Back Again (SureSlimmer for Life!)

  • I am not totally new here. I made my introductions last year but really failed to follow up on my good intentions (not at all really) to start my new life. Last year was a bit of a nightmare for me all around. Let down personally and professionally and really slumped to probably my all time low. I have been much better the early part of 2008 but haven't been in the frame of mind to pursue my weightloss goals until now. I knew there was no point in starting until I was in the right head space and in the right headspace I am.

    I have decided that I am not going to focus on numbers. I know I am big but I haven't weighed myself in at least 6 months. I want to focus on how I feel and looking at these changes to my life, not as temporary but permanent.

    I lost over 40kgs a few years ago following the SureSlim program. I suffered a few traumas while I was sailing along and through my own self doubt I would say, let the program slip. It is the biggest regret I have because I know that, for me, this program works and will save my life.

    I have recently started back following the program. I am not attending the clinic and as I said, have decided to gauge my results by feel rather than by numbers. I know that I have already lost quite a lot of weight (or perhaps fluid is a better description at this early stage) because my jeans are falling off and my clothes in general are much more comfortable. The last time I started the program I lost about 6kgs in the first week so I am expecting that I have had a dramatic fall on the scales to match the dramatic lift in my sense of wellbeing.

    I know that SureSlim is not a heavily featured program on this board but I hope there are a few others like me who are having success with the program and would like to chat. I am always inspired by what I read when I come here. Keep up the great work everyone.

    Thanks for reading.
  • Welcome Back

    I'm not sure what SureSlim is but you could start out by asking the chickies in the General Diet Plans section

    Good luck !!!! and its good you found your way back.

  • Back!

    You're ready when you're ready. And now is the time.

    You can do this!
  • Glad to have you here, you sound very motivated!

  • Hi All, thanks for the welcome messages. Still going strong 3 weeks in. I am always amazed at how I feel on this program. Will check out the general diet area... thanks for the tip!
  • Wow, good for you! Three weeks is wonderful. Hang in there and so glad you have found your way to us again!
