But Rarback argues that one study isn't enough proof, and that the bulk of research on green tea has been concerned with its antioxidant properties. Also, ginger has been studied primarily as a remedy for nausea.

    Cytodyne Technologies has commissioned research on both Xenadrine formulas, finding them safe and effective. Cited on a page of the company's web site is a study titled, "Ephedrine-free Xenadrine-EFX outperforms leading ephedra-based diet supplements." The source given is a 2002 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

    Every day brings news of studies published in medical journals. The average reader might reasonably assume that the journal article was, like those often referred to in news reports, a peer-reviewed study. That means the journal's editors have accepted the article for publication based on rigorous scientific standards. "Ephedrine-free Xenadrine-EFX outperforms leading ephedra-based diet supplements," however, actually refers to an abstract of a presentation made at an American College of Nutrition meeting, which happened to be printed in the journal -- quite different from peer-reviewed publication.

    "That certainly is not a title we would publish," said the journal's managing editor, Richard Caldwell, PhD, when asked about the study. Later, in a statement, he wrote, "The abstract has not been peer-reviewed by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, nor has the study it refers to been in any way scrutinized by the Journal."

    "There's no indication that we've done anything illegal or unethical," says Shane Freedman, a lawyer for Cytodyne Technologies.

    Rarback takes issue with the before-and-after pictures on the Xenadrine web site, too, which show "after" pictures of people flexing their rippling muscles. "They're absurd," she says. The fine print reads, "Endorsers used Xenadrine EFX in connection with a diet and exercise program."

    There's diet and exercise, yet again.

    Another ephedrine-free diet pill called Hydroxycut, made by MuscleTech, Inc., contains hydroxycitric acid, derived from the Garcinia cambogia plant. To support its claims, the company cites a study showing that people taking G. cambogia with a diet of 2,000 calories a day and 30 minutes of exercise five days a week lost an average of ten pounds in eight weeks.

    More research is needed to clarify the effect of diet and exercise plus G. cambogia. A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found no difference in weight loss between people taking G. cambogia and those taking a placebo.

    Instead of spending your money on supplements, Rarback says, exercise, eat right, and "use that money to buy yourself some new clothes for your new figure."

    Published Feb. 18, 2003.
    On a side note, I found the reference to the study in the Journal of Medicine particularly shocking. Knowing this was manipulated this way makes you wonder if you can ever believe anything any supplement manufacturer claims!

    Ok, so I'm not shocked, lol, this is an extremely common practice! Another reason never to believe what the supplement makers tell you, but you should look for medical references instead.

    Also noteworthy is the reference to the Hydroxycut study. Eat right and exercise 30 minutes a day and you can lose a pound a week. You don't need a supplement for that!
  • Dang, after reading through the first 2 pages of posts in this thread, I was actually tempted to buy some of this EFX stuff, but now that i've read the post by Suzanne... i'm sceptical. I guess i'll wait and see what everyone here (that's taking it) has to say about it in the weeks to come.
  • Here's an interesting product I found, very similar to EFX:
    Check that out once... it says it has things in it to block fat from being stored and is cheaper..
  • OK, so after taking the Xenedrine EFX for a week, I am OFF OF IT!!! I felt HORRIBLE while taking it! I felt depressed and every little thing made me so irritated! I couldn't sleep, and I just felt terrible inside. So, I stopped taking it. It didn't even help curb my appetite that much. I feel so much better now. Oh, and I found out that 2 of my coworkers had exactly the same experience with the EFX as I did. Of all the posts, here and elsewhere, that I have read, everyone seemed so happy with the Xenedrine EFX. I think it's important that people hear the negative side too.