Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 4/15-4/21

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View Poll Results: At this time, how CONFIDENT are you that you will reach your goal weight while on SB?
Extremely confident
Very confident
Somewhat confident
A bit confident
Not so confident
Not confident
I have already reached my goal while on SB!
Other/No Opinion
Voters: 43. You may not vote on this poll
  • TGIF
    Well the weekend is pretty full, so I probably won't get a chance to post until Monday so I wanted to get a quick one in....

    ALL - I think I kinda vented too much yesterday when typing about Mom and the marriage situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not willing to let this damage my relationship with her - but I'm really fighting an internal battle with it. I've said very very little to her negatively about it and trying to act very normal around her - its just when I get home that I almost explode!! I already know and have told myself everything that you all have said so far, but it doesn't keep my guts from wrenching. I'm just gritting my teeth and praying to get through and taking things one day at a time.

    Wow - I didn't realize how late it was - I gotta run

    Where is our leader??!!??!!

    Ya'll have a great weekend
  • Thought I'd pass along this information for anyone that is interested: is now a financial supporter of Planned Parenthood. You can check this out by going to and scrolling down to the bottom of the page and seeing their blurb about when you order from Amazon part of the proceeds go to them. For me, I'll be ordering my books from another source!

    Thanks for the squash information. I'll have to get some rotel tomatoes. I've never gotten them before. Keep those squash ideas coming--it's one of my favorite veggies, and when trying to keep the complex carbs high, I need some new ways of fixing it.

    Having cornish game hens with 40 cloves of garlic tonight. It's really yummy. Will have squash and something green.

    Thanks so much for the HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TOMORROW is my actual birthday, but when I got to work this morning, my cubby was all adorned in BLACK and MORE BLACK!!! Everyone had on I'M THE OLD FART'S FRIEND!!
    One of my good friends (It was ANN..DEBBIE) gave me a
    RETIREMENT FUND on the side of it and a NEW $50 BILL sticking out of the money slot
    A trip to a swanky Chinese place for lunch called LE CHANG of BOSTON and it was absolutely the best I've ever had...I ate scallops and shrimp with veggies...

    SURVIVOR....I also want that chick to be the next one to go. We'll see....John was such a PANSEY!!!! Cried like a blubbery baby!

    KAREN...despite what you and your family are having to endure right now...hope you had a good birthday...Don't worry about me doing too much partying...All I've got planned tomorrow is dinner out for seafood..

    FRUIT Ya know...if you're nice to that MAMA BIRD...she MAY let you sit on that egg while she takes a potty break, or digs for worms ! You'll be a good bird mommy

    People...I've got to go...not ignoring anyone...just have to go right now...

    TV...THANKS FOR MY LITTLE SONG...I've passed it along to everyone in my family....


  • BOB--I kid you not! The following was in a column on the front page of the Orlando Slantinel sports section:
    Headline: "Citrus Bowl is no more; UT fans on suicide alert."

    I have some words to Rocky Top also, but they are different than the ones posted today. Let me know if you want me to "sing" them to you, BOB, as a sort of birthday present.

    Have a great day tomorrow. You're a great gal and deserve all the specialness your birthday can bring.
    HI BOB,


    YOUR FELLOW B-52er,

  • Happy Friday, Folks!
    I'm not too happy, though. About 1:30 yesterday I started losing my voice and it's totally gone today. My throat feels funny, not sore, but strained on the outside of my neck. This is not good for a day when I teach 4 classes of Kindergarten and 13 g/t sixth graders. We put in a video for the little ones - something I hated to do, but had no choice. It was educational - about different kinds of monkeys, and they enjoyed it. I just whispered to my sixth graders and they whispered back! I've never had them be so quiet.

    I dropped two of those mystery mid-cycle pounds. We'll see how long it takes the others to leave plus a few extra.

    For all you Contemparary Christian Music fans: I took my youngest DD to see Steven Curtis Chapman last night. It was awesome. She's loved him since she was just able to talk. "The Great Adventure" is her absolute favorite and she called it "Saddle up your horses" when she was little. He sang all of our favorites and talked about his baby girl they adopted from China. The most special part was his focus on an incident that took place in Equador in the 50's. A group of 5 men were there to minister to a savage tribe called the Auca. They were killed by a group of these natives. A book called "Through the Gates of Splendor" was written about this. SCC began corresponding with the son of one of the men, learned much more of the story and brought the man and one of the killers out to speak about the turn of events that allowed the tribe to be saved and the killers to become evangelists for their people. It was so awe inspiring. It definitely shows the mighty power of the One above. I was in tears. Plus I cried when he started singing the chorus "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord" and I couldn't sing along. I love to sing and worship through my music and not to be able to do it was devastating.
    I got the autograph of the son of the missionary and the thumbprint of the native - who by the way, adopted the son and his family after his conversion.

    TV: Welcome back! So glad your surgery went well. And the feelings you have about your mom - I know how you feel. I haven't been through anything like you have, but I know how it feels to have to keep the feelings underwraps to keep the peace. Mines mostly around my MIL. Sorry all you wonderful MILs!

    Frog: Don't feel guilty. And don't take a break. We need you.

    Nance: I just love reading your posts. They are so witty and encouraging.

    Pooch: Congrats on your kiddos accomplishments. Makes us proud when our little ones excel.

    Fruit: Congrats on staying away from the WRs. They're poison!!!! Hope the ITBS results are good for you. I hate giving standardized tests to kids. It's so exhausting for them as well as us. Too much pressure.

    BOB: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Probably the wrong color orange, but I wanted it to show up. Hope this BIG ONE is a big one for you.

    Deb: You and Eli must have lots of catching up to do!!

    Sol, Gator, Quiv, Ves, Toni, Monet, Karen, Rosalie, Kim, Mel, Red1, Fillise (I finally remembered how to spell it), Crystle, Trish, Mel and everybody else on this board that I didn't get to address: Love you all, but my throat hurts to hold my head up any longer. Hope you all have a great weekend. We're supposed to have more rain!!

    Poopsie Bubblekisser
  • Hi everyone,

    Sorry I haven't posted lately. I'm having a allergy and sinus season like you wouldn't believe. Welcome to the newbies and congrats on those that have lost the lbs. I'm not losing right now because the baby is growing by leaps and bounds. I've gained 13 lbs in 5 months so I am going to have to wait until I have the baby in another 4 months so I can start losing again. I am still eating SB so I'm am gaining only in the belly area. We found out tuesday we are haveing another little girl. My hubby was kinda disappointed but he got over it fast. He said as long as its healty thats all that matters. We have already named her Ashley Nicole. She is a very active baby, it feels like she is turning somer saults in my tummy. I am getting to the point where I have started having a hard time getting up off of the couch, by the time I get to my delivery date I guess the hubby will have to hire a tow truck

    Happy Birthday Bob and Heartmom!!!!

    Melf sorry to hear about your lose. Will be praying for you and your family.

    To all those that are ill and have ill family members hope you'll are feeling better.

    Well gonna get off here got to call my mother in law and let her know we are coming tomorrow.

    Good nite everyone and have a great weekend!!!
  • Good evening!
    Hello all! Man, it's been a long day. Didn't get much accomplished but I did get mom's salsa made. And had a nice visit with her. Got in this evening and found out my great Aunt died. She was a super lady.

    After getting my wild children and niece calmed down I came to visit the board. And as always you have left me with a smile or two...or three or four. You all really are some awesome people.

    SolShine ...a 30 minute yard sounds really good come July and August. It gets sooo hot here.

    Nance and Shmily ...gonna answer both questions together. *smile* Yep, I'm lazy tonight. It took about 10 months to lose the weight. I stayed OP by allowing myself small cheats..kinda contradictory but true. I would eat 3 pringles when I felt the need for junk food. And I still eat 1 tortilla chip with dip when I feel the urge. My biggest mistake was at my birthday in Dec....I had some cheese cake and ate two huge pieces. It was sooooo much easier to cheat after that. I got back OP more seriously when I found this board..about a month ago I think...maybe only 3 weeks. I mostly walk but late summer and all through winter I did Richard Simmons and some Tae Bo. I'm back to walking. About once a week I do the grind or Richard.

    (((Frog))) I hope life slows down for you soon and have some time just for you.

    Fillise WTG You are doing so good.

    Shirley are right. They are very protective. I can't walk anywhere near Louie without him attacking me. The hubby and kids get a big kick out of my screaming and running...LOL One time I thought he was gonna beat me to death with his wings....I had my hands full. The other male isn't so agressive. I love to watch them at the pond.

    Gator When you say sautee the you mean in a stir fry or cooked down in a fry pan with bacon and onion? Both ways a delicious.

    Thunderwoman ..hope your allergies let up soon. What a beautiful name you've picked for your baby.

    Jeannie..hope you feel better soon. The concert sounds like a blast. Great memories for you and your little girl.

    Pooch ...thanks for the tips.

    Have a super weekend!!!!!!!! And Happy B-Day tomorrow Bob! ((hugzz))


  • Friday evening
    Long day today. I've broken out in some sort of rash--Mom is accusing me of having the anthrax. I called the Dr and his nurse said he couldn't see me until Thursday. I kept breaking out and didn't want it to go over the weekend--so I just went to the office and showed them what was happening. He saw me. I got a steroid shot, steroid pills, and steroid creme. I'll let you know if I start growing hair on my chest tomorrow!

    Crystle-sorry to hear about your great aunt. I'm thinking about you. Hope you get some r and r this weekend--sounds like you could use it!

    Gator--Can't help you out on the squash--Other than zuchinni--I don't think I've ever even cooked squash. You want zuchinni recipes, give me a holler!

    Thunder--Congrats on your news! Ashley Nicole is a beautiful name and she sounds like she is already one active little girl!


    Nance--good to see you on the board again! Love the new name!

    OK--got to go get the old folks to bed Dad and I went to an Auburn baseball game tonight (sorry Missy, but we beat Miss State 7-5). A friend gave me the tickets and I knew they came from the Presdient's office, but not until I got to the game did I realize we were in the president's seats! We were right behind home plate--Dad was thrilled cause he saw all the pitches from directly behind the plate and almost ground level. It was a gorgeous night for a ball game!

    Oh yes--I wanted to share this bit of good news from a tough week. My Aunt died at 2:30 AM on April 13th. Exactly 24 hours later, at 2:30 am on April 14th, her grandson's wife gave birth to a little boy. I like to think he got to spend a day with his great-grandmother in heaven before he was born! Anyway it was a reminder of the great circle of life! (OK so it was a little wierd to be making a list of pallbearers in one breath and making a list of baby names with the next) Life goes on. It is comprised of both sadness and joy.

  • Good morning!!!!!!

    Just a quick hello before I jump into gear for the day. I have to have my cup of coffee, eat a bowl of cereal, clean the pool, take a shower and then take my son's Boy Scout patrol horsebackriding. Its been years since I've been on a horse so wish me luck. The things we do for our kids.

    We had some huge thunderstorms blow through yesterday too. Today we may get some more - I just hope they stay away long enough for us to ride.

    I'll catch up with everyone later - have a great day everyone!!!

  • Good Morning!

    I spent yesterday working on addressing invitations for the wedding, then my daughter, sister in law, and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond for my daughter to do the bridal registry there. I told her there is not going to be a wedding, because I am going to strangle her fiancee! I only have half of his family's address list! I have been after him for three months to get it! Men! It is rather complicated, since his parents are divorced, and both are remarried.

    I had a significant cheat last night. Hubby and I took my youngest daughter out for ice cream last night. Bruster's had sugar free, fat free ice cream...but the flavors were dull! I got a scoop of regular turtle. My hubby is better than I, he got the sugar free, fat free chocolate ripple. We traded half way through the scoops! The SFFF ice cream was ok, but NO comparison with the real stuff. Good thing I am not addicted to ice cream!

    It has been really hot here. Thankfully, it is going to cool off a lot by Monday. Yesterday, we came close to the record here. Hubby is going to open the pool today! Just in time for it to get cold again!

    Someone mentioned SHINGLES recently. I was just reading in a health remedy book that claims high doses of vitamin C help shingles. A doctor used vitamin C injections, coupled with oral doses, and had an almost 100% success rate. It is a stress related problem. My 15 year old had it last year. Almost unheard of in someone so young, but she had been under tremendous stress after the death of her good friend. Wish I had know about the vitamin C then. She missed two weeks of school! You CAN get chicken pox from someone with shingles, by the way.

    Uh oh! My sister in law is due to arrive in minutes to push us through the rest of the invitations! I better go get dressed! More later! Every one have a good day!


    Booger Gigglehiney
  • Hi,

    I decided to start with page 11 because I am so far behind reading. It’s not really going to work because there is information on pages 11 and 12 for which I need some background. Saying that, I wanted to answer a few questions.

    GatorGal: Thank you for the great suggestions for the applesauce. I have a good recipe for pancakes but I will try the berries and applesauce suggestion for the topping. When you said you needed a few good recipes for yellow squash, I looked through my favorite cookbooks and the squash has been sadly neglected. Zucchini fairs much better and I suppose you could substitute. I liked Tranquil's recipe. Another dish I like is to take squash and cut it into chunks, toss with onions and garlic pods, a little olive oil, whatever spices you like and bake at 400 to 450 degrees for about 15 minutes. I like to use Italian seasoning or a mixture of curry spices. You mentioned you like Cornish game hen. I have a great recipe for Cornish game hen in a sherry sauce if you would like for me to post it , I will.

    Toni 48: Thank you also for the applesauce use suggestion.

    Frog: I will need to go back and read previous posts….what is this about you taking a break that JRed mentioned in her post? We need you! Please tell me again where the meeting in October will be held. I understand it is in the eastern part of NC but I can’t remember the information for the town. (area)

    BOB and Heartmom: HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Welcome to the new comers.

    I am off to read some more to try to catch up. I am discouraged that I am so behind and I don't want to skip ahead and miss anything. Please pardon me for not addressing all the important things that have happened in your lives while I have been away. I have you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Bye for now,
  • Did someone say....STEVEN C. CHAPMAN!!!???
    Oh my how I am a big fan of his!! So are my kids, or at least the 4 younger ones. My oldest likes a little harder Christian type music. I took my 3 older kids to go see "Child of the Promise" a year ago w/ SCC, Twilla Paris, ect... SCC played Joseph. We had 2nd row seats in the center and it was AWESOME!!!
    That show sounds realy good. He is not coming to Cinci . What an amazing story! I would have been in tears as well! Isn't it great to have kids that like that type of music! I also love the worship songs! Do you have the latest Michael W. Smith? That is about the best CD I have! He is so Spirit filled! I am always walking around singing about and to the Lord! My little ones always ask if I can turn on "Jesus songs"...

    It is raining here and we had a really quick, but bad storm come through yesterday. Golf ball sized hail (is that how you spell it???).....YIKES!!! I was outside reading and it was beautiful and sunny...then I looked up and it was black. I saw rain coming and got my chair and made it inside. Literally 3 minutes later, the street was starting to flood. Then 15 minutes after that, it was sunny again....

    Well......TOM is finally here and I did not seem to gain the weight this time. I am hoping to keep is so hard during that time!
    BTW.....what does "OP" mean? I have seen it so many times and I can not fgure it out.

    I gotta back later.

  • Good Saturday morning everyone. Woke up at 5 something this morning and laid there till almost 6 and then got up. I love it when the house is all quiet and I'm the first one up. But alas it wasn't to long before the cat and dogs followed. But I have got my oatmeal eaten and walked 25 min. on the treadmill. It rained here last night and parts of Missouri got tornados and hail. Glad it wasn't here and hope everyone in the bad area is okay. You can stand out on the deck and hear the river roaring..... We're having a beautiful spring. My DH brought in the most beautiful branch of a dogwood tree with its creamy flowers on it. They're one of the first to bloom here. Guess I really don't have anything planned today. I'm reading a really good book about Menopause. Called the "Wisdom of Menopause" it really is chocked full of great information and is really interesting. The woman that wrote it is was on Oprah last week I think.

    Yellowrose- would you post that recipe for the cornish hens in sherry sauce? Thank you...

    I forgot to bookmark that Lebanese cooking site and will have to hunt through these posts for it. Any one know what page by chance. gosh am I lazy!!

    Pooch- I'm laughing so hard, your butt is going to be so sore tonight. What a neat thing for you to do. Hope you don't get thunderstorms while you're horseback riding.

    Fillise- If you aren't having the darnest month!!! That shot should clear you up. And make you soooo hungry.... I think they just make hair on your nose... Oh the baseball game sounds wonderful....And what great seats!! That is weird about the your Aunt dying and the grandbaby being born a day later. And to me that is truly not only one of God's wonders but a blessing from him.... Yes the circle of life.

    CountryMom-My gosh can it only be that you're 18 lbs. away from your goal. I love to look at woman that have been really large and near or at their goals. It gives me such inspiration and hope. I try not to look at the long way I have to go but take each day as it comes, but sometimes it seems so far away. Good job lady. I love to hear your stories about your home too..

    Thunderwoman-Sure sounds like you're doing good on your baby weight!! And SB is so good for your baby. Shes getting all the right stuff. The name you picked is so pretty and I'm sure your excited.....

    jred-Oh no, loseing your voice. Wait that might be a dream for my hubby. Bet I could talk with my hands good....It really great its Sat. and maybe you'll have a chance to rest it before Monday. Glad you got those two lbs. off... That makes a body feel oh so good!!!!

    Howdy BigKnightsMom and GatorGal..

    BOB- sounds like you're having a great birthday. And its nice to start early when you turn 50. Have a great real Birthday today. Sounds like you work with some neat people.

    TVthatsme- You sound like someone that really loves her Mom. Its good to vent here and then you can keep your cool every where else. Isn't it something how life throws us these curves. Maybe its for us to learn from them..... Maybe doing a journal of your feelings would help right now. Or writing you Mom and letter and then tearing it up but getting your feelings to her out more.

    Quivondra- You're so lucky to have a gym you can go to. I live in such a small down it would be so neat to have a gym.... Yummy I love to barbeque and have this week... The weather is so nice enjoy and make something great to eat....

    Guess I'll go try and find the Lebanese site. I made a turkey breast last night and it was so good. Guess we'll have left overs tonight. My favorite!!!!

  • It's a silent Saturday this morning
    I love alliteration. Can you tell I"m a poet?

    Yes Kim, we saw him UP CLOSE!!!!! We were on the third row, front, just right of center. We waited and hour and a half for the doors to open, then my daughter weaved her way between people and ran to the front of the church. The first two rows were "reserved" by people connected with the church. That kind of thing really irks me. She got us as close as she could. She asked me before the show why people who are Christian do things like that, it was general admission and they shouldn't have saved their seats beforehand. The people on the first two rows stayed seated and she was able to see. I took some pics with my digital and will send them to you if you'd like. Let me know. BTW: We did the same thing last year for the Jaci Valesquez and Plus One concert. Had the front row for that one! And I love the MWS cd, too. My kids sang one of the songs in choir one night. They always make me cry. And my 17 yr old DD will be singing the Jaci Valesquez song "Adore" at church one night coming up. She has a beautiful voice, is going to state for solo and ensemble and plans to major in music performance in college. She also dances, ballet, so we're looking for schools with strong fine arts programs.

    Lyn: Are you home or still in NC? And if you want to share a friends fly free ticket to the beach in October, let me know. I'd love to travel together. Already told my family that I was going to have a ladies weekend.

    Fillise: You made me cry this morning. That is so touching about your new family member.

    Monet: Don't get writer's cramp. Is it totally unexceptable to use the computer and printer? The fonts are beautiful nowdays and look very elegant.

    Sonya: What a pretty name. Glad your hubby got over his disappointment. I remember when we found out our youngest was a girl, my son was 6, almost 7 and he started crying and said "but I already have a sister" My hubby explained that he'd never really be able to play with her because of the age difference. He ended up being more like a third parent! Always telling the girls what to do.

    Mel: Are you anywhere close to Harrisburg? The USNA Drum & Bugle Corps are going to be up there next weekend for some festival. They're in Myrtle Beach this weekend. They are awesome, if you ever get the chance to go hear them.

    Deb: You and Eli still catching up?

    Gotta run and buy a gift for a bridal luncheon. The voice is back, but it's about 3 octaves below normal. I sound like a fog horn. Don't know if I'll be able to sing at church tomorrow. I'll have to be careful today.

    Take care y'all and have a great weekend.
    "Poopsie Bubblekisser"
    196/163 again, finally!/130